11 November 2008

eMule 0.49b pP evl rX 1.0 PUBLIC EDITION

1.0a public
Removed: Some old debug logs - pP
Fixed: Remaining upload tabs initialization error - pP
Fixed: Uploadlimiter in Checkfortimeover() - pP
Fixed: Bad Checkbox-Icon in front of Initial up settings - pP
Fixed: Multipliers for UpMan get lost - pP
Added: Detection for uncounted upload, reverted to r10 style - pP - >> pP: SUIBanInfo
Changed: Merged to 0.49b - pP
Changed: Displaying the ModString inside the mod - pP
Added: SlotFocus - pP - >> pP: SlotFocus
Added: Detect old AJ Mods - pP - >> pP: Applejuice check [xman1]
Added: Create sessionstats on exit (slows down closing a bit) - evl - >> evl: CReport

Added: Links and string for the mods - pP - >> pP: Modrelated information
Added: Icons ans splashes for Al!as and rX mods - pP
Fixed: Cleaned up code for first release - pP
Fixed: Sending of correct modstring with version - pP

Added: German/English languagefile for prefs #1 - pP
Added: Implementation of localization stuff (WiP) - pP - >> pP: Localize.ini
Changed: Added phpbb [code] tags to uncolored file stats - evl - >> evl: FileStats [codetags]
Fixed: Powershare on Partfiles - pP
fixed: IP2C sorting bug in clientlistctrl.cpp - pP
Changed: mod perferences moved to addon directory - pP - >> pP: OwnPrefs
changed: Remember last ipfilter update to avoid unneded traffic - pP - >> pP: IPFilterUpdate [remember last update]
Updated: CReport, phpbb tag handling - pP - >> pP: CReport [phpbb tags]
Changed: File upload stats rewritten a reduced codelines - pP - >> pP: FileStats [IceCream]
Added: DropSources menue in DownloadListCtrl - pP - >> pP: SourceDrops
Added: File upload stats from MorphXT - pP - >> pP: FileStats [IceCream]

First of 49 :) 0.7a
Changed: Merged to eMule 49a base client - pP/evl
Fixed: Modversioncheck on startup was not performed - pP

closeToFinal Edition 0.6a (1st public beta)
Added: Set uploadpriority from TransferWnd, unfinished - evl - >> evl: UpPrios
removed : Sysinfo fix for Vista - evl - >> evl: SysInfo [VistaFixx]
Replaced: SysInfo from emf replaced by $icK$ version - evl - >> evl: SysInfo [$icK$]
Added: reasks after IPC - evl - >> evl: ReaskAfterChangedIP [Stulle]
Finished: pP's PowerShare, added missing check - evl - >> pP: PowerShare
Finished: pP's ModVersionCheck, retaged ;) - evl - >> evl: ModVersionCheck
Added: Creport, create a report on exit - evl - >> evl: CReport
Added: Sysinfo fix for Vista - evl - >> evl: SysInfo [VistaFixx]
Added: save and load sources on start/exit - evl - >> evl: SaveLoadSources [enkeyDEV]
Added: Support for Winsock v2 - evl - <<>> evl: ConChecker [eWombat]
Added: ClientAnalyzer - pP - >> pP: ClientAnalyzer [Wizard]
Changed: Updated CReport, cleaned up code (WiP) - evl - >> evl: CReport
Added: Creator for session statistics - pP - >> pP: CReport
Added: Renew UPnP portmapping after IP changed (off.code) - pP - >> pP: IPChange [Remap UPnP]
Added: second prefspage with missing off. stuff - pP - >> pP: PrefsPage2 [NeoMule]
Added: lowID to highID Automatic Callback - pP - >> pP: L2HAC [enkeyDEV]
Changed: Using DiffQR code from queue- in downloadlist - pP - >> pP: DiffQR [jva]
+ >> pP: DiffQR
+ >> evl: DiffQR [ShowDatarate]
Added: Show total up & down in queue- and uploadlist - pP - >> pP: UL/DL tab
Added: Detect and show a modicon for the R-Mod - pP - >> pP: R-Mod/Alias/rX check
Changed: Replaced the toolbar icons - pP - see res folder, icons by Darkside
Fixed: DiffQR icons for DL, Unknown and QF/NNS - pP - >> pP: DiffQR [new icons]
Changed: SliderBar colors changed to rX style - pP - >> pP: rX colors
Added: Check for bad clients (bad for the net) - pP - >> pP: BadClientFlag [Wizard]
Added: Check for newer GPL breakers - pP - >> pP: More GPLEvilDoers [Wizard]
Added: Chunkdots, incl. optimizations from CB Mod - pP - >> pP: Chunkdots [Slugfiller]
Added: Siedebanner for new Prefs dialog - pP
Added; New preference dialog - PreferencesDLG.cpp, taken from emF 0.6 completely
Added: Obfusacte HTTP transfer - pP - >> pP: Obfucsate Http Transfers [leuk_he]
Changed: Splash && Credits show ModName and version - pP - >> pP: ModString
Added: Intelligent Part Sharing - pP - >> pP: InteligentChunkSelection [enkeyDEV]
Added: Dynamic Block Requests - pP - >> pP: DynamicBlockRequests [Netfinity]
+ >> pP: Drop stalled downloads [netfinity]
+ >> pP: Delayed NNP [netfinity]
+ >> pP: Reask part status on NNP [netfinity]
Added: Show DL datarate in DiffQR column - evl - >> evl: DiffQR [ShowDatarate]
Added: IPFilter AutoUpdater (daily by deault) - evl - >> evl: IPFilterUpdate
Added: Larger filebuffer and dynamic flushing times - pP - >> pP: LargerFileBuffer
Misc: Tags cleaned up - pP
Added: Proper Reask times for other ClientSofts - pP - >> pP: CustomReaskTimes
Changed: Added missing icons in ModPrefs - pP
Added: Colored active Downloads - pP - >> pP: ColoredActiveDLs
Added: Bold active downloads - pP - >> pP: BoldActiveDLs
Added: Identify eMule Plus - pP - >> pP: EnhancedClientRecognization [spike2]
Added: Replacement for official ratio - pP - >> pP: ActiveRatio [netfinity]
Added: Display the RQR with tendency icons/coloring - pP - >> pP: DiffQR [jva]
Added: Calculation of the RQR difference - pP - >> pP: DiffQR
Added: Modversion - pP - >> pP: ModVersion
Added: Moved modrelated files to separate directory - evl - >> evl: AddonDirs [Wizard/shadow2004]
Changed: IP2Country, always show a dflt. flag - pP - >> pP: always show a flag
Changed: IP2Country, chapterize sources - pP - >> pP: ip2c.chapterize
Added: IP2Country, show src/file origin - evl - >> evl: IP2C [EastShare]
Added: Modicons in sourcelists - evl - >> evl: ModIconDLL [WiZaRd/Shadow2004]
Added: List icons for MLD, aMule etc - pP - >> pP: clientsoft icons
Added: Send static modstring - pP - >> pP: Modstring
Added: FunnyNicks - evl - >> evl: FunnyNicks [xrmb/SiRoB/Stulle]
Added: eMulate communities - evl - >> evl: EmulateComm [evcz]
Added: Detect CS by clientversion - evl - >> evl: Check if new or old CS is used
Added: Calc own score on peer - pP - >> pP: OwnScore [VQB]
Added: Calc scores only when needed - pP - >> pP: StoredRatio
Added: Basic localization - evl - >> pP: localize
Added: ModLog in ServerWnd - pP - >> pP: ModLog
Added: ModStats - pP - >> pP: TPT_ModStats
Added: Auto download priority - pP - >> pP: AutoDownPrio
Added: Own preferences page - pP - >> pP: PrefsPage
Added: Startup flood prevention - evl - >> evl: StartupFloodPrevention [Wizard]
Changed: Moved some outputs to ModLog - evl
Changed: corrected notation of used vars - evl

eMule 0.49b pP.evl rX.1.0ap.7z 2.61 MB
eMule 0.49b pP.evl rX 1.0ap.7z
