21 March 2011

We are now on Blogger accessible from China

As our site is hostet on Google Blogger Server IP's and inaccessible from China do to Chinas Firewall we use CloudeFlare which also will improve the page load speed and minify embedded JavaScript as well as CSS and GZip the website. Furthermore CloudFlare is a kind of CDN with a protection from "Bad IP's" such as known web spammers and attackers. CloudeFlare can be also used if you run a Forum.

Pictures and Graphic stuff on our site are web optimized with Riot, PNGOut, SuperGif and YSlow/Google PageSpeed.

Have fun



Witherspoon Bergan said...

Meandering Murray Tour is now under way, have a
great trip guys and make sure you tell us about your adventures. Save some
coffee and cake for the office staff, pretty please!!!

check out here: Accessable Cruising

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