ResEdit 1.4.4

ResEdit is a free Resource Editor for Win32 programs. You can use it if you want to use dialogs, icon, version information (can change emule.exe version resource, get fake emule version detected from some dlp's back. Useful if a mod send wrong emule version to correct it :) Makes some Korean emules running with a higher skuill, v 2.x 3.x is mostly v 0.48, 0.49) or other types of resources. Output files can be compiled by any Win32 compiler, like MinGW and Microsoft Visual C++. To open a file which uses Win32 API symbolic constants, you will also need Win32 header files (usually coming with you compiler).
If you don't have any C++ compiler, you will need the Win32 headers (mainly windows.h and commctrl.h). You can download the Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK to get these files.
The current version of ResEdit is
•ANSI build (507 Ko) [Download]
•Unicode Build (516 Ko) [Download]
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ResEdit does not have any setup program, you just have to extract the files contained in the archive in the directory of your choice. You can consult the changelog.
•Importing most of the rc files generated by Microsoft Visual Studio resource editor. Some informations like macro definitions may then be lost while saving the project with ResEdit
•Advanced Dialog editor. All existing kind of Win32 controls are supported (Static text, Buttons, Edit controls, Pictures, ...).
•A basic picture editor to open and modify bitmaps, icons and cursors
•Possibility to include all sort of resources.
•Generation of C++ code for the Dialogs (code with CreateWindowEx) and Menus (CreateMenu, CreatePopupMenu...). However it is not possible to import C++ sources files.
•Unlimited Undo/Redo buffers
•Customizable layout : you can drag and drop panels to place it wherever you want.
ResEdit is a freeware program.
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