20 January 2012

eMule 0.50a OFF+ 5.5

eMule 0.50a OFF+ 5.5

Full featured eMule Client.

Replica made by B4n$h33© according to the JPEG graphic "CHEERS" below ABOUT screen in PE Resource Exe viewer:

eMule OFF+ comes in latest Version 5.5
modded on 20. January 2012
Coded in C++ V9

Share Levels
Dual Server Connect
Server Rotation
Auto Kick from Upload after x MB
Slot Focus
Custom Mod String
...and many more...

Direct Download


ed2k Link

Thank You!!!


Virgostrand said...

great mod! thank you!

Gallasprince said...

merci pour le nouveau mod

Francisco33 said...

Thx great mod, can you insert in next version upload feedback with??? Mfg Natalie

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