27 July 2013

eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.6 RC3

UPDATE : Crypto++ v5.6.2 (umeK)
UPDATE : libpng v1.6.2 (umeK)
UPDATE : zlib v1.2.8 (umeK)
ADD : BadHash Detection to Anti-Leecher System (umeK)
ADD : SharedView Ed2kType (WiZaRd, parts by Avi3k)
ADD : new flags to countryflag32.dll in order to meet ISO 3166-1 standard (Stulle)
IMPROVE : added recognition of some more file types (Tuxman)
IMPROVE : removed some debug-related functions in release builds (YumeYao)
IMPROVE : Better mod defaults (umeK)
IMPROVE : added some more logging stuff to Log Extensions feature (umeK)
IMPROVE : changed Fakealyzer algorithm slightly to reduce false positives (netfinity)
IMPROVE : Show client ip in clientdetaildialog (umeK)
IMPROVE : increased buffersize for custom leecherlists (umeK)
IMPROVE : make some Infos in clientdetaildialog copyable for better use with
features like CountryBlock,IPfilter,BadNick,BadMod & BadHash Detection (umeK)
CHANGE : some code changes,improvements and fixes for Visual Studio 2010 compatibility (Stulle/umeK)
CHANGE : reworked some code from ip2c & update feature to work with new GeoLite stuff (umeK)
CHANGE : Integrate MaxMind GeoLite Country into IP2Country feature [download and processing] (Stulle)
+ You might need to reset the update URL to use this new source and format!
+ Notice: -XdP- includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com
FIX : Intelliflush option of flushing time was broken (umeK)
FIX : Modthief check not working properly sometimes (umeK)
FIX : improved & fixed some code from Countryblock feature (umeK)
FIX : changed & fixed some buggy code from copy clipstats feature (umeK)
REMOVE : support for low color desktops (WiZaRd)
REMOVE : obsolete FileBufferTimeLimit selection (umeK)

Compiled with Visual Studio 2010 and newest libs...




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tux. said...

Hahaha, großartig. Ich sollte Wetten abschließen, welcher Drecksleecher der erste ist, der Änderungen von mir übernimmt. Ist fast immer XdP.

Hey, hooligan, lass' doch deine Drecksmod direkt auf beba basieren, spart dir viel Arbeit ... beim Kopieren.

umeK said...

Hi tux...Schön das du dich freust das du mal in meinem Changelog auftauchst,ich bin jedenfalls so nett und schmücke mich nicht mit fremden Federn.Zum anderen hast du nicht viel Innovatives vorzuweisen was du selber gecodet hast,von daher zu behaupten ich solle auf beba basieren ist lächerlich.Ich wette mit dir in meinem Mod ist weniger C&P drin wie beim beba!!Und wenn man Features aus anderen Mods nicht übernehmen darf,ohne als C&Pler abgestempelt zu werden,dann könntest du 90% der offiziellen Modder auch dementsprechend abstempeln wie zb dich!!Also höre auf hier son Rotz zu schreiben weil die Leute die mich kennen wissen das du scheisse laberst.Wünsche dir trotzdem einen schönen innovativen sonnigen Tag.umeK

tux. said...

"Ich wette mit dir in meinem Mod ist weniger C&P drin wie beim beba", na, die Wette haste verloren.

Sabu said...

Hi umeK, can you explain me how work "reverse system" and "mistery system" in smart credit push?

ExNoKiA said...

hi, clients queued never exceeds the limit of 2121!!


MiCroNoKiA said...

You are wrong, I have 3452 clients queued.

umeK said...

please check www.sharing-devils.org for bug reports or support!!
Greetz umeK

SpiderMike said...

Sorry umeK, i can't subscribe.
is this normal?

08/09/2013 01:59:48: AntiLeechFile loaded, 27920 clients are known, 1 corrupt part senders loaded

umeK said...

jep its normal..

SpiderMike said...

Thanks thanks a lot!!

Timeboy said...

Best mod. No more words...

Blueyes said...

try to see here: http://wiki.emule-web.de/index.php/CreditSystems
mistery system is not present.

sophos said...

I suppose that mystery system is a system of random queue. Users are pushed for upload in a random order and not according to the time they have spent in the queue.

Daphne said...

Hi, is this mod detectable by CA/DLP/Argos?

umeK said...

No,-XdP- is not detectable

Sabu said...

hi umek is difficult to subscribe sharing devils forum because translations from german of subscrpitions pages are only partially translated from google. Best is english language for all.

Hercules said...

Hi umeK, i see this message in verbose, where is the problem?
Please help.

16/10/2013 15:56:13: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\xxxx.xxxxxx xxxxxx.) was not found - sending empty result

Japan Boy said...

In xdp stuff/friend control/use friend boost/set boost factor, is impossible to set 1.5 value. It don't accept (.) and/or (,).

umeK said...

@Japan Boy its working...you need only to mark the value before and after the (.) successively to change

Hercules said...

Pls UmeK, help me, i read this message in verbose:
xxx = name of file.
Directories are not empty.

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (D:\A\Film_2\xxxxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Bambini\xxxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condivisoxxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\Fantascienza\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Concerti\Music Videos High Quality 2) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (L:\Condivisi\Films_3\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\xxx\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (D:\A\Incompleti xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (D:\A\Cartoni_2\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Bambini\xxx - Disk 1) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\childrens) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (D:\A\MP3) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Bambini\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Bambini\JAP Vari\xxx) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (D:\A\Film_2\xxx_NICE) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Concerti\Music Videos High Quality 3) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (C:\Users\proprietario\Downloads\Leecher) was not found - sending empty result

02/11/2013 16:34:40: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Bambini\JAP xxx) was not found - sending empty result

Black Man said...

I'm changing pc, are there compatibility problems with Windows 8?

RegularUser said...

Support for XDP in the forum of sharing Devils is ended?

Sonix said...

Is this mod under active development?

umeK said...

yes its under development...waiting for eMule 0.50b vanilla

Hercules said...


i need help

when others ask for my filelist i see this red warning message:

08/09/2014 13:51:30: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\Fantascienza\Doctor Who\DOCTOR WHO GLI INIZI) was not found - sending empty result

08/09/2014 13:51:30: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Film\Padre Pio (di Carlo Carlei)\Padre Pio (di Carlo Carlei) - subtitles (ro,eng,ita,spa)) was not found - sending empty result

08/09/2014 13:51:30: View shared files: Pseudonym for requested Directory (F:\Archivio 2\Condiviso\Bambini\JAP Vari\Jeeg Robot d'acciaio) was not found - sending empty result


and they obtain a list of only 15 files (really 4000!!)

What can i do?

Manilo said...

I get the same error. I tried to reproduce this situation with two different PCs with different ip. The list of files that is obtained is that of incomplete files. Only that of the incomplete files. It 'clearly a bug ...

Paul said...

I tested eMule XDP 5.6 RC3 with another client (StulleMule) but I have been banned. How can it be?


Paul said...

Ehm...Sorry pls use the first link.

Junky said...

Hello Umek, can we hope for zz upload in the future of XdP?

Zero man said...

Hi, thanx for support,
Why ALL adunanza 3.18 clients are recognized as "mod Thief" from CA?

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