07 February 2007

ApexDC v0.3.0 NwN v1.5

- fake hubcount
- fakeshare with fakelist
- random nick
- slotlocker
- DC++ emulation
- many more great features

Changelog NwN 1.5:

- Added: ignore PM, fake hubcount in fav hubs
- Changed: fakefilelists system, now new lists stored in the "FakeLists\\" folder
- Changed: hubcount, now when inputbox is empty show real hubcount,same thing for the favoritehubs
other small fixings

NwN v1.0

Added: fake hub count (general)
Added: retry connnection every xx seconds (expert only)
Added: slotlocker(general[open slots])
Added: multiple hubs connect public hubs.
Removed: Down\Up limiter Ratio
Removed: useless code ex.: apex betauser code/svn version..and other
Changed: manual segments set to 10..can set ever u need, untick manual segments == 100 segments
Changed: now every hubs is opened without userlist to default..
NwN v1.1

Fixed: search bug (oooooopps) :P
NwN v1.2

Added: force all downloads every xx minutes..this working 100% :P (general)
Changed: "emulate DC++ in this hub" ..is now .."Use ApexDC++ tag in this hub" (favorite hub)
Changed: Socks5 dont show the '5' in tag.. (now is 'P')
Removed: netlimiter detect stuff..
NwN v1.3

Added: random nick with txt file
Added: "sure ban" fakeshare lol..

Added: fakeshare with fake xml.bz2 filelist (need testing, maybe not 100% undetectable)
ATTENTION: fakeshare with .xml.bz2 mode for now DONT change the generator version and dont remove small files, use only 0.698 lists version! (or modify the xml file :))

Added: update GUI/Users every xx seconds (general)
Added: show nickname of blocked client from peer guardian plugin
NwN v1.31

Fixed: fakelist + hideshare now work fine
NwN v1.4

Added: favorite users page extended, added 'ignore private messages from user',
upload mode for user:
- NORMAL - as without modification
- BANNED - user always gets 'no slots available'
- SUPERUSER - total upload speed limit not applied to this user
- 2K, 3K, 5K, 8K, 12K, 16K, 24K, 32K, 64K - limit upload speed for this user

Added: sending same message to all selected users, for ex. "hey, give me slot plz"
works from search page and tranfers view. select users and choose
'send private message'

Added: - added 'DNS' columns to hub users list, tranfers list and search page.
by DNS, it's easy to find out user's internet provider and probably location.
there are 3 modes for resolving ip's into domain names:
0 - disabled
1 - resolve immediately, client may slow down (though cache used)
2 - put ips in queue and resolve in background. when this ip used again, it's
domain name displayed immediately
unfortunately, mode not configurable in GUI. edit Settings/DCPlusPlus.xml

NsLookupDelay is minimal delay time (in ms) between DNS queries
if nothing specified, default mode is 2 with delay=100 ms

code merged from ApexDC SMT mod-s1-s8,
NwN v1.5

Added: ignore PM, fake hubcount in fav hubs
Changed: fakefilelists system, now new lists stored in the "FakeLists\\" folder
Changed: hubcount, now when inputbox is empty show real hubcount,same thing for the favoritehubs
other small fixings

Download ApexDC v0.3.0 NwN v1.5.rar (1.91 MB) - (Mirror)


Anonymous said...

How 2 use???

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