eMule v0.47c X-Ray v0.3

- Merge | | Merged to 47c Codebase
- Update | Xman | Updated Sourcecache Implementation | // X-Ray :: Sourcecache
- Update | WiZaRd | Updated AutomaticKademliaFirewalledRecheck Implementation | // X-Ray :: AutoKadFirewallRecheck
- Feature | Slugfiller | SearchCatch | // X-Ray :: SearchCatch
- Feature | itsonlyme/Neo | CacheUDPsearchResults | // X-Ray :: CacheUDPSearchResults
- Feature | eWombat/Stulle| Connetion Checker | // X-Ray :: ConChecker
- Feature | Maella/Stulle | ReAsk Sources after IP Change | // X-Ray :: ReAskSrcAfterIPChange
- Feature | Spike2/Pawcio | Reconnect to Kademlia (after Connection error) | // X-Ray :: ReconnectToKadAfterConnectionError
- Feature | Spike2/Pawcio | Reset Kad-IP on IP Change | // X-Ray :: ResetKadIP
- Feature | Maella/Stulle | Spread ReAsk | // X-Ray :: SpreadReask
- Feature | Stulle | Variable ReAsk Time | // X-Ray :: VariableReaskTime
- Feature | Spike2/TK4 | Enhanced Client Recognization | // X-Ray :: EnhancedClientRecognization
- Feature | Max/Obelix/JvA| ActiveConnectionControl | // X-Ray :: ActiveConnectionControl
- Feature | NeoMule | AutoSoftLock | // X-Ray :: AutoSoftLock
- Feature | Peace/JvA | Added icons to show the Queue Difference better | // X-Ray :: QRdiff
- Feature | Avi3k | Extended Shared View | // X-Ray :: ExtendedSharedView
- Feature | WiZaRd/JvA | 3D-Text for PrefSlider | // X-Ray :: 3DTextForPrefSlider
- Feature | WiZaRd/JvA | X-Ray Color Style for the PrefSlider | // X-Ray :: PrefSliderColors
- Feature | pHoeniX | Fadeout on Exit | // X-Ray :: Fadeout on Exit
- Feature | pHoeniX/eMF | XP-GroupBox | // X-Ray :: XP-GroupBox
- Feature | WiZaRd | Relax on Start-Up | // X-Ray :: RelaxOnStartUp
- Feature | WiZaRd | Now so you can always see e.g. UL/DL stats even if the client is offline | // X-Ray :: OfflineFriendData
- Feature | Tarod/MorphXT | Show Compression in UploadListCtrl | // X-Ray :: ShowCompression
- Feature | WiZaRd/Lama | New nice looking Statistics | // X-Ray :: WiZaRdStats
- Feature | eF-Mod | Nice Hash | // X-Ray :: NiceHash
- Feature | iONiX/Bastard | Nice Move | // X-Ray :: NiceMove
- Feature | TPT/Xtreme/JvA| ProcessPriority - differs from Xtreme, Priority is set AFTER complete start | // X-Ray :: ProcessPrio
- Feature | Xtreme | Don't overwrite bak files if last sessions crashed | // X-Ray :: DontOverwriteBakFiles
- Feature | NeoMule | Added Tabbed Preferences | // X-Ray :: PPgPrefTabs
- Feature | Sivka/JvA | SourceDropSystem | // X-Ray :: DropSystem
- Feature | Stulle | Auto Drop Immunity | // X-Ray :: AutoDropImmunity
- Feature | Sivka | Don't interrupt upload if waiting queue empty or friend-slot | // X-Ray :: HoldULSessionOnEmptyQueue
- Feature | Sivka/Xman | Stop Downloading from one single client | // X-Ray :: StopDownload
- Feature | WiZaRd | XS-workaround for older clients | // X-Ray :: XS-Workaround
- Feature | eMulefuture | Faster Re-Ask on MLdonkeys | // X-Ray :: FastReaskforMLDonkey
- Feature | netfinity | Anti-Shape | // X-Ray :: AntiShape
- Improve | NeoMule | BetterClientAttaching | // X-Ray :: BetterClientAttaching
- Improve | NeoMule/WiZaRd| LoopImprovement | // X-Ray :: LoopImprovement
- Improve | Xman | Init-Hashtable optimization | // X-Ray :: KnownFileListHashTableImprovement
- Improve | Xman | Don't refresh list-item on deletion | // X-Ray :: DontRefreshOnItemDeletion
- Improve | WiZaRd | Proper KadClientList-Client deletion | // X-Ray :: ProperKadClientListCleanup
- Add | | Added many Preferences Security Checks and Limits to the Slotcontrol
- Add | Xanatos | Added some code to SessionDownloadFeature | // X-Ray :: SessionDownload
- Changed | JvA | Few things in ChunkSettings and the calculation | // X-Ray :: FullChunk
- Removed | Xman | Better Chunk Selection - it's not needed at the moment cause of the zz code
- Removed | NexteMF | Official Toolbar Code
- Fix | Sirob | Fix Connection Collision | // X-Ray :: FixConnectionCollision
- Fix | | Fixed some things for the debug mode
- Fix | DavidXanatos | Fixed a Bug in the new XS v4 for Obfuscation
- Fix | Xman | Crashfix At Mmsocket
- Fix | shadow2004 | Show the correct serverport in networkinfodlg if obfuscution is used
- Fix | | Small displayfix in Splashscreen
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++
- X-Ray MoD 0.2 Alpha
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Type | Idea/Src from | Disription | Used Tag
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Merge | | Merged to 47b Codebase
- Feature | SF-IOM | Completed SafeHash Implementation | // X-Ray :: SafeHash
- Feature | Morph/Xtreme | FlushBuffer | // X-Ray :: FlushBuffer
- Feature | Xtreme | Queued Disc-Access for Read/Flushing-Threads | // X-Ray :: QueuedFlushThreads
- Feature | Morph/Xtreme | ReadBlockFromFileThread | // X-Ray :: ReadBlockFromFileThread
- Feature | O2/Xtreme | Hash Progress | // X-Ray :: HashProgress
- Feature | MorphXT | Display current uploading chunk | // X-Ray :: UploadChunkDisplay
- Feature | MorphXT | Display current downloading chunk | // X-Ray :: DownloadChunkDisplay
- Feature | eF-Mod | Show Total UP/DOWN | // X-Ray :: TotalUpDown
- Feature | xrmb | Confirmed download | // X-Ray :: ConfirmedDownload
- Feature | xrmb | See the need | // X-Ray :: SeeTheNeed
- Feature | | Show chunk dots in downloadlist progress | // X-Ray :: ChunkDots
- Feature | Slugfiller | DoubleLucas | // X-Ray :: DoubleLucas
- Feature | Slugfiller | QPFPush - Gives an inverse boost to less popular files for more equality | // X-Ray :: QPFPush
- Feature | Moonlight/Scar| Save Upload-Queue-Wait-Time | // X-Ray :: SUQWT
- Feature | Sivka/Stulle | Release Bonus | // X-Ray :: ReleaseBonus
- Feature | netfinity | Drop Stalled Sources | // X-Ray :: DropStalledSources
- Feature | netfinity | Delayed NNP | // X-Ray :: DelayedNNP
- Feature | netfinity | Reask Partstatus on NNP | // X-Ray :: ReaskPartstatusOnNNP
- Feature | JvA | All P2P get their correct icon and clients with ext.-prot. get an overlayicon | // X-Ray :: CorrectAppIcons
- Changed | WiZaRd | Makes eMule to keep the PROPER limit of the queue | // X-Ray :: QueueSizeFix
- Changed | JvA | Changed executable icon
- Removed | Slugfiller | NoNeededRequeue due to netfinity's code | // X-Ray :: NoNeededRequeue
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++
- X-Ray MoD 0.1 Alpha
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Type | Idea/Src from | Disription | Used Tag
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Feature | netfinity | DynamicBlockRequest | // X-Ray :: DynamicBlockRequest
- Feature | BlueSonicBoy | DL Part completion speed-up code | // X-Ray :: PartCompletionSpeedUp
- Feature | Xman | Better Passive Source Finding | // X-Ray :: BetterPassiveSourceFinding
- Feature | Xman | Better Chunk Selection | // X-Ray :: BetterChunkSelection
- Feature | Xman | Find best Sources | // X-Ray :: FindBestSources
- Feature | Slugfiller | NoNeededRequeue | // X-Ray :: NoNeededRequeue
- Feature | Avi3k | Colored Queue rank difference to the download list | // X-Ray :: QRdiff
- Feature | Morph/JvA | Colored Clientstate | // X-Ray :: ColoredClientstate
- Feature | Commander | Client Percentage | // X-Ray :: ClientPercentage
- Feature | Xanatos | Session Download | // X-Ray :: SessionDownload
- Feature | VQB | OwnCredits | // X-Ray :: OwnCredits
- Feature | Sivka/JvA | Slot Control | // X-Ray :: SlotControl
- Feature | VQB/WiZaRd | FullChunkTransfer | // X-Ray :: FullChunk
- Feature | WiZaRd | You can set the minimum Nr. of Chunks that will be transfered @ Friend-UL | // X-Ray :: FUChunkNr
- Feature | JvA | You can set the minimum Nr. of Chunks that will be transfered @ Normal-UL | // X-Ray :: NormalChunkNr
- Feature | Xman | Sourcecache | // X-Ray :: Sourcecache
- Feature | Neo | Preferences Banner | // X-Ray :: PrefBanner
- Feature | Neo/eMule+ | Preferences SlideBar | // X-Ray :: PrefSlider
- Feature | eF-Mod | New Statusbar Arrangement and fixed some bugs in the eF-Implementation | // X-Ray :: Statusbar
- Feature | eF-MOD | New Toolbar including fixes and several changes | // X-Ray :: Toolbar
- Feature | Xanatos/JvA | Toolbar is now skinable, so you can use your own images for the bar | // X-Ray :: SkinableToolbar
- Feature | eF-MOD | High resulution speedmeter on toolbar with some fixes from David Xanatos | // X-Ray :: Speedgraph
- Feature | Xtreme | New SplashScreen Arangement | // X-Ray :: SplashExtended
- Feature | SF-IOM/Xtreme | SafeHash | // X-Ray :: SafeHash
- Feature | Xman/NetF | If your upload is > 80 kb/s emule switch to lower compression | // X-Ray :: VariableCompression
- Feature | Xman | Code Improvement for choosing to use compression | // X-Ray :: CompressionChoosing
- Feature | Slugfiller | Requested blocks are now clipped to chunk limits and max. allowed block size | // X-Ray :: ReqBlocksClipping
- Feature | WiZaRd | Improved Uploadcaching | // X-Ray :: ImprovedUploadCaching
- Feature | Avi3k | Improved Kad's encoding code for CUInt128 | // X-Ray :: KadEncode
- Feature | WiZaRd | AutomaticKademliaFirewalledRecheck | // X-Ray :: AutoKadFirewallRecheck
- Feature | SiRoB | Outlined Percentage | // X-Ray :: OutlinedPercentage
- Feature | Slugfiller | ModID | // X-Ray :: ModID
- Feature | NeoMule | ModLog | // X-Ray :: ModLog
- Change | | Changed several Colors
- Feature | itsonlyme | Modname is shown everywhere in the mod | // X-Ray :: Modname
- Tweak | SiRoB | Don't send extended tags to client that don't support it to reduce overhead | // X-Ray :: ExtendedProtokolCheck
- Fix | WiZaRd | Some MemLeakFixes
- Download
eMule 0.47c - X-Ray.v0.3.rar (4.35 MB)
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