µTorrent 1.8 Build 6806 Alpha

2007-12-04: µTorrent 1.8 alpha (build 6806)
- Change: default to "All" category on startup if none selected
- Fix: Some blank dialogs on Windows 9x
- Fix: Some dialogs on Vista that didn't use the native font
- Fix: some GDI leaks
- Fix: upnp never stopped updating if it was disabled (prevented tracker updates)
2007-12-03: µTorrent 1.8 alpha (build 6799)
- Change: Add support for more 4095 characters in edit controls and other windows
- Change: Make category selections a union
- Change: persist current initial-seed piece in settings
- Fix: It will run on Windows 9x again
- Fix: Cancelling an in-place edit in the main listview no longer accepts that value on Windows 9x
- Fix: Some blocks appearing in some scheduler day/time strings in the preferences dialog
- Fix: incorrect selected_cats length in settings
- Fix: adding blank url-list to .torrent on generation
- Fix: "&corrupt=" instead of "&corrupted="
- Fix: UPnP unmap issue, existant mapping with XP API
- Fix: seed-only mode in scheduler (https seeds were not stopping)
2007-12-01: µTorrent 1.8 alpha (build 6723)
- Feature: Improved ETA algorithm
- Feature: report "&corrupted=X" to the tracker (hashfail byte count, deltas same as downloaded= and uploaded=)
- Feature: All Feeds category
- Change: Only use 3-state checkboxes in torrent properties for torrent combinations with a mixed state
- Change: The LSD option is now completely per-torrent and is no longer global as well
- Change: move IpFilter and RangeBlock blocked messages to Verbose
- Change: Parts of the general and transfer tab can now be scrolled
- Change: Put a separator after the create torrent button
- Fix: crashbug with prio_first_last_piece and some torrents
- Fix: more accurate check for existant UPnP mapping
- Fix: close files during hash check
- Fix: disable the web seeds edit control while the create torrent dialog is busy
- Fix: display correct font in download bar so that infinity symbol shows
- Fix: Crash in add torrent dialog when unexpanding certain items
- Fix: hashfail with part file
- Fix: Last Active sorting
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6806 Alpha
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6799 Alpha
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6723 Alpha
UPX Compressed:
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6806 Alpha
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6799 Alpha
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6723 Alpha
PECompact Compressed:
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6806 Alpha
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6799 Alpha
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6723 Alpha
Deutsche Sprachdatei - The German Language File:
Deutsches Helpfile - Deutsche Hilfe Datei: utorrentger.chm
Homepage and Forum English/German
www.utorrent-deutsch.de | www.german-utorrent.de
µTorrent CZ 1.8 ALPHA
http://www.utorrent.cz/dwn/utorrent6723.rar - Mirror
Hungarian / Magyar:
http://www.utorrent.hu/downloads/utorrent_hun_apptransteam.zip - Mirror
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