eMule 0.50a beba v2.61

beba 2.61 [the beloved edition]
** released June 30 2010
- improved: added the "List All Requested Files" item also to the download clients list [Tuxman]
- improved: the meta data dialog is now correctly depending on "Show ext. controls" [WiZaRd]
- improved: the speedguide link now has a hand cursor :-) [Tuxman]
- fix (b): added a missing check for HAVE_WIN7_SDK_H [Tuxman]
- fix (b): "remove dead servers" did not work properly [Tuxman]
* note: the name of the prefs entry has been changed during this to avoid further confusion.
- fix (o): the new Shared Files panel was not translated correctly [WiZaRd]
- changed: "Show extended controls" is disabled by default again [Tuxman]
- changed: the Hidden Tweaks section is now hidden unless "Show extended controls" is enabled [Tuxman]
Compiled with:
c++ 7.10
zlib 1.2.3
older changelogs: http://beba.emulefuture.de/index.php?page=changelog
Homepage: http://ddos.isleoftortuga.org | http://beba.emulefuture.de

BIN: ed2k://|file|eMule0.50a_beba_v2.61_30.06.10_bin.7z|1978081|D5720F165E9CE466A275598D0E7A5D98|h=ERTP6NH277OQAHHDMBQQL6XJEDN4FIFZ|/
SRC: ed2k://|file|eMule0.50a_beba_v2.61_src.7z|1875160|4B75F7D6B8DA529A70C0E84EC5C6EF56|h=SC5GQ56VO6TY2YOVBG2MZDLGJJV5OI57|/
Not bad this mod, thanks.
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