30 June 2011

WhoCrashed Professional Licenses Winners

We congratulate the winners of a WhoCrashed Professional License:

  1. Rajesh Ghadye
  2. dinosaur07
  3. Arale
  4. Joe Novack
  5. Nat75
  6. Compostela
  7. Mark
  8. Havilson
  9. olobambolo
  10. Bionic

You will soon receive an email with your personal license.

Nitro PDF Professional OCR v6.2.1.10 Review and 4 Licenses to GiveAway

Nitro PDF Professional - Create, combine and convert PDF files
Create and chage PDFs a true Acrobat alternative.

Nitro PDF Professional - версия с системой распознавания
(OCR-системой) - review and giveaway

Я очень рад представить вниманию наших читателей обзор программы Nitro PDF Professional.
Nitro PDF Professional это мощнейший профессиональный набор инструментов для чтения и редактирования pdf файлов.

Что умеет эта программа?

- Пакетная обработка файлов
- Сканирование напрямую в pdf
- Работа с формами
- Полная поддержка системы распознавания текста или OCR-системы
(Технология оптического распознавания, или OCR - Optical Character Recognition, позволяет преобразовывать различные типы документов, например, бумажные документы, PDF-файлы или фотографии текстов, полученные при помощи цифровой камеры)
- Соединение множества pdf файлов в один единый
- Конвертирование в PDF из множества других типов файлов
- Создание pdf по одному клику (поддержка PowerPoint, Word, Excel, HTML , Photoshop и другие)
- Nitro PDF Professional встраивается в MS Office и прекрасно конвертирует word документы
- Создание pdf из нескольких файлов
- Копирование и редактирование текста из документа (возможно как графику)
- Изменение параметров цвета, b,i,u
- Полное редактирование свойств документа: автор, тема, url, ключевые слова
- Рисование карандашом, добавление сносок, зачёркивание и подчёркивание текста,
- Фиксация и группирование комментариев
- Шифрование 40-bit и 128-bit, запрет на комментирование и редактирование
- Создание ссылок и закладок
- Создание электронных подписей и полное редактирование свойств документа
и многое другое…

NitroPDF Review English for www.LeecherMods.com Download/View as PDF

Заключение: Nitro PDF Professional является прекрасной алтернативой к дорогому, тяжеловесному и не очень поворотливому Adobe Acrobat.
Nitro PDF Professional очень сильная, гибкая, удобная и лёгкая в освоении программа.
Особенно я люблю Nitro PDF за просто незаменимую функцию OCR, возможность редактирования и защиты своих документов, конвертацию файлов практически в любые форматы и за очень удобный и приятный интерфейс.

Ocr Nitro PDF Pro Load/View as PDF

Reviewed by Alex

Read all Features - http://www.nitropdf.com/professional/features.htm
Nitro PDF Software - http://www.nitropdf.com/index.asp

Что бы получить одну из четырёх персональных лицензий:
Сдедуйте за нами на Twitter и оставьте коментарий со ссылкой на ваш профиль на Тwitter.
Так же укажите ваш действительный адрес электронной почты (В случае вашего выигрыша на этот емaйл будет выслана лицензия).

3-го Июля 2011 мы выберем 4 случайных победителей и пошлём им полные лицензий на Nitro PDF Professional Version

4x Nitro PDF Professional + OCR Module Licenses (worth $120 each) we GiveAway to our readers.

To get one of 4 personal licenses:
Follow us on Twitter and tweet this news

On 3th July 2011 we draw random 4 winners and send them a license for the full version of Nitro PDF Professional in latest Version

Many Thanks to Nick from nitropdf.com

Translate English

28 June 2011

PESpin Freeware PE-File Compressor/Protector

PESpin is a Windows executable files (EXE, DLL) protector, compressor coded in pure assembly using MASM. It allows compression of the whole executable - code, data and resources, leaving them executable and protects against patching and disassembling.

- v1.33 - x32
+ added support for vs2010 files
+ minor bugs fixed

- v1.21 - x64
+ fixed DLLs compatibility with IE9
+ minor GUI changes

- v1.2 - x64
+ added password protection
+ added overlays handling

Compatibility with Windows® XP/Vista/7

Homepage + Downloads

We write here about an Executable Packer which is not often used. A high False Positive rating from most AV's is suspected as well as related Tools such as WOT rating might be low. Most AV's can not unpack the file and/or files packed with it and therefore not scan inside the binaries so they flag it falsely as Virus.

Analysis Reports PESpin.exe 32bit (the behavior is harmless - no online connections - but mirrors that many AV's are wrong reporting as Trojan): Anubis | CWSandbox | ThreatExpert

Bitsum PeCompact had similar problems with false positive and wrote on his page if you are a Security Company and need assistance to scan inside the compressed modules - support help will be provided.
PeCompact will be as well one outstanding ExePacker to make files smaller but cause of unwanted malware authors who abuse such tools the distribution have been limited.
It will be great if all AV's implement unpacking support to scan inside packed exe/dll/ocx files and reduce the large number of false positive alerts instead of flag all files falsely as Viruses.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO review - write a comment and one from 16 Licenses can be yours

The days are gone when we needed only an AntiVirus to install and be protected from all danger out there to archive a maximum of security.

Malwares includes: viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, spywares and so forth. They are constantly evolving and so it becomes increasingly more and more difficult to detect and remove them.

To protect from such kind of malwares and security threats we have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or more famously known as MBAM. MBAM is one of the most effective, powerful and sophisticated antimalware application. It being lightweight and easy-to-use makes it the top among its competitors.

To protect from such kind of malwares and security threats we have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or more famously known as MBAM. MBAM is one of the most effective, powerful and sophisticated antimalware application. It being lightweight and easy-to-use makes it the top among its competitors.

It is quite easy to setup and use, the settings looks quite simple too. It has few horizontal tabs for easy navigation. The interface has nothing complicated in it and even novice users would quite easily operate it.

It has 3 scan types – Quick scan, Full scan and Flash scan. A quick scan will scan the system for malicious files, the full scan will thoroughly scans all the drives and the flash scan will analyze the memory and autorun objects.
Just for testing purpose I did a quick scan on my system. It took around 2 mins and as expected it didn't find anything malicious. It was extremely fast and accurate. It keeps all the scan details on log files. You can find all the log files under the Logs tab.

Malwaresbytes Anti-Malware comes in 2 flavors FREE and PRO. The Difference between FREE and PRO is given below.

The Pro version has a realtime protection module, automatic site protection and scanner and updater scheduler.

My Verdict:


  • Effective and efficient malware detection and removal.
  • 3 types of scan makes it a versatile antimalware application.
  • Scan time is pretty fast.
  • Simple user-friendly interface. Nothing complicated.
  • Regular updates to give complete and up-to-date protection.
  • Compatible with other security suits,
  • Automatic malicious site protection.


  • Dull looking GUI gives it a really unimpressive looks.
  • Cannot detect/remove tracking cookies.
  • The system boot up time slight increased with realtime protection enabled

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is one of the most powerful antimalwares currently available. It has a high detection and removal rate. It is extremely effective. It can not only recover an affected pc but also protect it from malwares or viruses with its realtime protection. It’s easy to use interface and uncomplicated nature adds up to its advantage. So I’ll certainly recommend to each and every user.

Reviewed by: Alpha

16 Licenses of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO are available for our readers.
To join the contest leave a comment and tell us which security software you have installed on your PC (AntiVirus/Firewall/etc...)

We draw on 4th July 2011 from all comments 16 winners and send them email addresses for the licenses to malwarebytes.org

Many thanks to Malwarebytes Corporation, sponsor of this GiveAway

Emule 0.50a ZZUL TRA TL 0.6a

> now i stop the develop for a while due to rl problems, but i'm happy because this version has almost all features that i wanted in emule,
> obviously this is related to my current knowledge about emule and its mods (also previous version mods).
> Hopefully next version will take all (or almost all) updates of zzul tra versions above 2.3
// pier4r - SortRatingUsingAlsoCAvalues -
// pier4r - CABanForBadClientsForLongTime -
// pier4r - noReaksAndFastXSsaveBetweenSessions -
// pier4r - PunishmentForClientsThatRequestMoreThanRatio1:3 -
// pier4r - show2digitsCAinClientDialog -
// pier4r- OneQueuePerFileSimulation -
// pier4r - 1:3 ratio adapting2AverageUpload
// pier4r - noLengthyUploads -
// pier4r - slowDownSaveProcess -


ed2k download src

27 June 2011

Buster Sandbox Analyzer for Sandboxie

Buster Sandbox Analyzer is a tool that has been designed to analyze the behaviour of processes and the changes made to system and then evaluate if they are malware suspicious.
The changes made to system can be of several types: file system changes, registry changes and port changes.
A file system change happens when a file is created, deleted or modified. Depending of what type of file has been created (executable, library, javascript, batch, etc) and where was created (what folder) we will be able to get valuable information.
Registry changes are those changes made to Windows registry. In this case we will be able to get valuable information from the modified value keys and the new created or deleted registry keys.
Port changes are produced when a connection is done outside, to other computers, or a port is opened locally and this port starts listening for incoming connections.
From all these changes we will obtain the necessary information to evaluate the "risk" of some of the actions taken by sandboxed applications.
Watching all these operations in an easy and safe manner is possible thanks to Sandboxie (http://sandboxie.com), an excellent tool created by Ronen Tzur.
Even if Buster Sandbox Analyzer's main goal is to evaluate if sandboxed processes have a malware behaviour, the tool can be used also to simply obtain a list of changes made to system, so if you install a software you will know exactly what installs and where.

Additionally apart of system changes we can consider other actions as malware suspicious: keyboard logging, end the Windows session, load a driver, start a service, connect to Internet, etc.
All the above operations can be considered as not malicious but if they are performed when it's not expected, that's something we must take in consideration. Therefore it's not only important to consider what actions are performed. It's also important to consider if it's reasonable certain actions are performed.

UPX 3.08 x64 for Windows and 32bit binaries


A 64 bit executable of UPX in Version 3.08 Dev have been released next to a traditional 32bit version.

Homepage and program description

If you are not so familiar with command line parameter tools, there exists a great GUI which supports almost all switches and parameters from UPX: Free UPX 1.4
Support for the 64bit version can be implement if you replace the upx.exe in Free_UPX folder with the 64bit one.

Compressing 64 bit windows executables is not supported yet. It will show an error message "can't pack new-exe."

Dev Log
Summary log

Downloads UPX 3.08 Dev:

x86: upx308w-dev.zip
x64: upx308w-x64-dev.zip

26 June 2011

eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.3


ADD : CountryBlock [block download from or upload to special editable country's | Friends and Community excluded!] (umeK)
ADD : new Prefpage with all advandced official preferences (umeK/MorphXT)
IMPROVE : enable/disable DL in bold on the fly [under advandced official prefs] (WiZaRd)
IMPROVE : rewritten Random Modstring code (umeK)
CHANGE : make "no server ads" switchable (umeK)
FIX : Client is always highid if we are connecting to them (Enig123)
FIX : Suifaker passing Ban because missing exclude from AntiUploaderBan calculation (umeK)
FIX/CHANGE : small changes on -XdP- prefspage [treecontrol] (umeK)
FIX/IMPROVE : rewritten and fixed Download Permissions code to work correctly
with CountryBlock (umeK)
REMOVE : Drop Win95 support (MorphXT)
REMOVE : Remove MediaInfo 0.4 Support (DolphinX)
IMPROVE/CHANGE : more cleanings and changes around the source (umeK)

have fun !!!


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visit www.sharing-devils.org

HHD Device Monitoring Studio review + Network Monitor 2 Licenses to GiveAway

Device Monitoring Studio (DMS) is a modular application, like Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe) but on steroids.

DMS's main functions are as follows:

  • Monitoring Devices
  • Serial (built-in, virtual, etc...)
  • USB (storage, HID, etc...)
  • Network Connections (all protocols, packet filtering, etc...)
  • Serial Bridge (RS-232 DTE, MODBUS, PPP, etc...)
  • Logging and Log File Playback
  • Advanced Tools
  • Serial Terminal
  • Scripting

The features listed above are just the main ones.

DMS's modular design allows the user to configure a monitoring session with as many of the modules, and tools he or she wishes.

DMS also allows the user to control and configure how the data is filtered, processed, and displayed as well.

At first glance DMS looks complex and overwhelming, because of its countless features, but unlike many other software suites, DMS's modular design allows you easy access to complex functions whether you're a professional or a novice.

Click for Fullscreen view | Watch on YouTube

Here is brief list of Network Monitor (DMS) advantages:

  1. Integration with USB and Serial Port monitoring modules now forms the Device Monitoring Studio which is a standalone software only solution to monitor almost all ports and connections of the computer.
  2. Extreme performance for REAL TIME monitoring and analyzing all data exchanges.
  3. Statistic view for REAL TIME monitoring and analyzing data flows.
  4. Real time data logging with ability to replay session back later even on different PC.
  5. Product doesn't consume computer resources like any others. It also capable to handle fast transfers without delays.
  6. You can Search for data patterns even on 10 - 100 Gb of the monitored data!
  7. Flexible monitored data view shares same functionality to the famous Hex Editor Neo including custom coloring and pattern highlighting.
  8. Multiple selection concept all over the data view.
  9. Custom data filtering.
  10. Most flexible pricing scheme available on the market. It will share similar price differentiation to the Serial or USB modules. Here is example (please note: prices is a subject to change): http://www.hhdsoftware.com/usb-monitor/prices 

Reviewed by Matt

More info

2x Single Licenses of Network Monitor Professional regular for Non-Commercial Use (worth 97.05 EUR each) we GiveAway in Cooperation with HHD Software.

To join this contest, download and install the trial version and post a meaningful comment about the software.

Share the news with your friends on Facebook/Twitter/Forums and Personal Blogs.

On 10. July 2011 we draw random from all meaningful comments 2 winners of Network Monitor Professional Regular License for Non-commercial purpose and forward the email addresses from the winners to HHD Software for the licenses.

Winners of a Hitman Pro 3 License

From our contest of 10 Licenses Hitman Pro have won:

  1. numpayak@***
  2. dannykbox-0@***
  3. 162245915@***
  4. kaiser790@***
  5. modest_1@***
  6. natalia@***
  7. support@***
  8. axman@***
  9. tt1@***
  10. 1073892254@***


We send you a license key within the next 6 hours.

Download: http://www.surfright.nl/en/downloads/

25 June 2011

emule gifc 1.02b

an Emule software that can help people to browse freely. This one can download newest GIFC software automatically.
More info, please see here: http://forums.internetfreedom.org/index.php?board=16.0

Blog for subscription by Email/RSS/Facebook/Twitter/GoogleBuzz

Emule-GIFC 翻墙畅游博客 http://emule-gifc.blogspot.com/


update with scareangel v4.1
change default directory to appdir under vista or upper




Binary Analysis report OK


sharkThief 0.2.7

sharkThief Downloader for Grooveshark

sharkThief allows you to download music from the online radio service groovshark.com. You can select from more than 20 million songs.


#Update 0.2.7

-Delete Downloads Button
-Downloads Creation Time row in Downloads
-Facebook "Like" Button added
-Error fixed by "Remove all Songs that dont exactly match the searchtext"



24 June 2011

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.4


eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.4


Add: Upload fileprio menu in downloadlist
Add: Powershare menu in downloadlist
Add: Advanced official preferences to options-extended [Official/MorphXT]
Add: Chinese (P.R.C.) language dll (zh_CN.dll) [thx paldier]
Add: Additional File Formats [gagar]
Readd: UrlClient
Remove: Remove MediaInfo 0.4 Support [dolphinx]
Change: Blockratio % moved from status column to speed column
Change: Code cleanings, minor fixes, tagging, optimizations
Change: All strings can now be localized
Fix: Auto Server Disconnet Time setting

Clean install recommended !!! (or delete only preferences.ini because a error inside)


ed2k download src

Diskeeper 2011 Professional with HyperFast review and 5 Licenses to GiveAway

Diskeeper® 2011 data performance software is the only solution that can proactively cure and prevent up to 85% of the fragmentation that causes PC slows and instantly defrag any remaining fragments so your PC stays fast, every minute of every day. Plus, it’s completely automatic so you don’t have to do a thing! What is Fragmentation?

Read more in the Feature list

Diskeeper 2011 Professional will:

  • Cure and prevent performance-robbing fragmentation so your PC is always fast.
  • Increase the speed, performance and reliability of your PC — automatically.
  • Speed up PC Boot-up, Backup, Web Browsing, Applications and so much more.
  • Increase file access speeds – by as much as 80%.
  • Increase the longevity of your hard drive, so it lasts up to 3 years longer.
  • Consolidate free space – so your files can be written side-by-side.
  • Minimize resource usage – by targeting and eliminating problem fragmentation.
  • Prevent fragmentation-related PC slows, lags and crashes.
  • Reduce I/O activity for fastest read and write speeds.
  • Reduce file corruption and data loss.

The benefits are the key to making the decision to use Diskeeper Defrag Software:

  • Reduced Power Consumption (approx 12.4%)
  • Back-up windows massively reduced.
  • Anti-virus scans run up to 50% faster
  • Reduced drive activity (less head movement thanks to continuous files)
  • Extend the life of the hardware by up to 3 years!

Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2000 include a reduced limited version of Diskeeper.

Diskeeper is compatible with:
Windows XP Home, Windows XP Tablet PC, Windows XP Media Center, Windows XP Professional (x86/x64), Windows Vista/7 Home Basic (x86/x64), Windows Vista/7 Home Premium (x86/x64), Windows Vista/7 Ultimate (x86/x64), Windows Vista Business (x86/x64), Windows 7 Professional (x86/x64) and Windows Vista/7 Enterprise (x86/x64).

Homepage and Trial Ware Downloads
Compare Diskeeper 2011 Products

5 Personal Licenses of Diskeeper 2011 Professional with HyperFast (worth each $69.95) we GiveAway together with Diskeeper Corporation

Conditions to join this contest:

- Download and install Diskeeper 2011
- Post a screenshot from the System performance screen after running Diskeeper for more than 3 Days.
Optional share this article with your friends (twitter/facebook/blogs/...)

On 3th July 2011 we draw 5 winners random.

Many thanks to Diskeeper Corporation - Public Relation.

23 June 2011

XFreesoft Video Converter for Mac 6 licenses to GiveAway

Publisher Description:

XFreesoft Video Converter for Mac is the best choice for Mac users to convert between all popular video formats on Mac, with super fast conversion speed and high output quality, such as AVI, MP4, MOV, MKV, WMV, DivX, XviD, 3GP, 3G2, VOB, M2TS, etc. In addition, this Mac Video Converter can also extract audio from video files.
Moreover, this Mac Video Converter enables Mac users to convert videos straight to iPod touch, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, BlackBerry, Xbox360, YouTube, Mobile Phone, and other devices.
XFreesoft Video Converter for Mac also features a variety of video editing functions, enabling you to clip and crop video, split videos, merge several video files into one, set the specific output parameters, as well as add watermarks and soundtrack. Download XFreesoft Video Converter for Mac, and experience flawless multimedia conversion on your Mac.

Key Features:

Support All Popular Video Formats
Input format support: AVI, WMV, MKV, DivX, MP4, H.264 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, 3GP2, FLV, ASF, RMVB, etc.
Output format support: AVI, MPEG, MP4, FLV, MOV, 3GP, SWF, MKV, iPod MPEG-4, iPhone MPEG-4, PSP MPEG-4, Gphone MPEG-4, MPEG-4, HD MPEG-4, etc.
Output device support: PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Mobile phone, etc.

Review and Rating on CNET

The first 6 readers who download and install this program, post a comment include a screenshot showing XFreesoft Video Converter for Mac (Trial) run on your MAC and we send you a license for free.

eMule 0.50a EggAche v1.1

Coded by:



v1.1 : *)fix column of hits & add2 in userhashcheck

Binary Analyses Test OK



eMule 0.50a SBI Leecher v2.31

eMule 0.50a SBI Leecher v2.31

Coded by: Butcho

Changelog / Features:

-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

-add upload/queue only after x mb download [sbi security]
-add auto add to friends after x kb download [sbi mod]
-add endless upload for single client[uploadqueue]
-add manual add client to ipfilter [transferwindow]
-add static ipfilter (ipfilterstatic.dat)[security options]
-add auto add banned leecher to ipfilterstatic.dat [sbi protection]
-add dazzle credit system [sbi mod]
-add no server adds (fix coded)
-add file backup [sbi backup]
-add boost friends/boost faktor [sbi mod]
-add manual establish friendslot [waitingqueue/uploadqueue]
-add automatic friend slot [connection options]
-add manual remove all friendslots [uploadqueue/waitingqueue/friendlist]
-add show empty disk space on title (fix coded) {thx B4n$h33}
-add fake alyzer [sbi protection]
-add extra download priorities [transferwindow]
-add second preview player possibility [transferwindow/files menu]
-add 70% score for non SI clients (fix coded)
-add dazzle faster endgame (fix coded)
-add total up/down column [transferwindow]
-add weekly file updates [sbi update]
-add ipfilter update all x hours [sbi update / sbi time]
-add kick/ban/clear-bans button [known clients/ downloading clients]
-add exclude friends from no upload/no queue settings [sbi security]
-add disable kick (t/mb) for single file [sharedfiles]
-add boost system for useful clients (fix coded)
-add stulle advanced transfer window layout (fix coded)
-changed server & kad search to global & kad search [search window]
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes

* you must restart emule that settings take effect...

Please delete your old preferences.ini file!

Binary Test OK (very good! and no empty reg keys)


eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.2


eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.2:
- 22.06.2011 -
based on eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1 compiled with vs2010 SP1

Changed: Pause UBT when moving down slots in upload [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Schedule blocking clients for removal [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Schedule clients for moving down [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Show ModID in systray dialog sidebar [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Display ratio activation in WebInterface [Stulle] - Stulle

Fixed: Potential NULL-pointer bugs in Upload Bandwidth Throttler [Stulle] - Stulle

Note: The schedule changes will delay removal of blocking or moving down clients so the action will
be done when going through the uploading sockets the next time to avoid exceptions due to
changes in the upload list done by another thread while going through the sockets.

Binary Analysis OK


Download install
Download SRC

19 June 2011

Winners of a License for PerfectDisk 12 Professional from Raxco Software

We announce the winners of a Licensed Version of PerfectDisk 12 Professional

Won have:

  1. spyros.g@xxx
  2. knives@xxx
  3. tt1@xxx
  4. survientos@xxx
  5. forallfree@xxx
  6. emulehelper@xxx
  7. juinior_the_bad@xxx


We forward the winners email addresses to Raxco Software. You will hear from them soon.

Emule 0.50a ZZUL TRA TL 0.5b

merge with fix in ZZUL TRA 2.3
// pier4r - adapt ZZUL-TRA :: SessionRatio 2 pier4r - 1:3 ratio max -
// pier4r - show2digitsCAinUploadQueue -
// pier4r - sortPSclientsForScoreInScoreColumn -
// pier4r - sortTotalUpDownColumnAlsoForUploadedData -


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ed2k download SRC

TuneClone Audio Converter for Mac 10 Licenses to GiveAway

Convert DRM Protected iTunes M4P to MP3 with Ease and Speed!
You have purchased lots of music from iTunes Store and want to play your music with other mobile devices, such as MP3 Player, MP4 Player, PSP, Mobile Phone? You got the right place! Click here to download TuneClone Audio Converter for Mac and get your iTunes music files converted!
TuneClone Audio Converter for Mac is iTunes music DRM removal software that can help you convert iTunes music M4P to MP3, M4A to MP3, AAC to MP3 on Mac OS X (including Snow Leopard) with CD quality at high speed.

M4P format is "protected AAC". It is a format of purchased music that can be listened to only through the iTunes software or Apple iPod, iPad, iPhone. TuneClone Audio Converter for Mac is specially designed to convert iTunes music m4p to mp3 on Mac, helping you enjoy purchased iTunes music.

TuneClone Audio Converter for Mac doesn't bypass DRM. It simulates the Burning, Ripping and Encoding process by installing a virtual CD burner. All you need to do is burn your iTunes playlist to TuneClone virtual CD burner. TuneClone Audio Converter for Mac will convert music in the playlist to MP3 files automatically.

TuneClone Audio Converter for Mac runs on Mac OS X (including Leopard and Snow Leopard- read here for 64bit). It can convert all music types that iTunes accepts such as M4P, M4A, AAC, AA, M4B, etc.

TuneClone Audio ConverterはiTunes M4P、WMA ミュージックファイルをMP3に変換できるツールです。インストールもごく簡単で、使いやすいインタフェースを持っています。

Homepage English
Homepage German
TuneClone Audio Converter ソフトフェア

Follow TuneClone on Twitter to get updated news.

To join the contest download and install the trial version:

Post a comment and include a screenshot.

First who do so will receive a License for free - worth USD 34.95!

18 June 2011

Here comes the 20 Winners of avast! Pro Antivirus and avast! Internet Security

avast! Pro Antivirus 1 year 1 PC License goes to:

  1. eternalgenius@xxx
  2. abbybaba@xxx
  3. nc-kolbean2@xxx
  4. barg@xxx
  5. lami_alex@xxx
  6. ivan.lai77@xxx
  7. julepaule@xxx
  8. altered.act@xxx
  9. natalia@xxx
  10. s.sklodowski@xxx
  11. pss0612@xxx
  12. yuexiaqingren@xxx
  13. kayan_09@xxx
  14. allesradx18w2@xxx
  15. licenzeantivirus@xxx

Avast Internet Security v6 license have won:

  1. banjohac-5wwx@xxx
  2. amazingag@xxx
  3. pvxvmaf21@xxx
  4. kitemmurt@xxx
  5. hierundjetztbd8@xxx

We forward your email and names to Avast!
You will hear from them shortly.

WonderFox DVD Ripper Unlimited Downloads Fullversion + Licenses GiveAway

In cooperation with WonderFox Soft we GiveAway unlimited Licenses for WonderFox DVD Ripper 2.0

WonderFox DVD Ripper is the powerful and professional ripper software. It is one of the best solutions for ripping content of DVDs to a wide range of mainstream video formats such as AVI, MP4, VOB, MKV, MPEG, MOV, FLV, WMV, 3GP etc. It takes about 50 minutes to rip a 100 minutes' DVD to AVI (Resolution: 720*480, Video Bitrate: 2000, FPS: 29.97). The WonderFox DVD ripping software also supports to convert DVDs to the popular portable devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Nokia N8, BlackBerry PlayBook, Motorola Xoom…

WonderFox DVD Ripper is easy to use (three steps - Load DVD > Set Profile > Get Start), the software also provides fast ripping speed. The ripper software would also ensure the quality of output videos. The software supports all popular DVD formats and will continuously update to support the latest DVD copy protections. It is really one of the best solutions for ripping DVDs.


  • Rip DVD to popular video formats, e.g. DVD to MOV, DVD to AVI, DVD to FLV, DVD to WMV, DVD to MPEG, DVD to MP4, etc.
  • Rip DVD to popular portable devices including DVD to iPad, DVD to iPhone, DVD to iPod, DVD to PSP, DVD to Zune, DVD to Mobile phone, etc.
  • Support ripping DVD contents with HD standard.
  • Rip DVD audio into music file as mp3, wma, etc.
  • Support grabbing screenshot from DVD video to JPG & BMP.
  • Continuously update to support the latest DVD copy protections. With free life-time upgrades, you can convert and backup any new DVDs at any time.
  • For using the CPU better for the ripping process and other running process, we offer the CPU Priority which could help users charge the CPU resource freely for conversion process or others.
  • Enable to change interlaced scanning DVD movie to progressive scanning, make converted video with clearer image.
  • Usage for Lifetime

To get your Free License (worth each 49,95 USD):

Many thanks to WonderFox!

Follow WonderFox on Twitter

17 June 2011

Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate - 50 Licenses to GiveAway

Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate - Convert video and rip DVD

Combined DVD ripper and Video Converter together, Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate enables you to edit and convert any DVD, video, audio and image files to other popular formats including MP4, 3GP, FLV, MPEG-4, AVI, MPG, MOV, 3G2, VOB, FLAC, MKA, OGG, WAV, AC3, M4A with super fast conversion speed and excellent image and sound quality.

In addition, Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate supports almost all the portable devices, such as: Video/DVD to NAS, home server, PSP, iPod Nano 4, iPhone 4, iPhone (3G), iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Nokia N8, Nokia C7, Nokia E7, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox 360, Pocket PC, Android phones(Motorola Atrix 4G, Motorola Droid X, HTC Evo 4G, HTC Desire Z, Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S, Vibrant, etc). You can enjoy your favorite DVD and video files on them after few clicks.

All-in-one solution to fast rip and convert any DVDs, videos, and audios.
Powerful customization option to edit and better the video quality.
Output better video without any audio and video sync issues.
Support VFW codec encoding and 5.1 channel audio output.

Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate is regular updated see: Changelog

The difference between Video Converter and Video DVD Converter Ultimate


The Licenses we GiveAway contains Product Updates and can be installed anytime (no Registration key or Activation key expiration). If you reinstall Windows or Harddisk you can register the software with your personal serial again.

50x Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate Licenses (worth $49.00 each) includes:

  • Free lifetime sales and technical support through E-mail
  • Full license to Pavtube Product
  • Fully enjoy all the functions and features of Pavtube Product
  • One time fee with lifetime license

To get one of 50 personal licenses download: http://download.pavtube.com/dvd_converter_suite/dvdconvertersuite_install.exe | Mirror | Mirror2 (19,2 MB)

Download Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate, do a screenshot of the setup screen from your Desktop.
Show us that you really interested in this excellent converter and we give you in return a purchased unique License key.

As soon 50 comments with the required screenshot have been posted (limited to one License per unique visitor/household), this GiveAway is over.

Many thanks to a friend who has donated this great software to our readers!

FolderJump review + 15x Limited Fullversion for our readers

FolderJump is an excellent Windows Explorer add-on. How many times you wish to easy and fast navigate to your favorite folders? FolderJump adds this functionallity to windows. With 2 clicks from the context menus you can jump to your most used folders. You can create in the Free Version 2 Bookmarks with your favorite folder. In the Fullversion there is no limit. FolderJump is a real time saver to navigate in Windows.

Read more how FolderJump can increase your productivity and how it works.

FolderJump comes in 32-bit and 64-bit version in one setup with only 345 KB of size.
It is easy to configurate and contains 2 more free useful addons: Open in Editor, ShortCut Jump and Copy paths to Clipboard.

Folder Jump is a 'must have' extension for Windows!
If you once used to it, you won't navigate without it.

On the homepage www.folderjump.com you can download the Freeversion (limited to 2 folder bookmarks) or use this coupon link to get 50% discount off for the first 50 purchases.

MasterCluster offer high quality Apps for Windows. Folder Size (Freeware), 3D Cover Box Designer (Freeware), Internet Tools (Free) and AutoMute Utility.

15 special builds of FolderJump made for Leechermods.com readers without updates to later versions, everything else is full functional and are given for free away.

Install FolderJump (Demo) Free (limit to 2 bookmarks). Create 2 Bookmarks and make a screenshot.
With a little bit luck you get from us a special build where you can make unlimited bookmarks for free.
Post a comment with the screenshot and share the news with your friends.

On 29. June we draw random 15 winners and send them the full version of FolderJump in latest Version

Many thanks to MasterCluster.software for this great GiveAway.

WhoCrashed Professional review and 10 Licenses to GiveAway

Every computer user experience BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). Typical user usually press and hold the power button and start it again. In the worst case, your computer keeps on restarting and you didn't start your task because of this failure. In the long run, you find it frustrating, thinking about what the cause of this problem.

Blue Screen of Death is a name gave by Microsoft if you see blue background screen with a technical error code. It saves its data in what we call "Dump Files" for technical diagnostic or debugging. In most cases, this BSOD is caused by a third party drivers or faulty software. Most probably, advanced user or I.T. specialist knows what to do, but how about the typical user experiencing this kind of situation?

I'm not a programmer to deal with this debugging task, but WhoCrashed gives me an ease way to troubleshoot my PC. It analyze the "Dump files" and shows an explanation on what happened in the PC when the failure occurs. I find it very useful because it trace the faulty drivers on the system. WhoCrashed underlined the drivers that cause the failure and the error name. You can click on it and launch your browser to search on Google for the solutions or troubleshooting guidelines.

Click here for Fullscreen view | Watch on YouTube

What I do is simply launch the program, click on "Analyze" and WhoCrashed shows understandable in detail on what the failure is based on. This gives me an idea for a troubleshooting. Usually, updating the affected driver will solve the problem, or I need to uninstall the program because it conflicting to other software, or search for the internet to find the solution for the problem.
Reviewed by Vic Limbo

The Professional version of the program gives this powerful feature for analysing your "Dump Files":

  • License not limited to use at home only
  • Crash dump analysis on remote computers on the network
  • Crash dump analysis of a local dump directory of your choice
  • More detailed analysis of crash dumps
  • Detailed dump information views
  • Uptime reports
  • Kernel stack traces with symbol resolution
  • Viewing list of loaded modules at the time of a crash dump
  • Symbol server and local symbol store support
  • Sorting on columns in information views
  • Options to fine tune the behavior of WhoCrashed
You can found more information at: WhoCrashed Homepage

Now you have a chance to win one of the 10 licenses (worth 34,95 USD each) of WhoCrashed Professional version.

Everyone is invited to join in our contest.


  • Subscribe to our newsfeed to have your email address verified
  • Tweet this article or share it on Facebook with your friends. If you have a blog, invite your readers here. Alternative you can share it in forums.
On 27. June we will draw from all comments random 10 winners and forward from the winners the names and email addresses to Resplendence Software to issue a personal license.

Thank you very much Resplendence Software Projects Sp. for providing the licenses. 

Win a Domain Name, Webhosting and a WP premium template system on TECH3DGE

Tech3Dge: It is a Technology blog , where they share all tech news and Blogging tips and tricks.

Tech3dge offering an awesome giveaway as Tech3dge comes back after a long period as said by the Owner.

If you want to win the CONTEST then just complete all the process given below:

  • Follow Tech3dge On FaceBook
  • Subscribe to Tech3dge Feeds
  • Make a post about the Contest or just add a paragraph of 3 lines in your upcoming post with the post link
  • Tweet about Tech3dge Givaway Contest
  • Finally comment with your links

Winner of this contest will get:

  1. ".Com or .net tld domain name from Godaddy Worth - $11.99"
  2. "1 year Hosting Space-Worth - $48"
  3. "Thesis Theme Included-Worth - $87"

The contest is running HERE and will be open till June 24th, 2011.

16 June 2011

We announce the 15 Winners of a WinNc v5 License

From our contest of 15 Licenses for WinNc have won a License:

  1. gjon
  2. Paul Crousel
  3. Mayur
  4. jimi2061
  5. art
  6. AK2011
  7. Telor Ceplok
  8. Vaibhav Srivastava
  9. vhick
  10. olobambolo
  11. Terieron
  12. Sheldon366
  13. arie
  14. vince
  15. malkhaz
You will hear shortly from WinNc - Dunes MultiMedia

Hitman Pro 3 review and contest - Win a license

Hitman Pro 3 - Second Opinion Malware Scanner.

Hitman Pro 3 scans your PC of suspicious Virus threats and uploads the files found by scanning to Scan Cloud. The files will be online scanned with 5 (6) engines.

In Version Hitman Pro 3.5 that's:
Ikarus, Dr. Web, Emisoft, Prevx and G-Data (includes Avast and BitDefender).

We went deep in the underground in VX forums and others where new Viris get created and collected a few samples. Sure you can for testing purpose search on malwaredomainlist.com but there might be almost all Antivirus researchers and add in realtime new viri, tojans,... to the AV Products signature database updates already.

If you have a good AV installed there will be not much left to test it.
In real environment, searching on P2P networks such as eMule search brings as well some new samples to the daylight where your AV may fail to protect you from real threats.

On the test PC is Norton AV installed (the false positive detection by Norton is much higher as by Bitdefender) which did clean most of the samples but a few where left. Here comes Hitman Pro and detect the remaining viruses downloaded on the PC.

To produce False Positive its enough to cheat most AV's by using executable packers where the AV's can not unpack the compressed binaries to scan inside and list all files packed with it as virus. To name it, pack files with XComp/Xpack, nsPack, RL!Pack, FSG, kkrunchy,... By these and more executable packers compressed files, especially if you change 2 or 3 bytes in the PE header, all AV's give up and show you a Virus (false positive) unless you unpack the files manually (OllyDbg or alike).

Hitman Pro alert if a Authenticode digital signatures by a file is invalid and modified (Patched files).
By default if no Virus string is detected you see the option to 'ignore' in the results.

For more info how Hitman Pro work visit: http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro

Hitman Pro 3 is a must have addition to your protection to scan and remove malware.

You can download Hitman Pro as 32bit and 64bit version and test free from: http://www.surfright.nl/en/downloads/

Who want to test the latest Beta find the download here:
32-bit: http://dl.surfright.nl/HitmanPro35beta.exe
64-bit: http://dl.surfright.nl/HitmanPro35beta_x64.exe

Hitman Pro 3.5 Build 124 will be soon released.

10 license keys for Hitman Pro (1 year) are available for our readers.
Download and install Hitman Pro, post a screenshot with the scan result window and share this article with your friends.
From all comments we draw random 10 winners on 26. June 2011

15 June 2011

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.3


eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.3


Fix: Broken ZZUL CheckForHighPrioClient (thx hooligan for testing)

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.2


Add: Limit Powershare by amount of data uploaded [Stulle]
Add: Limit Powershare of complete source [SiRoB]
Add: Limited ps files change color from red to orange
Add: 1:3 Sessionratio from eMuleFuture v1.1 [WiZaRd]
Add: If sessionratio applies, L (Limited) is shown next transferrate
Add: If sessionratio L, the current download limit is shown on tooltip if you move mouse over transferrate
Add: Show Compression in uploadlist [Tarod]
Add: See on Queue in sharedfiles window [Xman]
Add: On Queue at file feedback
Add: iSOTN global on (hardcoded) [WiZaRd]
Change: Moved ZZUL-TRA settings to Options-Extended,ZZUL-TRA Preferences group
Change: Powershare settings to MorphXT style
Change: Compression column hidden by default
Change: Auto-update IPFilter.dat [Xman]
Change: Thumbbar button (now connect/disconnect in one button)
Remove: Check user hash [taz/DLP]


ed2k download BIN

ed2k download SRC

ExtremeCopy Pro license winners

From our contest of ExtremeCopy Pro a License have won:

Deep Rao
Jeet Dholakia


A license will be send to your email.

Zevera.com - One Premium for all One-Click-Hosters - Win a Premium Account!

Many times we have caught our selves searching for a file to the internet and we are unable to find it. Suddenly, when every hope is lost, we found it in Rapidshare! How unlucky, because a few minutes ago we decided to make an account to Hotfile, so we are forced to wait the intermediate time and besides this the download speed is like we were to the previous decade!
Now there is a solution and it’s almost perfect! www.zevera.com gives you the ability with one account to download from any hoster you want, as much you want and with your ISP full speed!

www.zevera.com is pioneering and very easy for the user! Try it out now!

Moreover your downloaded files are quickly to access anytime for you if you need to re-download them in the download history.

There exists also ZeveraDownloader. A tool that makes it easy without the need to use the webbrowser to mange and download your files.

If you want to purchase zevera premium account, our readers get a Special Discount using this
Promo Code: leechermods.com
on the payment page and you will get double whatever you order.

Here on LeecherMods.com you can win a PREMIUM Account if you share the news with your friends on Facebook. Write a comment include your share link and tell us how much harddisk space you have in your PC.

Make sure to post the share link public and everyone can read it, that also your friends can join this contest.

Together with zevera.com we GiveAway this Premium Accounts without expiration date:

5x 100 GB
3x 300 GB
2x 600 GB
1 x 1.2 TB

We draw on 30. June 2011 from all comments random the accounts.
Do not post under different names/email addresses. Everyone have an equal chance to win an account!

One from 15x Licenses for Total Uninstall Professional have the following readers won

From our Contest of 15x Total Uninstall Pro have won a license:

  1. Jeet Dholakia
  2. Ptadeusz
  3. Missktrin
  4. Andrew
  5. amazingAG
  6. Sravi
  7. Bero
  8. Bionic
  9. Dickdg
  10. Vader7
  11. Ibrahim
  12. Marek Kos
  13. emre
  14. Leona
  15. Safecn
Congratulations to a ll winners!

The license will be send to your email within 24h.

Please read the End User License Agreement first:

x7.to Premium Accounts goes to the following readers


A Premium account for x7.to have won:

1x 6 months


2x 3 months


7x 1 month


We forward your email addresses for the account to x7.to
You will hear from them shortly.

13 June 2011

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.2


eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.2


Add: Limit Powershare by amount of data uploaded [Stulle]
Add: Limit Powershare of complete source [SiRoB]
Add: Limited ps files change color from red to orange
Add: 1:3 Sessionratio from eMuleFuture v1.1 [WiZaRd]
Add: If sessionratio applies, L (Limited) is shown next transferrate
Add: If sessionratio L, the current download limit is shown on tooltip if you move mouse over transferrate
Add: Show Compression in uploadlist [Tarod]
Add: See on Queue in sharedfiles window [Xman]
Add: On Queue at file feedback
Add: iSOTN global on (hardcoded) [WiZaRd]
Change: Moved ZZUL-TRA settings to Options-Extended,ZZUL-TRA Preferences group
Change: Powershare settings to MorphXT style
Change: Compression column hidden by default
Change: Auto-update IPFilter.dat [Xman]
Change: Thumbbar button (now connect/disconnect in one button)
Remove: Check user hash [taz/DLP]


ed2k download BIN
ed2k download SRC

eMule 0.50a MorphJC v2.2


Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphJC v2.2


Now based on ScarAngel v4.0

12 June 2011

Kaminfeuer Titanium Edition II Vollversion

JMMG Communications bietet sehr hochwertige Software an. Darunter auch einen ausgezeichneten Screensaver. Kaminfeuer Titanium Edition II macht aus Ihrem Monitor einen virtuellen Kamin der auch auf dem Fernseher wiedergegeben werden kann.
Verzaubern Sie Ihr Wohnzimmer mit dieser tollen Atmosphäre.

Vollbild Ansicht

Kaminfeuer Titanium erhielt den 3ten Platz bei "Der goldene Download 2010" von ComputerBILD.de in der Kategorie "Desktop & Screensaver".

Für unsere Leser gibt es 20x die Vollversion zu gewinnen, welche normal für 10 Euro erhältlich ist.

In der Vollversion stehen weitere Soundeffekte zur Verfügung: Regenprasseln, Gewitter, Wind und das Ticken der Uhr.

Eine ausführliche Programm Beschreibung finden Sie hier.

Wer Lust hat kann sich vorab einen Videoclip des Screensaver bei YouTube ansehen.

Es gibt auch eine kostenlose Variante mit etwas weniger Funktionen zum Download auf der Webseite

Beim Update von der kostenlosen Version zur Vollversion muss erst der Uninstaller der Freeware Version ausgeführt werden (getestet auf Windows 7 x64). Die Installation wie auch Deinstallation erfolgt reibungslos.

Die mitinstallierte Kaminfeuer Titanium Edition II Dokumentation erklärt leichtverständlich alle Funktionen.

Kaminfeuer Titanium Edition ist ein außerordentlich gut gelungener Screensaver!

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Homepage von JMMG Communications. Wie ich schon erwähnte sind die Produkte sehr hochwertig. Ich testete auch das Mühle Spiel und verglich es mit sämtlichen anderen die ich zuvor kannte. Ich kam zu dem Entschluss, dass Mühle von JMMG das beste seiner Art ist.

Um über Produktneuheiten, Updates und vergünstigte Angebote informiert zu sein empfiehlt es sich den Newsletter zu abonnieren.

20 Vollversionen von Kaminfeuer Titanium Edition II werden exklusive bei uns verlost. Zum teilnehmen genügt es einen Kommentar zu Posten. Dabei beachten das eine gültige eMail Adresse eingegeben wird. Es wäre toll wenn die Teilnehmer auch ihre Freunde zu unserem Gewinnspiel einladen würden. Wenn Ihr einen Twitter oder Facebook Account habt, informiert eure Mitleser von dieser Aktion.

Wir werden nächstes Wochenende die Gewinner benachrichtigen.

Diese Publikation richtet sich an unsere Leser aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, welche laut unserer Webseiten Statistik gleich nach den USA folgt und etwa 30% ausmacht.

Die Benutzerführung des Programms ist in Deutscher Sprache.

Herzlichen Dank an JMMG Communications!

10 June 2011

MacX DVD Ripper Pro Exclusive GiveAway unlimited Downloads + Licenses on Facebook.com/LeecherMods

MacX DVD Ripper Pro - Fast Speed, High Quality and Support Encrypted DVD the best DVD ripper for Mac OS X

Unlimited Downloads of Licensed Version

MacX DVD Ripper Pro


MacX DVD Ripper Pro for Windows

worth each $49.95

on our FaceBook Page starting from today.

Product infos:

MacX DVD Ripper Pro for Windows is fastest DVD ripper to backup DVD to hard drive or USB, rip DVD for iPhone, iPod, iPad/iPad 2, with original quality.
It is an innovative DVD ripping tool to backup DVD to hard drive while preserving original quality and rip DVD movies into different video formats. It accepts a myriad of video formats such as FLV, AVI, MP4, WMV, MOV, MPEG as output formats, as well as the ability of ripping DVD straight to iPhone, iPod, iPad/iPad 2, PSP, Apple TV, Zune, Zen, etc with stunning speed.
This DVD ripper software gives you full access to protected DVD movies by getting rid of the copy protections. It strips CSS encryption, Sony ARccOS encryption, RCE Region protection, Disney X-project DRM, etc. Powered with NVIDIA® CUDA™, it prompt DVD movies conversion, up to 5X faster in conversion time.

MacX DVD Ripper Pro - ultimate DVD backup and ripping software brings you the best DVD ripper for Mac to rip DVD to MP4, iPhone, iPad/iPad 2 and Mac.
The MacX DVD ripper for Mac software allows you to rip DVD to MP4, H.264, MOV, FLV, MPEG, M4V, AVI, QT(QuickTime) with high quality video/audio. The New-DVD-Backup feature let you copy DVD to single video file with original video quality and 5.1-channles AC3/DTS Dolby audio.
Rip encrypted DVD to iPhone, iPad/iPad 2 iPod and iMovie, MacX DVD Ripper give you the easy way to rip all type of encrypted DVD and copy-protected DVD (remove DVD CSS, region code, RCE, Sony ArccOS, UOPs, Disney, etc). Thus you could make a perfect backup for favorite DVD movies.


Many thanks to Digiarty Software!
