10 February 2007

Azureus v2.5.0.4 Shu DDJ Hack


Build 189
bugfix: empty event flag isn’t sent anymore while using download reduction or other option while the torrent is completed

Build 188
re added Portuguese language
Major bugfix : It now correctly sends what’s remaining (%done)
Config caps increased :
-upload multiplier from 20 to 50
-ratio limit from 5 to 50
-speed limit from 2500 to 10000
Code cleanup in the Shu config area

Azureus v2.5.0.4 Shu DDJ Hack (11.35 MB)

Download - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - DDL

Hacked Shu Mod ( (8.06 MB) by seba

Download - (Mirror1) -


ZhAbAc said...

I just wanted to say that your blog rules. Great software info. =)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much.

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