31 January 2010

RatioMaster 1.9.0 by Moofdev.net

Version 1.9.0

* Bug fix : fixed several problems with parsing some torrent files
* Bug fix : fixed several resource leaks
* Bug fix : fixed startup crash on some systems and added more robust error message for such cases
* Update : new translation and client files (23 languages)

190.31 KB

http://www.moofdev.net/download/RatioMaster-1.9.0.zip Left click "save target as..."

DL Page: http://www.moofdev.net/ratiomaster/downloads

Homepage: http://www.moofdev.net/ratiomaster


Anonymous said...

Moofdev is gone?

Recon said...

Looks like. I get by the domain a 404 not found. Maybe and hope they change website just and will be back soon

RM_Fan said...

New Ratio Master Plus version 1.4

RMP an update or service pack to RM, that add some critical fixes to it .
it's not a recode of RM, it is Ratio Master with some hot fixes, so all
the coding credit goes to the original coder of Ratio Master.

RMP Based on the code of RM 1.9.2b (Last public RM at moofdev),

Hint :
No more detection at any tracker .

Download and Change log :

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