20 March 2011

eMule 0.50a Euro-Com MoD v1.0

This is a fresh new Lite Mod made for the easy use with hundrets of optimizations & fixes
for the official eMule & the new European Community V2 coupled with some useful features.

!!!Changelog includes only a part of all changes!!!


ADD : European Community V2 [version 0.4] (umeK)
ADD : ClientAnalyzer (WiZaRd)
ADD : PowerShare (WiZaRd)
ADD : ShowQDifference (itsonlyme)
ADD : ICS (enkeyDEV/WiZaRd)
ADD : AntiHideOS (netfinity)
ADD : Intelligent SOTN [umeK changed,always enabled] (WiZaRd)
ADD : Mystery auto. DropSystem (DaRk_MysTeRy/umeK)
ADD : Global HardLimit (-XdP-/umeK)
ADD : Kad-Boost (-XdP-/umeK)
ADD : IP2Country (taken from Xtreme)
ADD : Fakerank [hardcoded] (-XdP-/umeK)
ADD : Random Modstring [hardcoded] (-XdP-/umeK)
ADD : Emulate other [hardcoded] (???/WiZaRd/Torni/Spike2)
ADD : Friend Addon (SiRob)
ADD : Friendhandling from all lists (Xman)
ADD : Remove all friend slots (beba)
ADD : Upload Management [hardcoded] (umeK)
ADD : Block non-eMules [hardcoded] (umeK)
ADD : Friendboost [hardcoded] (KTS/umeK)
ADD : WinSock2 (eWombat)
ADD : Save/Load-Sources (taken from Xtreme)
ADD : Mod Stats (?/umeK)
ADD : SlotFocus (?)
ADD : LargerFileBuffer (pP)
ADD : Mod tree on PPGTweaks (umeK)
ADD : DynamicBlockRequests (Netfinity)
ADD : Filefeedback (-XdP-/umeK)
ADD : Automatic Firewalled Retries (WiZaRd)
ADD : Own Mod prefs [config] (WiZaRd)
ADD : Display userhash in ServerWnd (X-Ray)
ADD : Modinfos to ServerWnd (umeK)
ADD : Fullchunktransfer (VQB/WiZaRd/umeK)
IMPROVE : Reconnect on Kad (?)
IMPROVE : boost XS (umeK)
IMPROVE : better passive sourcesearch (umeK)
IMPROVE : better mod defaults (umeK)
IMPROVE : show our server in bluebold (Xman)
IMPROVE : powershare in bold (Taz/umeK)
IMPROVE : grey out filtered or dead servers (BlueSonic/TK4)
CHANGE : Don't punish Friends on CA Detection methods (umeK)
CHANGE : some Icons (Toolbar,clientsoft,tray,app...)
CHANGE : don't ban friends or community (umeK)
CHANGE : exclude Leecher from Powershare (Taz)
CHANGE : exclude powershared files from Upload Management (umeK)
CHANGE : added s for nodes.dat,server.met & ipfilter.dat (umeK)
CHANGE : better kad filestoring (umeK)
REMOVE : friendslot restrictions (umeK)
REMOVE : search restrictions (umeK)
REMOVE : Help (umeK)
REMOVE : Version Check (umeK)
REMOVE : Sendmail (umeK)
REMOVE : Text to speech (umeK)
REMOVE : some uneeded official code (umeK)

eMule_v0.50a_Euro-Com_MoD_v1.0.rar [2.85 Mb]



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