03 October 2009

PeerBlock v1.0 anti-p2p ip blocking

PeerBlock lets you control who your computer "talks to" on the Internet. By selecting appropriate lists of "known bad" computers, you can block communication with advertising or spyware oriented servers, computers monitoring your p2p activities, computers which have been "hacked", even entire countries! They can't get in to your computer, and your computer won't try to send them anything either.

"Signed Driver! pbfilter.sys, peerblock.exe, and the installer-package itself are signed. So those of you running on 64-bit Vista/Win7 systems should no longer need to test-sign the driver or hit F8 while rebooting or anything. For people running on Vista/Win7 with UAC enabled, instead of having it popup a "scary" yellow warning-prompt asking if you want to run peerblock (or the installer) it should instead show a nice calming blue box as well."

Best of all, it's free open source software!

Platform Support

PeerBlock currently supports Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, and 7 in 32-bit and 64-bit.


http://www.peerblock.com PeerBlock Website
http://devblog.peerblock.com PeerBlock Development Blog
http://forums.peerblock.com PeerBlock Forums
http://code.google.com/p/peerblock/ PeerBlock Source Code

Lists: http://iblocklist.com/lists.php

Original PeerGuardian2:
http://peerguardian.sf.net Phoenix Labs Home Page
http://peerguardian.sf.net/forums Phoenix Labs Forums
http://peerguardian.sf.net/pg2.html PeerGuardian 2 Home Page

Homepage: http://www.peerblock.com/
BBS: http://forums.phoenixlabs.org/showthread.php?t=18771

Download the latest Interim Release: PeerBlock 1.0+ (r187) (released 10/1/09)
Download the latest Public Release: PeerBlock 1.0 (released 9/27/09)

64 Bit Versions and others: http://code.google.com/p/peerblock/downloads/list

Source Code: http://code.google.com/p/peerblock/


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