01 January 2012

eMule 0.50a Som-Tam v0.2

 Changelog :

* Changelog V0.2 *
[Add]FakeAnalyzer [Netfinity]
[Add]Show Icon Preview when is Ready(only Movie)in DownloadListCtrl, can disable in Som-Tam Options I [Matrik]
[Add]FunnyNick [Xman]
[Add]Set Small File Size [WiZard]
[Add] Save Load Sources [?]
[Add]Some Optimization [WiZard]
[Add]Relax on Start up [WiZard]
[Add]Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change [based on code from Pawcio]
[Add]ConChecker [eWombat]
[Add]Low ID retry [SlugFiller]
[Add]Save CPU [WiZard]
[Add]Preview Menu and Icon in DownloadListCtrl[Morph]
[Add]WinSock 2 [eWombat]
[Add]ICS [enkeyDEV]
[Add]AntiHideOS [netfinity]
[Add]SafeKad [netfinity]
[Add]NiceHash [CB/Wizard]
[Add]Obfuscate HTTP-Transfers [Spike2]
[Add]Reconnect to Kademlia [Pawcio]
[Add]Kadaddons [Spike2]
[Add]KadHelper [eMuleFuture]
[Add]Show HashClient in "My Infos" [Matrik]
[Add]QRdiff [from ZZUL-TRA Mod]
[Add]Show Related Source Colored [eMuleFuture]
[Add]Some optimization [taz]
[Add]Some Icon [Matrik]
[Fix]HTTP downloads [WiZard]
[Fix]in MetaDtaDlg [WiZard]
[Fix]In Kad [WiZard]
[Fix]Some Bugs again ;-) [Matrik]

Homepage: http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=153833


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