27 May 2010

FUU v0.1 Beta - [F]aster [U]niversal [U]npacker

FUU (Faster Universal Unpacker) is a GUI Windows Tool with a set of tools (plugins) to help you to unpack, decompress and decrypt most of the programs packed, compressed or encrypted with the very well knowns software protection programs like UPX, ASPack, FSG, ACProtect, etc.

The GUI was designed using RadASM and MASM. Every plugin included in the official release was written in ASM using MASM.

The core of every plugin use TitanEngine SDK from ReversingLabs under the hood, this help to the developer to write plugins very easy and very fast without the need to worry about some repetitive and boring functions like dump, fix the iat, add sections, etc. You can develop a plugin for FUU in a very easy way using TitanEngine.

Also, FUU include some extra tools like:

* Generic OEP Finder
* Cryto Signature Detector
* Generic Unpacker
* Signatures Detector (next release)

Generic OEP Finder, Cryto Signature Detector and Generic Unpacker are from PEiD's team.

This first version is just a PoC (Proof of Concept) but will be updated very soon with many more things to make it a more interesting tool.

The idea of this tool was born from interest to test TitanEngine from ReversingLabs and see how it works and what kind of things can be done with it.

Homepage: http://crackinglandia.blogspot.com/

Source: FUU v0.1 Beta.source.7z


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stalin said...

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