08 September 2010

Xunlei Mini Thunder English

MiniThunder Multi Download Manager ED2K/HTTP/FTP/BT

Translated GUI + Addons *.exe, *.dll's (Skin Editor, Toolbar Plugin, Setup...) 90%
- WIP -

Log changes:


- Edit ToolBarNow.dll, ToolBar.dll > google.cn search request to google.com
begin editing/translate embedded images
- Resize some Dialog Menu's to better match size MiniThunder.exe
- remove stats (minixl.client.stat.xunlei.com)
- unban eMule v0.48a [xl build61] (mod_version xl build61)


Download MiniThunder-english.7z


Chinese Setup: http://down.sandai.net/mini/MiniThunderInstaller3.1.1.58.exe


Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for this. it is just what I need. Are there any updates on this WIP?

Recon said...

At the moment not. Later I will try to find in hex the rest words to translate which are shown up as hints/confirmation message boxes.

paleskin said...

I can't download from uploaded.to

Can you provide other mirrors ?


Recon said...

The link with: thunder://QUFodHRwOi8vbW9kcy54Zi5jei9kbC9NaW5pVGh1bmRlci1FTi12My4xLjEuNTgtY3VzdG9tLmV4ZVpa

is a direct link. To encode the url to http install for firefox Special Link Decoder & Encoder https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6304/

right click on thunder/flashget link -> decode

James said...

Speak ahh dahh English? The screen shots show half translated software with Mandarin all over the place. Why waist our time? Can you say back door? daah!

jeez said...

Waist? Seriously? In a post about bad English?

Judy Romero said...

Nice blog you havee

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