28 February 2011

UPX Graphical 1.39 Freeware from Dirk Paehl

Graphical GUI incl UPX 3.07 and a scrambler.

Support Drag & Drop and context-menu. With many further information. UPX. NO external program required. UPX is a very good exe compressor and opensource freeware. With this scrambler you can't unpack the exe with upx any more. With German manual.

New: You can choose between external (DOS-Windows) or an internal output, Result after compression. You can choose an external UPX.EXE or the internal.


Download | DDL | Mirror

27 February 2011

Get 4shared Premium fileshare hosting for free

Dear readers,

Still looking for that hosted solution? - then this might be something for you, a solution which provides 10GB for "FREE" with fair terms.

4shared is a hosted solution for easy management and accessibility for your files, a file share hosting service that provides many different solutions.

• Desktop application access
• Easy manageable web interface
• Access via WebDAV

The 4shared desktop is similar to the familiar Windows Explorer and allows easy handling of the online files. One can move, copy, rename, paste a file or directory, create a sub-domain and can even see a live preview on most multimedia file formats. Multiple files can be selected at once and downloaded as a zip file or create an archive but it will only support one stream. Upload and download from 4shared desktop application is achieved by using multiple connections for each file, so the speed increases dramatically. Premium users can share direct download links, which is a very welcome feature for the downloader, and benefit from downloading without waiting time from the appropriate file download page. On the other hand, using the download page, you can get feedbacks from the downloaders in form of comments and file rating that can be posted there if you allow this function. Another cool feature is sharing on social sites. Once a new file have been released it can be automatically shared on Twitter, Facebook and Co. so that friends remain up to date. 4shared Desktop supports drag 'n drop and the use of proxies. Also, you can create a list of favorites. A trash can function in case that one has accidentally deleted something and wants to undo is included. An infinite number of sub-folders to gain a clear directory structure can be created. The user interface is clearly designed, similar to the online version. Uploads and downloads with detailed information about the path and time history gives you a helpful overview. Subscribing through RSS feeds to each directory is also supported. This is especially cool if you have uploaded pictures to see them in the feed as thumbnails. Furthermore, embedding a download folder in a web page, creating widgets, embed SWF, video and audio can be easily done with the given html and bb codes. Online zip and unzip are other highlights of 4shared. The program, as well as the online version, is currently available in 16 languages. After a brief settling-in period one becomes quickly familiar with all the features that the application offers.

You can with WebDAV easily mount your 4shared account as a drive on your computer (how to read here) or using NetDrive:

If you experience problems on Windows 7 by mounting the WebDrive, save the following lines as patch.bat and run:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Alternatively 4shared offers mobile solutions of which you can access all files from your account via your cell phone, iPhone or BlackBerry.

Creating an account is absolutely free and very simple to set up and you will be hosting all your files in no time, once logged in you have the option of changing settings for activity, privacy and edit permissions for your account.

Benefits with 4shared:
• Sign up process is completely free and simple.
• Your files will be hosted on high-speed servers.
• Multi-threaded transfers for rapid upload, downloads.
• Easy to use file manager, wich works just like explorer.
• Keep your files in sync from local PC's and online account.

Allowed File types:
• document file (*.doc, *.txt, *.pdf, *.rtf, *.xls)
• music file (*.mp3, *.ogg, *.wav, *.mid)
• video file (*.avi, *.mpg, *.mpeg)
• image file (*.jpg, *.gif, *.bmp, *.png)
• zip file (*.zip, *.rar, *.arj)

Share your activity?
With 4shared, you can share your activities such as uploads, downloads, comments and rating with your friends at Twitter, Facebook and Orkut.

4shared's space limit is 10 GB per free account and you may upload as many files as you like, the file size limitation is 200 MB per file but you can split files into parts using their multi-upload feature. To increase the file size limitation you would have to upgrade to their premium plan. In Premium mode the maximum upload size is 6000 MB. Remote upload from url's is also possible with 4shared. The servers are fast and good accessible from anywhere. We reach constant full line speed by uploading files multi threaded using 4shared Desktop. It really makes a lot of fun to upload and download quickly on 4shared.

Our sponsor 4shared has given us 1x 12, 2x 3 and 5x 1 months of Premium Accounts for a giveaway.

How you can get one of these premium accounts for free:

1. Follow us and share this article on Twitter, Facebook, Digg or other social networking.
2. Join our community with FriendConnect and subscribe to our Newsfeed.
3. Leave a meaningful comment.

Under all comments we will select random the winners on 2nd April 2011.

Ad Muncher Premium and Basic License Winners


1x Ad Muncher Premium License for 1 year:


3x Ad Muncher Basic License for 1 year:

Azziz Mouloud


We fired your email and names to Ad Muncher. You will hear from them shortly.

25 February 2011

sharkThief 0.2.4 (GrooveShark) Music Downloader

Bei SharkThief handelt es sich um einen GrooveShark Downloader mit vielen Features.
Grooveshark ist eine Online-Plattform auf der man so gut wie jedes Lied streamen kann. Das kleines Tool ermöglicht es euch, diese Streams einfach und schnell herunterzuladen. Der Vorteil ist man muss nicht die Internetseite aufrufen sondern kann direkt im Programm suchen und herunterladen. Die Lieder sind in Top Qualität und der Downloadspeed ist auch 1A.

sharkThief is a Grooveshark downloader with many features.
This little tool allows you to download multiple streams from Grooveshark quickly and easily. The advantage is that you don't have to call up the website but can right away in the program download any song and play a preview. With a advanced song search you can find any song and batch download many songs at one time. Therefore you reach higher speeds as in other Grooveshark downloading tools. The songs are in top quality and the download speed is very fast. The program require .net frameworks 3.5 and runs on any Windows version.

Da das Programm auf WPF basiert, wird das .Net Framwork 3.5 benötigt.
Das nennenswerteste an dem Tool sind die parallelen Downloads mit den denen gegenüber anderer GrooveShark Downloader viel höhere Downloadgeschwindigkeiten erreicht werden können.


#Update 0.2:
-Komplett überarbeitete Version

#Update 0.2.1:
-Move to Top Botton
-Updater in seperate exe ausgelagert
-Bei Error probiert er jetzt 3mal
-Option für Filter Duplicates Automatisch
-Anzahl der Selektierten Items bei Search
-Einige Bugs gefixxt

#Update 0.2.2
-Music Player integriert
-Song Preview in der Suche integriert
-Song vom Selben Interpreten Finden Button
-Ausgewählte Items am Anfang des DLM einfügen
-Downloads Refresh Button
-Custom Save Format Funktion
-Link zur Website hinzugefügt
-Viele Bugfixes

#Update 0.2.3
-Button im Music Player zum Hinzufügen zur Downloadliste.
-Speedbegrenzung (für die, die nicht die dickste Leitung haben )
-Bug behoben wenn das Programm lange offen ist
-Eigenes Container Format (.stc)
-Year und Tracknumber beim Custom Saveformat
-Einige kleine Bugfixes

#Update 0.2.4
-Funktionierendes Container Format
-Batch Search
-Lied in Downloads abspielen mit Doppelklick
-Paar Designe Änderungen
-Einige kleine Bugfixes

HomePage: http://sharkthief.tk/

Download Mirror | Mirror

Better Grooveshark 1.45 premium mode

- add temporary premium license (merge from v1.32)
- remove redundant ads feature - replaced with premium mode

other changes see Better Grooveshark
Since version 1.45 every feature may be optionally set in the "BetterGS" menu (button is located in the upper right)

Install user-script (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)
Install Firefox extension (Firefox 3 - 4.0)

Winner of Game Jackal Pro License

We are proudly announcing the winner of Game Jackal Pro License today.

Congratulations to the lucky winner:


We forwarded your info to SlySoft and they will shortly contact you with your license.

24 February 2011

eMule 0.50a XdP v5.2 Final


ADD : European Community V2 (umeK)*
ADD : FunnyNick (Sirob/xrmb/Stulle)
ADD : Upload only to eMule/aMule switchable (umeK)
CHANGE : Don't punish Friends on CA Detection methods (umeK)
CHANGE : No server ads (Tux)
CHANGE : changed /added links for nodes.dat,server.met & ipfilter.dat (umeK)
CHANGE : better mod defaults (umeK)
CHANGE : some changes/improvements on prefpages [grey out some options,rearrangement...] (umeK)
CHANGE : more infos to -XdP- Stats + small rearrangement and changed showing infos in some cases (umeK)
CHANGE : better Filefeedback [german,english,rearrangement,text in bold,show complete Sources...] (umeK)
CHANGE : changed kad filestoring (umeK)
IMPROVE : small changes on Kad-Boost (umeK)
IMPROVE : clientcleanup (umeK/few code from Xtreme)
IMPROVE : recode some parts of Share Permissions (umeK)
FIX : fixed a small Bug on Friend.cpp (umeK)
FIX : fixed a Memleak on WebServer.cpp (WiZaRd)
FIX : fixed counting file requests twice in some cases (WiZaRd)
FIX : fixed a rare Crash Bug on leecherhandling (umeK)
FIX : fixed IP-handling guilty for several problems (umeK)
REMOVE : old editable string based Community code (umeK)
REMOVE : multichunks for ps files (umeK)
ADD/CHANGE/REMOVE/FIX/IMPROVE : many other things around the mod (umeK)

*Changelog European Community v0.4:
ADD : adding a switch to disable community modus (umeK)
ADD : Community score & queue system (umeK)
ADD : Setable transfer difference for community members (umeK)
ADD : Setable Community chunks/Communityslot feature (umeK)
ADD : Counter on Transferwindow for community members (umeK)
ADD : Community visualization with Icon on all lists + ClientDialog (umeK)
ADD : Community logging (umeK)
ADD : send Real Modstring to community members (umeK)
CHANGE : Don't punish Community on CA Detection methods (umeK)
CHANGE : disable leeching,banning faking etc. for community members :-D (umeK)
CHANGE : grey out Community option on File permissions if community is disabled (umeK)
CHANGE : disable captcha check for community members (umeK)
CHANGE : check Ratio if community enabled (umeK)
IMPROVE : Drop System [No dropping/blocking of community members] (umeK)
IMPROVE : slot spread advantage for community members (umeK)
IMPROVE : overflow for community members if queuelimit reached (umeK)

This is a fresh new community and not compatible with older versions of the European community...
many thx to Hooligan for some ideas and Betateam for testing...


ed2k Download:

23 February 2011

5x AIDA64 Extreme Edition licenses to GiveAway


AIDA wurde Ende letztes Jahr wieder zu den urspruenglichen Namen, jedoch mit der Erweiterung 64 umgetauft. Zwischenzeitlich wurde es auch bekannt als Everest.

AIDA64 ist ein System Tool das genauen Aufschluss auf die Hardware gibt. Es kann darueber hinaus noch jede Menge mehr z.B. System Benchmark aber auch eine detailierte Auskunft ueber die auf dem Computer Installierten Treiber und vorhandene Antivirus/Sicherheitssoftware erteilen.

Oftmals findet man auf einem System das ein Treiber fuer eine zunaechst unbekannte Hardware fehlt. AIDA64 kann da Abhilfe schaffen indem es jede Hardwarekomponente identifiziert. Somit ist es leicht den entsprechenden Treiber zu finden. Es ist hilfreich bei Firmware und Bios updates aber auch um bei den installierten Treibern nach Updates Ausschau zu halten bzw. auf einen Blick zu sehen welche Treiber Versionen installiert sind.

Natuerlich steht im Vordergrund die Hardware Eigenschaften zu erkunden als auch die Sensoren des Computers im Auge zu behalten.
Will man etwas mehr aus seinen Computer herausholen durch uebertackten, ist AIDA64 ein unverzichtbares Tool um das System zu ueberwachen.

Anders als im Windows eigenen Hardware Manager bietet AIDA64 zu jeder vorhandenen Komponente eine vollstaendige Auskunft sei es CPU oder ueber ein angeschlossenes Laufwerk. Es zeigt von Hardware Hersteller, Revision bis hin zur Firmware auch die technischen Spezifikationen mit an. Laufende Prozesse auf dem PC und DLL Dateien die in Anwendung sind, werden zudem mit Versionsnummern dargestellt. Weiterhin verschaft AIDA64 eine Uebersicht auf das Netzwerk und die Computer Konfiguration. Ein umfangreicher Report mit allen angezeigten Daten kann ebenso erstellt werden. Es werden neben Englisch 37 weitere Sprachen unterstuetzt.

Lediglich der Menue Punkt "Security" welcher die installierte Antivirus, Anti-Trojan, Anti-Spyware und Firewall Software auflisten sollte zeigt nicht immer das an was installiert ist. So wurde BitDefender Antivirus auf unserem System nicht erkannt.

Benutzer von AIDA64 geniessen ein ausgesprochen guten Produkt Support dazu zaehlt ein hervorragendes Support Forum welches von den Programmierern der Software betreut wird. Das Program wird in Betaversionen staendig auf dem neuesten Stand der sich auf dem Markt befindlichen Hardware angepasst und aktualisiert.

AIDA64 ist ein Program das jeder haben muss der genau Wissen will was in seinem System steckt. Es schluesselt die Hardware detailiert auf und liesst Sensoren aus.

Weitere Informationen findet ihr auf der Hersteller Homepage: http://www.aida64.com

Wer die 30 Tage Test Version ausprobieren moechte kann das hier tun:

Der Hersteller FinalWire Ltd. hat uns freundlicherweise 5 AIDA64 Extreme Edition Lizensen inklusive zwei Jahre kostenlose Produktupdates fuer unsere Leser zur Verfuegung gestellt.

Verpasst es nicht die Chance wahrzunehmen um eine der 5 Lizensen zu ergattern.

Erzaehlt auch euren Freunden davon. Tweet, Digg oder sendet den Artikel mit Facebook an eure Bekannten.

Hinterlaesst einen aussagekraeftigen Kommentar und Ihr seid dabei.

Unter allen Teilnehmern verlost LeecherMods am 7. Maerz 2011 die Lizensen.

To get one from 5 licenses:
It will be great if you Tweet, Digg or share this article with your friends on Facebook.

Write a comment and you are in.

Under all comments we chose 5 winners random on 7. March 2011.

LeecherMods.com bedankt sich bei Tamas Miklos von FinalWire Ltd. der uns die Lizensen zu unserem 5 jaehrigen Jubilaeum gesponsert hat.

22 February 2011

Get a Darkspore Beta Key

...Your Beta Key is Here...

Click the contact us form and we send the first 10 User a Unique Beta Key.

5x Licenses for Sandboxie to Giveaway

Ronen, the Developer from Sandboxie gave me 5x one year licenses for readers of my blog to the 5th year Anniversary of LeecherMods.

Sandboxie improve the system security drastically by running "unknown" setups and files in a Sandbox. New viruses will not infect your system. I used it for example by discover this virus maleware installers which are all over the emule network spread. Many from us may known in Limewire Network, all this small files mostly as audio files masked. Most of them are viruses.

Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.

Benefits of the Isolated Sandbox:
  • Secure Web Browsing: Running your Web browser under the protection of Sandboxie means that all malicious software downloaded by the browser is trapped in the sandbox and can be discarded trivially.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Browsing history, cookies, and cached temporary files collected while Web browsing stay in the sandbox and don't leak into Windows.
  • Secure E-mail: Viruses and other malicious software that might be hiding in your email can't break out of the sandbox and can't infect your real system.
  • Windows Stays Lean: Prevent wear-and-tear in Windows by installing software into an isolated sandbox.
You can reduce the risk of getting infected by running new or unknown processes with Sandboxie.

I highly recommend this software.

Sandboxie comes in the following Languages: English, Albanian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brasil), Russian and Turkish.

The latest Sandboxie Final Version is 3.52

Changes in Version 3.52, Released on 12 January 2011:

* Enhancements and Revisions:
* Improvements support for installations involving Windows Side-by-Side assemblies.
* Added support for a question mark character in Sandboxie settings that is considered a single-character wildcard.
* For third-party APIs: On 64-bit systems, the 32-bit DLL (SbieDllX) has been renamed to SbieDll.
* New translations: Greek, Portuguese (Portugal), and Arabic.
* Problems Fixed:
* Fixed a problem with Forced Folders on 64-bit Windows.
* Fixed a problem with the Sandboxie UAC confirmation window overlapping the Windows task bar.
* Fixed a conflict with the Immunize feature of Spybot-S&D which caused some slowdowns.
* Improved compatibility with:
o Adobe Reader X in Protected Mode
o Internal Flash player in recent versions of Google Chrome
o Web Browser: Comodo Dragon
o Proxies and Filters: NetNanny 6.5, ProxyCap, Super Socks5Cap
o Utilities: Active Captions, Actual Window Manager, Arum Switcher, Copernic Desktop Search, IntelliType Pro, ManyCam, RadeonPro
o Security Software: Microsoft EMET tool, Norton 360, Norton Safe Web Lite
o Virtual Machines: Running Sandboxie in a Windows system virtualized by Xen

A Beta version of Sandboxie 3.53 is available here:

Download Sandboxie 3.53 Beta x86: http://www.sandboxie.com/SandboxieInstall32-353-03.exe
Download Sandboxie 3.53 Beta x64: http://www.sandboxie.com/SandboxieInstall64-353-03.exe

Download Sandboxie Final Version

How to get a one-year license:
The first 5 meaningful comments will get via email a license and I will announce the winners.

The one-year countdown begins when each product key is first activated!

21 February 2011

Here comes the winner list of 1 Months uploadet.to Premium Accounts

We want to congratulate our winners for 1 month Premium uploaded.to account:

  1. Jay
  2. vj.onix
  3. hooligan
  4. snnake2005
  5. ahmad alkhalaf
  6. RSSU Blogger
  8. akasa.blog

We forwarded all email addresses to uploaded.to so you will shortly get an email from them with your account credentials.

The article was published here

20 February 2011

Net Transport 2.96b Build 615

Net Transport (also called NetTransport or NetXfer) is a faster, exciting and the most powerful downloading tool that you ever saw, now support the most prevalent Internet protocols, including: HTTP / HTTPS, FTP / through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), MMS (Microsoft Media Services), RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol), PNM (rename PNM to RTSP), BitTorrent, eMule.

With independently developed Enhanced Multi-Threading (EMT) technology, can download MMS and RTSP streaming by multiple threads with perfect video & audio quality. There are some other great features, like "Site Manager" which allows you to keep the active connection with the remote servers. In addition, the support for both SSL and SSH is hardly found in other upload/download tools.

Main Features:
1. You can use the simple but powerful "File Manager" to categorize and manage downloaded files more efficiently.
2. Simple multi-user management. You can maintain several databases by logging on Windows with different username.
3. You can use the inbuilt "Site Explorer" to list the directory structure of the remote server, and easily select the desired files. FTP is the most powerful item in NetXfer.
4. FTP reuse mechanism allows you to use one connection to get different files from the same site. If you like, you can use accessory FTP client tool called "FTP Transport (FtpXfer)".
5. The "Multiple Proxies mode" allows you to assign every working thread a different proxy to break certain site restrictions, like only one connection per IP.
6. Proxies with NTLM authentication can penetrate local firewall, like Microsoft ISA 2000.
7. You can adjust the bandwidth usage of Net Transport to ensure surf at the same time.
8. Monitor browser click. And you can add links through Internet Explorer extended context menu, or drag links to the "drop zone" window, etc.
9. Net Transport can automatically shutdown the system or hang up the modem once all downloads are completed.
10. Multilingual support for the user interface. I will be glad if you help me localize NetXfer.
11. NTLM authentication is supported for both MMS and RTSP. In addition, RN5 authentication works for RTSP.
12. You can use multi-threads for both MMS and RTSP to significantly reduce the time of downloads.
13. Automatically parse streaming script such as .asx, .smi to acquire real URLs.
14. Support SSL encryption for both HTTP and FTP, which is called https and ftps. Also support one-time password to protect your authentication information. Normally password is in the form of clear text, which is easily stolen by IP packet monitor tools. Presently NetXfer is the only one can download https streaming via SOCKS5.
15. Support SSH encryption, which is hardly found in other upload/download tools for Windows.
16. The flexible "Scheduler Manager" is also most powerful item in NetXfer. Even you can record the dynamic URL according to time and save it as your desire filename.
17. In version 2, you can record the clip with range.
18. On BitTorrent protocol, you can use proxy to download, upload by UPnP. NetXfer supports HTTP/HTTPS/UDP Tracker.

Changes in Net Transport 2.96b (Feb 20, 2011):
1. Added support for Wowza Media Server.
2. Added support for Helix Mobile Server version 14.
3. Enhanced the combination of partial data files for MP4, which made it possible not to lose a large section of audio and video content.
4. Fixed a bug that audio and video of MP4 might be out of sync after downloading.
5. Fixed a bug that the downloaded MP4 file might have no sound.
6. Fixed a bug for RTMP that sending incorrect protocol control message led the task be in waiting state.
7. Modified that RTMP task would continue even if error happened.
8. Modified code to get more stream info from session description protocol to help the combination of partial data files for MP4.
9. Added an option "use getStreamLength function" to get the length of stream for RTMP.
10. Added an option to regard HTTP as LIVE show.
11. Added an option to generate new tasks automatically on parsing Playlist/Script file.
12. Restored the option "The number of max concurrent tasks".
13. Enhanced "URL-Sniffer" to capture more information about RTMP link to ensure the task can go on.
14. Enhanced "URL-Sniffer" to capture HTTP link with its Cookie.
15. Enhanced "URL-Sniffer" to capture RTSP link with its Cookie.
16. Modified to handle "Content-Disposition" field case insensitive.
17. Fixed that program could not backup task database file on Win7.
18. Fixed that in some cases program could not well download one by one FTP task.
19. Improved performance, you could not do anything if there were too many tasks in the "Queue" pane.

Homepage: http://www.xi-soft.com


You can win one from 10 Licenses for Net Transport incl. 1 Years updates here.

Giveaway Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 and Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 Genuine Licenses

I am pleased to announce 3 licenses for Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 and 5 licenses for Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 Giveaway for my readers.

Are you looking for a top antivirus with firewall solution incl. a superb 24/7 support? Comodo Internet Security is a software package that includes a firewall and an antivirus program. The firewall protects your computer from unauthorized access over the Internet. With the Antivirus software, you are well protected from all kinds of Viruses, Trojans, Malware, Worms and other vermin. Comodo's Internet Security is in tests on the first places.

A integrated Spyware-Scanner, a new Game-Mode and Cloud-Mode protect you from unknown attackers.

Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 (value $49.99) offers extreme protection backed by Comodo’s Virus-Free Guarantee. Combined with additional features such as Wi-Fi Data Encryption and 24/7 365 day remote support, Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 offers a better solution to your Internet security needs.

Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 (value $39.99) offers enhanced protection by adding 24/7 365 day remote security support. In this way, Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 offers an even better solution to your Internet security needs.

In addition to the Free Comodo Internet Security, Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 offer the following product features:

Protects All Data When You're On-The-Go
TrustConnect Wi-Fi Data Encryption for defense against wireless information theft.

Immediate, Live Expert Virus Removal
Our Experts will clean your PC, uninstall old antivirus, and ensure your PC remains clean.

Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 offers this features more to the Plus Version:

One-Click, Remote Help For All PC Issues, 24x7
Help with PC tune-up, software installation, parental control, printer settings etc.

Virus Free Guarantee
Covers your PC with up to $500 for repair costs, should your PC become infected with a virus or malware and we can't restore you to working condition.

Visit for a Product Comparison: http://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/compare.php

Changelogs and Release notes can be viewed here.

Rules for participating in this giveaway:

1. Subscribe to LeecherMods.com and leave your comment here.
2. Share it on Twitter, Facebook or your personal blog.

Under all comments the Winners will be selected on 31 March 2011 random.

Thanks to Brenda Barzola, Marketing Administrator from Comodo to sponsor us this GiveAway.

17 February 2011

Get a Torrent Seedbox from Pulsed Media for free


Bittorrent seedbox

A seedbox offers lightning fast transfer speeds, upto 100 times faster upload speeds for torrents than with your typical home ADSL connection! Now it has become really easy to share even those big torrent files at the price of coffee and a cookie!

  • Upload and Download torrents at fast speeds!
  • Keep your torrents open, make your ratio skyrocket!
  • Surf the web anonymously by a web proxy installed on every server!
  • Amazing user interface for the most needed features!

10 Reasons Why You Need a seedbox

Pulsed Media offers to celebrate a very limited special. "Communal seedbox" for only 2.75€ per month. This seedbox offering is not planned for profit, but to give back to the community.

Pulsed Media simplified the usage of a Seedbox. With a new desktop application that allows direct access to the seedbox from your desktop. We tested pulsedBox in a beta version and were very impressed. Access to the seedbox from the web browser is therefore no longer necessary.
pulsedBox based on Adobe AIR and runs on any Windows system but should work also on Linux and MAC, everywhere Adobe AIR is supported. It installs quickly and requires no special knowledge to control the seedbox. Yet pulsedBox offers full access to all functions that a decent seedbox provider can offer its users.

Seedbox hosting by Pulsed Media is very fast. We reached from a 25mb/s internet access in eastern Europe permanent full line speed to them server. Also over some VPN Gateways around the globe 25mb/s was the average connection speed. The seedbox self reached a incredible speed of more than 90 Mbps.

Pulsed Media sponsor us 5 Seedbox accounts of them starter package for 3 months (value 5x 35.85€)

2009+ Starter details are:
Unlimited traffic, unlimited active Torrents.
70Gb HDD, 100Mbps server with 20Mbps Torrent speed.

All you have to do to get one Seedbox account for free is:

Share this article with all your friends and spreed it on social sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Digg. Blog about it.
Follow us on Twitter and post a comment here on our blog with the link where you have shared the news.

Under all comments we will select random 5 winners on 27. March 2011 and announce it!

16 February 2011

eMule 0.50a Applejuice - Razorback 3 Next Generation v5.31

eMule Razorback 3 Next Generation - v5.31


Changelog 5.3x:

- update to eMule 0.50a
- security improvents

spezial features:
- adjustable Highspeed Credit System (Applejuice)
- Dual Server Connect
- advanced security features (e.g. AES 256 Bit)
- Highspeed Community
- Webbrowser startpage: http://zoozle.net/RB3/start/

Homepage: http://www.emule-mods.biz/razorback3.htm

BBS: http://board.applejuice-community.eu/applejuice-community-mods-58/



Direct Download

Get Ad Muncher Premium and Basic 1 year License for free

Ad Muncher makes browsing faster and safer with all Web browsers.

Ad Muncher saves Bandwidth and traffic and increase the browsing speed by filtering Ads out of the Webbrowser. It speed up page load time by removing the ads from a site drastically.

You get also protected from so called web bugs and tracking scripts embedded in web sites.

Ad Muncher works global on your system witch means once installed it works with all Browsers no matter if you use Chrome, Firefox and Opera and sometimes IE or Safari as well some messenger like Yahoo and other online applications are supported.

Ad Muncher has been available and in constant development for over eleven years. It is the most advanced Ad blocker.

For more information visit the Homepage: http://www.admuncher.com

Ad Muncher Filter lists are updated daily. The Premium filter list access require Ad Muncher
Premium subscription. Ad Muncher Basic includes weekly updates. See this page for the product features between the editions.

To test Ad Muncher you can download it here: http://www.admuncher.com/download.shtml

Murray Hurps, Principal and Founder of Ad Muncher sponsor us this great GiveAway to our site readers:

1x Ad Muncher Premium License for 1 year
3x Ad Muncher Basic License for 1 year

How to get a License for free:

Tweet about Ad Muncher and share this article with your friends on Facebook, identi.ca, Plurk or any other social sites.
Join our site community or follow us on Twitter and post a comment.

The winners will be selected random on 27. February 2011

JDownloader 0.9581

JDownloader 0.9581

for Windows offline setup


Version 0.9581

This release removes a layout bug in JDownloader's Main Menu. Various Look And Feel improvments Updated many Plugins. Incl. Hotfile, Fileserve, File4safe, Shragle, and more…


UPDATE : hoster → EasyShareCom
UPDATE : hoster → XFileSharingProBasic
UPDATE : hoster → Vipfilecom
UPDATE : hoster → TriLuLiLuRo
UPDATE : hoster → LetitBitNet
UPDATE : hoster → ShareCx
Hotfix: 20.01.2011:




15 February 2011

6x Licenses for Windows 7 Manager v2.0.x and 4x for WinXP Manager v7.0.x from Yamicsoft to Giveaway

An all-in-one utility to tweak, optimize, tune and clean up your Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, it includes over thirty different utilities! Get access to hundreds of hidden options, clean registry and junk files, tune up boot menu and many other utilities. It is an excellent companion for Microsoft Windows.

WinXP Manager has a lot of unique features such as the windows repair function which can really do wonders if the windows installation is damaged. XP Manager can not only disable System Services but remove unwanted services. This is very helpful if you have had previously installed a lot of different software and the deinstallations left rests on the system.
Running once the Optimization Wizard makes windows noticeably faster. Remarkable is as well the Network optimization. It speed up the connectivity. The Context Menu Manager makes it easy to disable or remove double or unwanted context menu entries in Windows.
XP Manager comes in a very nice and easy to operate user interface.
As by all Tweak and Tunning utilities you should know what you are changing and what you do. There are helpful information suggestions which show up by hover with mouse over a function.

Under one hat are the following components:

• 1-Click Cleaner
• Clear Memory
• Context Menu Manager
• Desktop Cleaner
• Disk Analyzer
• Duplicate Files Finder
• File Security
• File Splitter
• Icon Manager
• IE Manager
• Junk File Cleaner
• Optimization Wizard
• Privacy Protector
• Process Manager
• Registry Cleaner
• Registry Defrag
• Repair Center
• Run Shortcut Creator
• Service Manager
• Startup Manager
• System Information
• Wallpaper Changer

XP Manager from Yamicsoft is a highly recommendable software for all who wish to get out more performance of their system or just want to customize Windows to your own desires.

The Program is available for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

You can get one License for free.

The Licenses covers program updates for 2 years.

Tell us what was your first PC and when was it (year). What was your first operating system. For example: My first PC was a 286, 16 MHz, 1 MB Ram, 40 MB HDD, with a 512kb Graphic card and 3,5" + 5,25 floppy disc drives. Installed was Windows 3.0 and DOS 5.0. It was sometime around 1991. Before that I had a Commodore C64 in the 80's

Share this article with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or any other social sites.
Follow us on Twitter. Let others know about this contest and write a comment including your Windows Version which you use.

Under all who write a comment, we will select randomly 10 lucky winners out on 08. March 2011

Thanks to Steven from Yamicsoft.com to sponsor us this GiveAway.

Get Game Jackal Pro License for free

Here is something super great for all gamers. A Game Jackal™ Pro license by SlySoft.

Game Jackal Pro is the ultimate "must have" killer app for the PC gamer! If you, like most gamers, find it annoying looking for and inserting the CD-ROM for your favorite game each time you play it, then Game Jackal Pro is for you.

Unleash your games and go gaming "cd free" in seconds: Using Game Jackal Pro eliminates the need to insert the CD-ROM before playing your favorite title, therefore allowing you to fire up your favorite game in seconds.

Game Jackal Pro v4.1.1.3 (beta) is the latest Versions as of today. A changelog can be found here. The latest Final Version is

Supported OS: 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit platforms)

To get the license, we need the name and e-mail address of the lucky winner and SlySoft, Inc. will send him/her the license key.

Share this article on Facebook, Twitter or other Social Sites and join our Blog readers community.

Write a comment before 25. February 2011 and you can win this great Giveaway. We will chose from all comments randomly one winner out.

Many thanks for sponsoring us this Giveaway to Jill Anderson from SlySoft, Inc.

Get a Enterupload Premium Account for free!

Enterupload sponsor us Premium Accounts - Get one for free!
Enterupload is a file hosting provider. It offer online storage/remote backup capacity, sophisticated uploading and downloading tools.
With Enterupload you can host files, images, videos, audio and flash on the same place.

The servers are fast and offer many features include folder management, stats and many more.

Enterupload Premium Feature Highlights:

Speed Unlimited, Resume aborted downloads even for free users, support for download managers for free and premium members, Direct Downloads, No Ads.

2000 Mb, 10 files at once maximal.
Remote file upload, Torrent Upload, files never expire.

Unlimited GB

FREE RapidShare Leech:
You can leech 10000 MB RapidShare files daily.
Supported sites: 2shared.com, Filefactory.com, Fileserve.com, Filesonic.com, Megaupload.com, Netload.in, Rapidshare.com, Uploading.com

(for example fetch a file from Rapidshare to Enterupload and download from there with premium in multiple parts using a download manager)

Fetch files from another Fileshare Hoster to Enterupload with a speed from about 30 mb/s

By downloading from Enterupload to our PC, we get a constantly speed from about 18 mb/s in 10 parts per file at once from server52 and server54 and 17 mb/s from server96, 97 and server98 while files on server44 only support one stream at ~2mb/s.

The file management offers many easy to operate features and is very advanced. You can create unlimited subfolders, batch move, delete, edit, rename or add a password to the files. Set files public or private to download and even share folders.

The big advantage is that something like Rapidget is include so u can download from many fileshare hosters in premium mod as well and of course resuming broken downloads and using even download-managers for free users.

Up to 25$ per 1000 downloads, 5% for your referrals.

We GiveAway the following Premium Accounts:

1 x 12 months
2 x 6 months
3 x 3 months
6 x 1 month - for the first 6 comments (spam excluded)

Count from 12 February 2010

You can win one of these Premium Accounts if you:

Follow LeecherMods.com with Google Friend Connect and on Twitter @Leecher

Subscribe to LEECHER MODS via Email.

● Share this article from LeecherMods.com on Facebook or other social sites with your Friends.

Digg this Story.

● write a review on Alexa or Webutation about our site.

Tweet about LeecherMods.

● Tell others from Enterupload.com

The first 6 Comments get a 1 Months Premium Account first! Hurry UP!!!

The Winners will be chosen randomly and results will be published on 02. April 2011, but can be extended depending on the response. So spread the news!!!

Thanks to Sam from Enterupload.com to sponsor us this GiveAway.

14 February 2011

Here comes the Winner list of 3x TuneUp Utilities 2011 Licenses


Recently we launched a contest to win one of three Licenses from TuneUp Utilities 2011

The winners are:

- MyItunesAlbums
- daniel
- Spyros.G

Congratulation to all winners.

Good news for all who didn't have luck this time. Tim Dreyer from TuneUp.de gave us 5 additional Licenses which we will Giveaway in another contest very soon. So stay tuned...

We will appreciate if the winners will comment here telling us how they like the Software.

Fiddler Web Debugging Proxy


Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.

Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.

Changelog: [2/12/2011]
Various bugfixes [2/5/2011]
Improved AutoResponder
Improved Performance
Various bugfixes [11/17/2010]
Improved support for Windows Phone emulator
Editing preferences enabled in about:config [10/1/2010]
Latency support in AutoResponder

Changelog Beta Version: http://www.fiddler2.com/Fiddler2/newbeta.txt

Changelog Final Version: http://www.fiddler2.com/Fiddler2/new.txt

BBS: http://groups.google.com/group/httpfiddler

Homepage: http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/ | http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/version.asp


13 February 2011

10x Net Transport Licenses for 1 Year Multidownload Manager for our readers to win

Xi Software Corporation sponsor us 10 Licenses for Net Transport also called NetTransport or NetXfer include one year free updates

Net Transport speed up downloading files, video and audio streams in up to 10 pieces per file parallel at once with resuming as well as from 1click file hosters such as Rapidshare. It is one of the best and most advanced download manager today.

With DM-Bridge we tested successfully the integration into the latest Chromium 11.0.670.0 (Developer Build 74741).

Opera is optional supported with the Net Transport Opera Plug-in. Internet Explorer integration is supported by default as well a clipboard monitor (click link copy to clipboard takes over to Net Transport).

Firefox integration can be realized with FlashGot or similar other addons. We tested this in combination with latest Firefox (Minefield) 4.0b12pre by downloading from different Fileshare hostern successfully:

A integrated Bittorrent Client and an internal eMule for P2P Filesharing up/downloading with UPnP, magnet URI's, next to recording embedded web multimedia content, custom download referrers (User-Agent), IPv6 and Proxy support are just a few of countless product highlights.
Net Transport comes with a second program, a full featured FTP client program "FTP Transport".

Net Transport is multilingual in 33 Languages available in 32 bit and 64bit!

Supported OS: Windows x86 (XP/2000/2003/Vista/2008/Win7), Windows x64 (XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win7)

Visit for more Infos:
Net Transport Homepage: http://www.xi-soft.com/default.htm
Program Download and Changelog: http://www.xi-soft.com/download.htm

Xi Software gives us 10 Licenses of Net Transport to readers of our site for this contest.

All you have to do to win one of 10 Licenses is:
Join this site and share this article with your friends in the internet using Twitter, Facebook or other Social Services.

Write a comment and tell us when you been the first time in your life online in Internet (year) and with which connection speed is was (14.4 k modem, 33.6k modem, ISDN, DSL 128kb/s, etc.)
For example:
I was the first time sometime between 1991-1992 with T-Online 14.4k modem online.

From all comments I will select 10 winners randomly out before 01. March 2011.
Meanwhile you may test Net Transport in latest Version v2.96a.581 for 30 Days free of charge.

We would like to thank Xi to sponsor us this GiveAway.

12 February 2011

eMule 0.50a Magic Angel v4.0


based on eMule MorphXT, many Anti-Leecher Features, Client Emulations, Quickstart, Reask Tweaks, and much more...

In year 2006 started MagicAngel, referred as "MA", nicknamed "magic angel", as a eMule Mod which is based on MorphXT. The original author is sfrqlxert. A later test version was released 2009 in version 3.8 alpha2 by ZZUL Plus Modder, Gomez82. Finally on February 12, 2011 brought us YumeYao from RyanVM.net another stable release. MA 4.0 has been uploaded to the Magic Angel's Sourceforge project.

eMule v.50a [Magic Angel v4.0 - Quick Patch 1]

February 13th, 2011 - Quick Patch 1

* Fixed some issues including the final fix of "black background" issue in MA 3.8 alpha.

The files are updated with original file name. If you have downloaded 4.0 before you can download QuickPatch.7z(which only contains exe and zh-cn.dll) listed above.

eMule v.50a [Magic Angel v4.0]

February 12th, 2011

compiled with VS2005 (with SP1 & updates) & Windows SDK 7.0

zlib 1.2.5
libpng 1.4.3
Cryptopp 5.6.1
CxImage 6.0.0


MERGED: Merged to emule 0.50a (MorphXT 12.6). [YumeYao]

ADDED: Auto-complete list for Nodes.dat from URL. [YumeYao]
(when the text box is focused, press "Down Arrow" Key to get the list)

ADDED: H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection [X-Ray]

IMPROVED: Make Source Reask Log able to be translated. [YumeYao]

IMPROVED: Changed Preview option on file context menu display logic. [YumeYao]
If Preview Available -- Always show "Preview" on root menu if only one player specified
-- Otherwise "preview" and "preview with" depends on "Display Preview With menu in root context menu" option, they will be in root menu or preview sub-menu together
If Not Available -- If "Show more controls" on -- Same as before except that "Downloading needed parts for previewing" always show
If "Show more controls" off -- display "Downloading needed parts for previewing" on root menu with "preview" removed (was grayed before).

CHANGED: "Download parts needed for preview first" Display in Context Menu. [YumeYao]
It will show as checked and disabled(grayed) if the global option is checked.

CHANGED: Changed Network Info (right-bottom on Servers page) Layout. [YumeYao]
Always Show Client info (Nickname, TCP & UDP Port), User hash string still needs "show full" option.
WebServer and WapServer won't show if they are not enabled.

CHANGED: AntiLeech.dll update check link to SDC. [YumeYao]
(https://specialdlp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/specialdlp/tags/x86/all-verycd/antiLeech.dll.new) [YumeYao]

ADDED: Simplified Chinese Language updated. [YumeYao]

REMOVED: Removed Option Dialog Banner (I don't like it =v=) [YumeYao]

FIXED: Fix the issue that background color between "Obtained Parts" and "Chunk Detail" in uploading list window is non-transparent (Filled with the background of the progress bars). [YumeYao]
(Quick and dirty way, better to find the cause and fix against it.)






All files

eMule 0.50a MorphJC v2.0


Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphJC v2.0


Change: Spread Credits Slot [1-20]
Change: Improved Anti-leech list
Update: mediainfo.dll [0.7.41]
Update: unrar.dll []

MorphJC developed by miggy and sonoro

HTTP: http://www.duckload.com/dl/2fmW2 | DirectDownload


HTTP: http://www.duckload.com/dl/ZbmW2 | DirectDownload


