23 January 2011

eMule 0.50a Chimera 1.5

eMule 0.50a Chimera 1.5

Change log Chimera 1.5

Based on eMule 0.50a No.Name

add Automatic Friend Slot to friend [KTS]
add Chimera.eMuleSkin.ini in Skin dir [B4n$h33]
add Copy FeedBack [B4n$h33]
add Country Block only in upload [B4n$h33]
add Drop Slow Client [X-mod/changed B4n$h33]
add Inteligent Chunk Selection [enkeyDEV]
add Kad Boost [B4n$h33]
add Share Only The Need [ZZ-Ultra]
add Show server in Search List [Blowfish]
Change Anti-nickthieftag [B4n$h33]
Change Code in ConChecker [B4n$h33]
Fix ASFU [B4n$h33]
Fix some visual bug [B4n$h33]
Improved Anti Leech System [B4n$h33]
Little fix in EmuleDlg.cpp [B4n$h33]
Little update to emulate others [B4n$h33]
Some Change around IP2C [B4n$h33]
others minor fix [B4n$h33]
Some code cleaning [B4n$h33]
Update Mod Icons [B4n$h33]
and other

Spread This Mod Everywhere you are all authorized !

Thanks to all my beta testers

Download @ Divshare



Anonymous said...

I find it funny how nobody posts ed2k links to chimera mods anymore, only 1-click sites. This is because the users of these mods are all useless leechers, who make it impossible to download anything off them, B4n$h33 being the leader of worthless leechers himself will not even upload his own mods on emule (I tried for months, seriously!). Therefore I will not help spread this merda leechermod when the creator of the mods will not share even a byte with anyone. B4n$h33, you are a bane to the ed2k network, as are your garbage leecher mods. B4n$h33 Vaffanculo a Lei, la sua moglie, e' la sua madre. Lei e' un cafone stronzo. Io non mangio in questo merdaio! Vada via in culo!

Anonymous said...

i release with chimera;-)

Anonymous said...

I have seen some leechermods that have turned out to be great for releasing due to certain options. So wich options in this mod do you consider useful for releasing? Is it the country block? Fake Rank? False Modstring? Sharelevels? The mysterious antileech system? lol, humor aside, I think you'll find this mod has not one option that could be useful for releasing. Take a look at any other mod on this blog and you'll find a mod 100x better for releasing. This mod is designed for the purpose of making it easy for idiots to leech off emule without giving anything back, even applejuice mods could be considered much better for the network than these because they actually promote sharing. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how to remove a file from your shares, however people like B4n$h33 need mods like this so they can burden servers with their shared links wich they might not actually be sharing and that is who my rant was against. If you want a good laugh try and download one of these mods on emule, any other mods will be downloaded in a matter of minutes, but with these mods you will notice a difference in the users, and if the only source for download is B4n$h33, then your out of luck.

Anonymous said...

lol! even crappy l!onetwork mods make 100x better releasemods than this junk. I am usually very appreciative of the hard work modders put into their mods, however you cannot deny that the ed2k network would be much better off without the likes of these specifically built leecher mods. Seriously, the ed2k network is not headed in a good direction, there is a big problem with hit 'n runners, creditshapers, nickthieves, and all that. Mods like this are what promote this sort of behaviour because all of the options in this mod are designed to cheat the system in one way or another, and that is the only purpose of this mod wich is why its users will get banned by me if i find out their using chimera mods, l!onetwork mods, and other such shity leechmods.

B4n$h33 said...

hey man, ma da quale buco del culo sei uscito ho capito che non ti piace la mia mod, ma adesso puoi anche smetterla, perche stai diventando seccante, se non sei riuscito a scaricare nulla da me in tutti questi mesi è solo perche io non l'ho voluto e se ti senti frustrato perchè io ho delle mod esclusive e tu no, è un problema tuo e non di tutti quelli che usano le mie mod. E comunque non c'è bisogno di insultarmi apertamente nella mia lingua per dire che non ti piaccino le mie mod ....ti dò un cosiglio fatti una vita vera e vivila, invece di pensare a queste puttanate.Poi non capisco come mai l'amministratore faccia passare questi insulti gratuiti.... Happy Leeching!!!

B4n$h33 said...

giusto per essere chiari la mia mod non puo essere bannata da nessuno perchè è stata progettata da me per mimetizzarsi a quelle così dette legali.Poi vorre dire che con emule chimera uno puo tranquillamente fare il releaser senza alcun problema anzi in emule chimera e stata migliorata la capacità di condivisione di almeno 10 volte rispetto ad un emule normale che ha dei limiti anche in questo e cmq nessuno obbliga un'utente a utilizzare emule chimera o altre leecher mods Happy Leeching!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, i've annoying you? sorry. i highly doubt you upload to anyone on ed2k, this is what you get for being a no good leecher and for promoting this mentality with your mods wich do nothing but harm ed2k. You can call your mod exclusive, but because you do not upload it to anyone, and its impossible to download on "ed2k" does not make it an exclusive, just goes to show how much chimera users are willing to give back to ed2k. I have no problem with obtaining your mod if i want to (using html sites like uploaded.to lol!) my problem is with the bad direction this network is heading, wich is the only thing can say you have contributed too. Yes your mods can be banned by anyone using a number of different methods, it may not be easy but I have tons of chimera users banned, allong with l!onetwork, xunlei, and other mods that have a negative effect on the ed2k network. I did not say your mod had a problem with releasing, it simply is not made for it, and has not one option designed for releasing or improving the sharing system. You say chimera is 10x better to share with than normal emule, lol, is it because of the sharelevels? upload only to uploader? or the fakerank? lol. I have a hard time believing this mod is designed for anything other than being a pain to the network. Why do you burden the servers when you do not share any of your files, you make it sound like only special people can download off you, but i doubt that you upload to anyone. If the majority of emule users thought like you then this network would be 100x worse than it is already, and would have died long ago. After years of dedicated releasing on ed2k and watching the network go downhill because of your efforts and mentalities similar to yours, I think I have earned the right to say Vaffanculo inutile leecher!

Anonymous said...

Because your mod is impossible to download on emule does not make it an exclusive, if anything it just goes to show how much the users are willing to contribute to ed2k.

Anonymous said...

your mods can be banned by anyone who cares enough, I have banned plenty alredy allong with l!onetwork users and others that negatively effected ed2k. Also, I did not say your mod had any problems releasing, just that leechers and leechermods wich enable and promote leeching are a bane to the ed2k network, and there is not one single option in this mod that attempts to improve emules upload system, or would appeal to releasers. I doubt that you upload to anyone on emule, thou you claim that you simply did not want to upload (imagine where ed2k would be if everyone thought this way), and for that reason you can expect negative feedback and frustration from dedicated releasers such as myself, who take risks trying to make the ed2k a great network, only to watch people such as yourself give back nothing, other than these worthless leechmods lol. You say you've improved the sharing in chimera compared to the normal emule client LOL, was it with the fakerank option? or the sharelevels? or maybe you think adding slotcontrol makes your mod better to share with than emule. So if you dont want to upload anything why do you publish your files to the servers, other than to be a pain and upset people, because I highly doubt you have ever uploaded on ed2k. Your mods are not copywrited, you are not going to be sued by anyone, so why do you not share? Are you going to refute any of my arguments or continue to say nonsense like your mod is 10 times better to share with than emule LOL, and that it cant be banned. Oh and I appreciate your tip, tho I dont take tips from anyone whose mentality goes like I'm not going to upload to you because I dont want to, even thou you dont know me, and are at no risk of getting into any trouble. You want to talk about real life, stop pretending your mods are exclusive simply because nobody is sharing them. You have the right to be a leeching jerk, as I have the right to call you a jerk for being a worthless leecher, so dont act like i have done something wrong calling you a leeching jerk. And after years of dedicated releasing and watching this network go downhill in part because of your efforts and mentality, I have earned the right to say Vaffanculo indegno leecher! Theres already enough leecher mods, go do something that will benefit something. I'll swear at you in your own language bacause through previous attempts at contacting you and by the bad spelling present in your mods, your english is needing of improvement, and I want to be sure you understand me clearly when I say: Vaffanculo indegno leecher!

Anonymous said...

sry, inutile, would be a much better word, after not even uploading your own mod or anything on emule, you have proven yourself worthy of the criticism.

Anonymous said...

o, and let me just clarify, I have nothing against the good honest users of chimera, its just people like B4n$h33 that abuse leecher mods that frustrate me, I can understand how not everyone can afford to upload as they please. However I do have a point when I say that these mods are promoting a mentality that is degrading the emule network, and if you do not believe me then try to download this mod on emule and it will become obvious what people do with mods like these, and that is what this rant is about. And "because you didnt want to upload" is not an acceptable reason for giving back nothing, the servers are too bloated as it is for people such as yourself to waste their resources publishing links to it that you have no intention of sharing with anyone.

fabius said...

bla , bla , bla.....you are "only" an "Anonymous" man !!!!

B4n$h33 said...

grazie fabius lascia perdere questa e solo gente stupida e ignorante che vuole solo provocare e poi da quello che scrivono si capisce perfettamente che sono ragazzini fissati che non hanno niente di meglio da fare durante il giorno che insultare con offese gratuite e parolaccie

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