24 March 2010

eMule 0.49c ToXiC 1.1

Based on Xtreme + PrE leecher features

+ Reask single source(3 way: original, calculated by own algo, manual)
+ Up4Up (upload to a client only if you downloaded 1 byte more you already uploaded)
+ Friends Handling (friendslot saving, auto friendslot, friend boost, remove all friendslot)
+ Links for Server list and nodes file [stulle]
* Better splash display
* Major bug on Manual source request when selecting only 1 file
* Readded missing icon in upload list
* Optimized manual source request (now react immediately)
* Minor changes

+ Spooky Mode
+ Connection Checker
+ Manual Source Request on context menu [xanatos]
+ ExtendedUdpCache [xanatos]
+ Emulate other clients
+ Unshare single file (was already from 0.8)
* Recoded source requests in transfer window (also icons changed from neomule)
* Minor fixes & changes

8.02 MB

emule.exe is pacKed with VMProtect ( www.vmprotect.ru )


me said...

das isn fakerank opfer

Anonymous said...

ottima relase continuate ma traducetela intutto in italiano alcune funzione non si capiscono per chi sa solo italiano nelle condivisioni di file crescia per il resto e ok

Anonymous said...

la versione 50 quando la iniziate bravi siete mitici ciao

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