Universal Share Downloader v1.3.4.9 - RapidShare Leecher 2008 Ultimate Premium Special Pro Updated

Changelog USD
RapidShare updated
We include the interface gui from RapidLeecher Ultimate 2008 Automatic v4.8 - Rapidshare Premium Leecher 2008 v 4.8 with the thank free cap.exe so it will work again and you can select to use USD or RapidShare Leecher 2008.exe as Graphical User Interface (Gui)
USD v1.3.4.9
Changes 23.12.2007
RS updated
updated with latest captcha
cap.exe nasty annoying thank files downloading removed!
The other call homes gone for good!
RapidShare Leecher 2008 Automatic
original updated captcha used from USD
call back home to *rapidshareleech*.net removed!
All other call homes removed for your security!!!
Browser UA String updated to MSIE 7.0 and corrected
The URL:
Dialog Box Forum news deactivated cause the site is down! [Forum News]
The 4 rs dl entries seems like they come from snipurl. snipurl isn't removed yet in this version but you can simple add an entry in windows hosts file to block snipurl or on your firewall.
MoDs.sub.cc Reverse Engineering [RE]
This piece of software is Freeware. Sale strongly forbidden!
Ebay trade and all other businesses forbidden!
If you have paid for it get a refund!!!
Download USD and RapidShare Leecher 2008 [4.83 MB]:
USDownloader1.3.4.9-RapidShareLeecher2008.rar - Mirror - Mirror - Mirror - Mirror
USD only:
Universal.Share.Downloader.v1.3.4.9.zip [5.27 MB] - http://usd.altupdate.ru/USD/USDownloader134.zip
Language Files
Open SSL
older Version:
http://www.theleecher.com/download/Setup_RL_%202007_FIXED.Exe - Mirror - Mirror - Mirror
More info: http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/RapidShare-Leecher-Download-87678.html

This software product was tested thoroughly and was found absolutely clean, therefore it can be installed with no concern by any computer user.
However, it should be noted that this product will be retested periodically and the award may be withdrawn, so you should check back on this page from time to time. (click here for more information)
Hey, I wanna tell you how thankful I am wehn I discovered again USD got updated. I always loved it and I've missed it it a lot [mainly due mostly of my files are from free host websites]. And your blog almost saved my life. I thank u very very very much!!!
Hey I wanna thak you for give us updates of USD.. It's an awesome appz and I always loved it [since when Dimonius spottped updating it from his very own website]. I'm so glad I've found it here. Your blog is phuckin' awesome!! Congratulations.
Here is new. updated version. 100% works
Sorry but it's not in english. Anyway after you install it you can change language to english or any other... For people who have problems with installation: Just click: "INSTALL" then " dalje", then "Yes" then "Dalje" and "Exit" . After you open it just go to Language botton at the top and change your laguage. Have fun.
Here is the link :
with your agreement I will host it but let your link as first.
autorun.cdd = autorun.zip
zip password to edit menues and installer = 3d5eEv3e5l0o7pA3e7r4A
I will just the extractor uha usd2.exe host if it's ok
Thanks a lot for the update !!
please post comment as soon new versions come out very appreciate it
Thanks for the great program, but the plugins are dead. :(
You don't have permission to access /USD/All_plugins.zip on this server.
Apache/1.3.33 Server at usd.altupdate.ru Port 80
Where I can get it please?
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