15 June 2022

eMule v0.60d Broadband x64 2022.06.14

eMule - broadband branch

The initial purpose of this project was to provide an eMule repository (including dependencies) that is ready to build and update the dependent libraries when possible. This branch specifically focuses on providing a build that is better suited to address nowadays file sizes and broadband availability. Default hard-coded parameters of eMule were better suite for small-files/slow-connections, leading to very low per-client transfer rates by nowadays standards.
The focus here is to maximise throughput for broadband users, to optimize seeding.
The focus is as well to introduce the least amount of changes to preserve the original quality and stability of the client.

IP 2 Country
As some other minor change to the upload list, the IP 2 Country is being added back. At some point it will be updated to latest formats, but for now just google GeoIPCountryWhois.csv to download a reasonably recent file and place it in your config-folder.

Just get che zip from the release and replace your current executable. Be sure to make a backup of %LOCALAPPDATA%\eMule first, as this is a "beta" build which requires testing, even if the amount of changes are minimal some external dependencies have been bumped up at compiler flags made uniform to optimize the runtime.



feel free to give some feedback

19 December 2021

eMule v0.60d Community


This is a maintenance release.

Issues found since the release of version 0.60d were fixed:

  • crash in parts conversion
  • avoid unpacking of compacted files
  • allow MediaInfo.dll version 21.09

Available downloads

  • eMule0.60d-Installer.exe - this application will install or update eMule; contains all language DLLs
  • eMule0.60d-Installer64.exe - installer for 64-bit Windows only; contains all language DLLs
  • eMule0.60d.zip - "binaries" archive for manual installation; contains only 4 language DLLs
  • eMule0.60d_x64.zip - "binaries" archive for 64-bit Windows only; contains only 4 language DLLs
  • eMule0.60d-Sources.zip - source code for developers.


15 May 2021

eMule v0.60c Community


This is a maintenance release.

Issues found since the release of version 0.60b were fixed; minor enhancements were made:

  • regressions, including one in UPnP Windows service implementation
  • use BindAddr variable in UPnP miniupnpc library implementation
  • restore from tray icon should be more reliable
  • allow MediaInfo.dll version 21.03
  • removed high DPI avareness from manifest

Available downloads

  • eMule0.60c-Installer.exe - this application will install or update eMule; contains all language DLLs
  • eMule0.60c-Installer64.exe - installer for 64-bit Windows only; contains all language DLLs
  • eMule0.60c.zip - "binaries" archive for manual installation; contains only 4 language DLLs
  • eMule0.60c_x64.zip - "binaries" archive for 64-bit Windows only; contains only 4 language DLLs
  • eMule0.60c-Sources.zip - source code for developers.

Direct Download Github:


ed2k Download:

14 December 2020

BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta


Coded by:

>>>>>> DigitalDJ & ghostfucker <<<<<<


>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<
>>>>>> Rebound <<<<<<
>>>>>> hitman <<<<<<
>>>>>> Manas <<<<<<
>>>>>> eudora <<<<<<
>>>>>> ghostfucker <<<<<<
>>>>>> anon <<<<<<
>>>>>> Instab <<<<<<
>>>>>> cloud99 <<<<<<
>>>>>> illusive <<<<<<
>>>>>> molosse <<<<<<
>>>>>> --->HDBD<--- <<<<<<

Supplied by:

>>>>>> SB-Innovation <<<<<<

Original Mod by:

>>>>>> Shu <<<<<<

Change Log:

+ Fix PerfectSpoof sending User-Agent to tracker

+ Integrated Peer Injector 0.3 by anon

+ Perfect Spoof 2 by ghostfucker

+ uTorrent ID Generator

+ Modifiable Client Files

+ Ghostleech

+ LTEP Fixes

+ Multiple peerlist entries fixed

+ More No Report Options

+ (Fake Upload) Stop faking when swarm speed is zero

+ Upload Kicker

+ Ratio Tool

+ Synced with latest LegitBly Mod

+ (Upload Multiplier) Show as seeder

+ (SBI-Hack Torrentview) Scrollbars added

+ Fix Tracker Update Interval Divider

+ Use Swarm Peers fixed

+ Updated core to BiglyBT



1. Download the latest OpenJDK Java. It must be Java version 15 or higher. (JDK GA Release).
2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download). Do not open BiglyBT after installation.
3. BACK UP YOUR TORRENT LIST! IT IS LIKELY YOU WILL LOSE IT! You must export your torrents. Copying or exporting / importing old configurations will not work.
4. Extract the hack files using 7-Zip (7-Zip Download) or equivalent to %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT) and overwrite ALL files.
5. Delete the "jre" folder in %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
6. Open the OpenJDK archive downloaded in step 1 and extract the "jdk-XX" folder to the BiglyBT folder %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
7. Rename the extracted "jdk-XX" folder to "jre".
8. Run Notepad as Administrator and open %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT\BiglyBT.exe.vmoptions (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT\BiglyBT.exe.vmoptions), append the following line:
NOTE: If you want to run BiglyBT-console.exe perform step 8 but instead create file "BiglyBT-console.exe.vmoptions"


9. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

eMule v0.60b Community

Notice: testing of the version 0.60 has been completed.
Thanks to everyone who tried pre-release builds; your bug reports were most helpful.

Several issues found in the version 0.60a were fixed, and a newer version was prepared.

This is a maintenance release.

A number of issues found since the release of version 0.60a were fixed:

  • incorrectly disabled Preview item in context menu of downloads list
  • memory leak in storing searches routine
  • regression in frame grabber
  • AICH tag publishing

It has been a while, but finally the code has got changes, new executables were compiled and prepared for testing.

Internally, the changes are extensive; there are security improvements and optimisations, a few bugs and regressions were fixed.
All that might be, and in many cases should be, invisible to users.

The visible side of the changes should be:
  • SMTP email notifications can use secure transmission and user authentication
  • HTTPS can be used for downloading server.metnodes.datIP filter and language DLLs
  • servers: first connection is tried as obfuscated (often server capabilities were unknown at the time)
  • minor increase in KAD publishing rate
  • Windows UPnP implementation got changes (and needs field testing)
  • improved compatibility with the latest versions of mediainfo.dll, including 20.09
  • uniform checks for data rate limits
  • parts import for handling broken downloads (should be enabled in Options->Extended - for the current session only)

And now, have you been attentive enough and noticed plural form executables in the first phrase?
This is not a mistake, there are two executable files, because eMule gets 32-bit and 64-bit builds.

THX to fox88

14 August 2020

Testing Emule 0.60A (Beta)

It has been a while, but finally the code has got changes, new executables were compiled and prepared for testing.
This is the first public beta of eMule 0.60a.

Internally, the changes are extensive; there are security improvements and optimisations, a few bugs and regressions were fixed.
All that might be, and in many cases should be, invisible to users.

The visible side of the changes should be:
  • SMTP email notifications can use secure transmission and user authentication
  • HTTPS can be used for downloading server.metnodes.datIP filter and language DLLs
  • servers: first connection is tried as obfuscated (often server capabilities were unknown at the time)
  • minor increase in KAD publishing rate
  • Windows UPnP implementation got changes (and needs field testing)
  • improved compatibility with the latest versions of mediainfo.dll, including 20.08
  • uniform checks for data rate limits
  • parts import for handling broken downloads (should be enabled in Options->Extended - for the current session only)

And now, have you been attentive enough and noticed plural form executables in the first phrase?
This is not a mistake, there are two executable files, because eMule gets 32-bit and 64-bit builds.

In 64-bit Windows it is possible to use well know "overwrite the executable" kind of upgrade as the simplest way to switch between 32-bit and 64-bit builds or versions - there and back.
Of course, external DLLs (MediaInfo.dll, for one) must have the same bitness as eMule itself.

It is advisable to update eMule.tmpl file (a regression was fixed) if you are using Web Interface. The file can be downloaded from repository.

