eMule DaZZle Leecher - Build 29.10.2010
DaZZle Leecher (based on eMule 0.50a)

Add: Server rotation
Add: Show part count in shared parts bar if show more controls enabled
Add: Show spread part count in spreadbar if show more controls enabled
Add: Make part count sortable
Fix: Missing code in Average Queue Ranking
Add: Show MinQR in download speed column if show more controls enabled
Fix: Some minor bugs
Add: IntelliFlush (always enabled) [WiZaRd]
Change: File Buffer Size increased a bit to 7,5 MB max. because of IntelliFlush [Spike2]
Add: Spreadbar [Slugfiller]
Add: Double click uncomplete files in SharedFile window display FileDetail [SiRoB]
Add: Client percentage (morph/Xman)
Add: Emulate other [???/WiZaRd/Torni/Spike2]
Remove: Country name column in lists (you can see name in client details)
Add: A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname [sivka]
Add: Overlay icon for share visibility
Change: Icon ClientCompatible to ClientDefault (now "green cross" is only show for ClientCompatible)
Add: Winsock2 Support [eWombat/eMulefuture]
Add: ReAsk Sources after IP Change [Maella/Stulle]
Add: ReqFiles [itsonlyme/David Xanatos]
Add: Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2/TK4]


Add: Server rotation
Add: Show part count in shared parts bar if show more controls enabled
Add: Show spread part count in spreadbar if show more controls enabled
Add: Make part count sortable
Fix: Missing code in Average Queue Ranking
Add: Show MinQR in download speed column if show more controls enabled
Fix: Some minor bugs
Add: IntelliFlush (always enabled) [WiZaRd]
Change: File Buffer Size increased a bit to 7,5 MB max. because of IntelliFlush [Spike2]
Add: Spreadbar [Slugfiller]
Add: Double click uncomplete files in SharedFile window display FileDetail [SiRoB]
Add: Client percentage (morph/Xman)
Add: Emulate other [???/WiZaRd/Torni/Spike2]
Remove: Country name column in lists (you can see name in client details)
Add: A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname [sivka]
Add: Overlay icon for share visibility
Change: Icon ClientCompatible to ClientDefault (now "green cross" is only show for ClientCompatible)
Add: Winsock2 Support [eWombat/eMulefuture]
Add: ReAsk Sources after IP Change [Maella/Stulle]
Add: ReqFiles [itsonlyme/David Xanatos]
Add: Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2/TK4]
