08 April 2015

eMule v0.50b - Apex 0.9 08.04.2015 by morph4u

New modification of official eMule v0.50b dev code
Mainly UI changes with many useful features under the hood ;)
A light version of ClientAnalyzer for tracing bad clients is integrated.
And many others... check it out, but keep in mind it's not a final 0.50b and might be bugs or crashes.
It's not a leecher mod and all is official code inside.
At moment only english.
Feedback is desirable.

Tip #1:

If you start this mod new, Apex download at connect to kad or server,
automaticly newest nodes.dat or server.met.
Also you can do this manuel for servers with rightclick menu in serverwindow
or kad with a double click on statusbar kad contacts.

Tip #2:

You can switch progressbar display in options/display/smooth progressbar.

Tip #3:

Some features are default disabled like category.
You can find the setting in new toolbar on top inside the tools menu.

Tip #4:

The statistic window is set default to old style.
You can change this in options/statistics/ols style graph.

Tip #5:

ClientAnalyzer event logs are default disabled.
To enable, change in prefernces.ini LogAnalyzerEvents=0 to 1
and enable in options/extended verbose log



thx to morph4u
powered by Sharing-Devils

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 21.03.2015]


eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 21.03.2015]

Changed: Update to official beta 1 (http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=159790)


Modification of official eMule v0.50b
Mainly UI changes with many useful features under the hood ;)
Parts of ClientAnalyzer for tracing bad clients are integrated.


eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 31.10.2014]

Changed: Update official code (http://sourceforge.net/p/emule/code/commit_browser)
replace filedonkey with contentdb, disable overlapped sockets for now,
smaller bugfixes (fox), large files dates fix
(minor) crash fix

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 16.02.2014]

Changed: Update official code (http://sourceforge.net/p/emule/code/commit_browser)
*4+gb download bugfix from new code, minor bugfixes (fox)

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 12.02.2014]

Changed: Update official code (http://sourceforge.net/p/emule/code/commit_browser)
*download bugfix, close minimized fix, http sources fix, minor leaks/fixes
ReAdded: Connection Wizard [morph4u]
Added: Slider to set days for check ipfilter updates [morph4u]

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 07.02.2014]

Changed: Update official code (http://sourceforge.net/p/emule/code/commit_browser)
*obfuscated serverconnections bugfix
Changed: Update miniupnpc-1.9 (31/01/2014) http://miniupnp.free.fr/

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 02.02.2014]

Cleaned sourcecode and small fixes [morph4u]
Added: Availability column in downloadlist (column default disabled) [morph4u]
Fixed: Proper code for Availability column [morph4u]

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 31.01.2014]

Added: Dynamic Block Request (faster endgame) [NetFinity]
Added: Drop blocking upload client [Stulle, morph4u]
Removed: Low-color support [Tux]

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 30.01.2014]

Fix: Missing code part in shell context menu [morph4u]

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 29.01.2014]

Added: Multi friend slots [SIRoB/Yun.SF3]
Added: 1:3 Sessionratio *limitations for multi FS and partfile PS [WiZaRd]
Added: Show ratio activation,"L" (limited DL) beside D/U display on statusbar [SiRoB]
Added: Show current DL limit tooltip on statusbar D/U field if ratio is active [SiRoB]

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 28.01.2014]

Added: Shell Context Menu in sharedfiles list [eMulePlus/morph4u]
Added: Icon to mark ClientAnalyzer detected clients in all lists [WiZaRd]
Added: Switch for ClientAnalyzer log events in options/extended/verbose [morph4u]
Added: Display icon in friendlist if friendslot is enabled

Changed: Minor bug fixes [morph4u]

eMule v0.50b by morph4u [build 27.01.2014]

Adapted and compiled with VisualStudio 2010 and newest libs

Added: Parts of ClientAnalyzer [WiZaRd]
Added: InvisbleMode [TPT/MoNKi]
Added: Modeless dialog for options window [Xanatos]
Added: SpeedGraph window [dolphinX]
Added: Tray ballon tool tip [dolphinX]
Added: Show IP-filter hits [dolphinX]
Added: Show Kad count in statusbar [morph4u]
Added: Friend actions in every list [Tuxman]
Added: Check already downloaded files [MoNKi/Xman]
Added: Colors in list for friends/friendslot [morph4u]
Added: Chat log [CB/WiZaRd]
Added: Minimum Queue Rank in status column [?/morph4u]
Added: Switchable system icons in downloadlist [morph4u]
Added: Simplified DL progress [WiZaRd]
Assed: Credit system always enabled [Tuxman]
Added: New tool bar on top [dolphinX]
Added: GDI Plus UI [dolphinX]
Added: New about box [morph4u]
Added: IP-filter auto update [Xman]
Added: Show runtime on staus bar [morph4u]
Added: Tooltip fix [WiZaRd]
Added: Some code improvements [Xman]
Added: Offline friend data [WiZaRd]
Added: Save friendslot [WiZaRd]
Added: Hash progress [?]
Added: Open log folder in new toolbar [morph4u]
Added: Open incoming folder in new toolbar [morph4u]
Added: Show shareable files checkboxes in shared files window
Added: Show UPnP status in network info [?]
Added: Old style graph window switchable in statistics [TK4]
Added: Manual update server.met rightclick menu in server window [morph4u]
Added: Auto download nodes.dat if is not in folder and you connect kad [WiZaRd]
Added: Auto download server.met if is not in folder and you connect to server [morph4u]
Added: Update URL's for server.met and nodes.dat modifiable in prefernces.ini [morph4u]
Added: Additional Localize, ok, cancel, apply buttons [dolphinX]
Added: Memleak fix [WiZaRd]
Added: EvenLine, the light blue stripes in lists [dolphinX]
Added: Tooltip fix [bscabral]

Removed: Kad window [morph4u]
Removed: IRC window [morph4u]
Removed: Help [morph4u]
Removed: PeerCache [dolphinX]
Removed: Minimule [morph4u]
Removed: Scheduler [morph4u]
Removed: MobileMule [morph4u]
Removed: WebServer [morph4u]
Removed: Wizzard [morph4u]
Removed: Credits dialog [morph4u]
Removed: Taskbar notifier [morph4u]
Removed: Text to speech [morph4u]
Removed: Search related [morph4u]
Removed: Web menu [morph4u]
Removed: Icons in all lists [morph4u]
Removed: Debug log in release build [dolphinX]
Removed: Status bar log [morph4u]
Removed: Windows 7 GUI goodies [morph4u]
Removed: Language info at first start [morph4u]
Removed: Notification options page [morph4u]
Removed: Messages options page [morph4u]
Removed: Frames in all lists [morph4u/idea by jerry]
Removed: Shared status icons in shared files window, intead gray text for not published files [morph4u]
Removed: Up/Down bars in tray icon [morph4u]
Removed: Copy html stats [morph4u]

Changed: New category order and switchable to display [morph4u]
Changed: Category tabs default disabled, enable in new tollbar/tools [morph4u]
Changed: Splashcreen [Xman/dolphinX]
Changed: Some icons [morph4u]
Changed: Chat window [morph4u]
Changed: Tray menu [dolphinX]
Changed: Tray dialog [dolphinX]
Changed: Rating [morph4u]
Changed: Some text labels [morph4u]
Changed: Remaining time only show if it is useful [morph4u]
Changed: Gray color clients for expand downloadlist [morph4u]
Changed: Preview menu [morph4u]
Changed: Official versions check now in new toolbar [morph4u]
Changed: Time stamp in chat window [morph4u]
Changed: Staus bar to non custom control [morph4u]
Changed: XMessageBox [dolphinX]
Changed: Connection state icon [morph4u]
Changed: Status bar [morph4u]
Changed: Friendlist [morph4u]
Changed: Log window, draw date and time with defaultcolor [SiRoB]
Changed: Download dialog [morph4u]
Changed: Staus bar tool tips and double click events [morph4u]
Changed: Toolbar [morph4u]
Changed: Manual update nodes.dat from url (doubleclick on kad contacts in status bar) [morph4u]
Changed: SetTreeViewMode to false in optionspage [morph4u]
Changed: Search default to Kad [morph4u]
Changed: Kad default enabled [morph4u]
Changed: Searchwindow proper size [morph4u]
Changed: Splitter range in shared files window [morph4u]
Changed: Hide list icons if list is disabled [dolphinX]
Changed: Up/Down display to Down/Up display [morph4u]
Changed: Many code for all UI changes [morph4u]
Changed: Some default settings [morph4u]
