eMule 0.49c SharkX v1.7b4
SharkX v1.7b4 - 2/12/09
remove : Advanced download throttling
updated to ongoing AcKroNiC v5.4 beta, changes :
fix : my miss @ drop sources - enabled add sources with no files (without categories) - 10'x Tuxman
change : Vista registry key read log message shift to debug mod - 10'x Tuxman
fix : ICS missing filename on new hash @CUpDownClient::ProcessFileIncStatus (taz)
change : CA not clearing bad DL counter on count <12k download sessions (using Xman's idea) - too easy for leechers to go clean (taz)
remove : retry connection attempt
change : using zz's bandwidth control network code (ThrottledSocket, LastCommonRouteFinder, UploadBandwidthThrottler, EMSocket)

remove : Advanced download throttling
updated to ongoing AcKroNiC v5.4 beta, changes :
fix : my miss @ drop sources - enabled add sources with no files (without categories) - 10'x Tuxman
change : Vista registry key read log message shift to debug mod - 10'x Tuxman
fix : ICS missing filename on new hash @CUpDownClient::ProcessFileIncStatus (taz)
change : CA not clearing bad DL counter on count <12k download sessions (using Xman's idea) - too easy for leechers to go clean (taz)
remove : retry connection attempt
change : using zz's bandwidth control network code (ThrottledSocket, LastCommonRouteFinder, UploadBandwidthThrottler, EMSocket)

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