Based on Gina Trapani About This Site Bookmarks 1.5
http://ginatrapani.org/workshop/firefox/aboutsite/ (lifehacker build + ninjatribe build -
http://ninjatribe.com/xpi/ )
Page-specific bookmarking tool with support for URL, domain, title, and selected text variables.
Changes in About This Site 1.6:Fixed: show all, open multiple tabs in Firefox 3.5 - 3.6pre
Bugfix: Extension ID was given the same ID as Platform browser (Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Flock, Songbird,...)
Fixed: conflict with mrtech toolbox/local install
Fixed: conflict with Google PageRank Status v1.0 Extension for Firefox (http://pizzaseo.com/firefox-pagerank) //extension id conflict
Made compatible from Firefox 0.8 up to latest Firefox/3.6a1pre (Minefield)
Features:Not less than 60 services have been added to lookup Domain info, DNS + Web Host owner info but also Social Bookmarking combined with Cache View, PDF and Printer view, tons of URL Stats, Webmaster Tools, Site validation, Site Benchmark and many more...
Services to lookup, bookmark and get info from a Website you visit:Alexa Related Links, Alexa Traffic Details, AboutUs, Fagan Finder URLinfo, Compete snapshot, del.icio.us bookmark, digg most dugg URLs, digg this page, Gmail this (page with selected text), Google Cache, Google Linked (site), popuri Rank, Netcraft Site report, Netcraft What's this site running, Open Directory, Simpy bookmarks, SiteAdvisor, StumbleUpon, Technorati Cosmos, URL Trends Report, Wayback Machine Archive, Wayback Machine Archive (site), Whois, Wikipedia lookup, KeywordSpy, Websiteoutlook, CubeStat, UrlTrends Trend Report, Sitedossier, Build with, TagWalk, Coral Cache view, URLROW Site Details, Robex DNS Details, DNS 14x Details, Who is Hosting This, Bookmark This, Print-friendly, RSS 2 PDF, BackupUrl, HOST Country, HOST GeoLocation, AddThis, AddToAny, WebWait Benchmark Website, Create TinyUrl, Yahoo! Buzz, Xmarks Site Info, Google Preview Snapshot, iMRD metrics, Semrush About Domain, CoolStats, WebsiteLens, SimilarSites, Google URL Info,...
About This Site 1.6 replace the following Extensions (Features are included embedded/merged):
- Coral extension v0.91 http://www.coralcdn.org/plugins/ (limit to current site)
- Cache View 1.7 http://techknowssoftware.com/ - https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/2323
- Resurrection page (w/o msn & yahoo cache)
Available bookmark variables: * %s: Site domain, ie.: google.com.
* %p: Page URL, ie.: http://rapid.us.to/example/thispage.php
* %t: Current page's title, ie, "About This Site 1.6 Firefox Extension - Über diese Seite Lesezeichen 1.6 Firefox Erweiterung Addon - · Web Files Leech ·"
* %%h: Text you've selected (highlighted) on the current page. (Note the double %).
* %x: The page's path, ie, /example/thispage.php
Single percent sign variables are not URL-encoded. To URL encode a variable, use double %%'s, ie, %%p would be the encoded page URL.
Über diese Seite Lesezeichen v1.6 / About This Site BookmarksSeiten spezifische Lesezeichen-Tool mit Unterstützung für URL, Domain, Titel, Text und ausgewählte Variablen.

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Install/Download: About This Site 1.6 Firefox ExtensionEnglish only:
About This Site 1.6Source: