eMule 0.49b Applejuice 3.1.3 by Ekliptor - ALL Latest AJ Mods
Changelog eMule v0.49b Applejuice v3.1.3:
March, 18. 2009
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients
- advanced Upload Managament, Upload Protection and Boost Clients
- many Hacks, Community Fakes and Client Emulations
- security Features like 'no complete Files' and 'Filename Obfuscation'
- AES (256 bit) encrypted File-Transfers for more Security
- many other useful Features
- all eMule Xtreme Features
http://hosting.applejuice-community.eu/mods/eMule.v0.49b.Wikinger-Mod.v3.12.bin.zip | Mirror: eMule.v0.49b.Wikinger-Mod.v3.12.bin.zip 3.01 MB
eMule Fireball Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients
- AES (256 bit) encrypted File-Transfers for more Security
Changelog eMule v0.49b Fireball v3.13:
March, 1. 2008
- fixed bug counting clients on upload queue for each file
- fixed removing friend slot
- fixed login using alternative server on http://fireball.applejuice-community.eu/
Change by login Auth Bypass Tool in HOSTS file to: fireball.applejuice-community.eu
http://www.the-master-galaxy.de/Ekliptor/Fireball/eMule.v0.49b.Fireball.v3.13.bin.zip | Mirror: eMule.v0.49b.Fireball.v3.13.bin.zip 3.18 MB
http://hosting.applejuice-community.eu/mods/eMule.v0.49b.EPB-Mod.v2.13.bin.zip | Mirror: eMule.v0.49b.EPB-Mod.v2.13.bin.zip 3.14 MB
http://hosting.applejuice-community.eu/mods/eMule.v0.49b.RC-Atlantis.v2.13.bin.zip | Mirror: eMule.v0.49b.RC-Atlantis.v2.13.bin.zip 3.11 MB
http://hosting.applejuice-community.eu/mods/eMule.v0.49b.GPS2Crew.Mod.v2.13.bin.zip | Mirror: eMule.v0.49b.GPS2Crew.Mod.v2.13.bin.zip 3.07 MB
http://hosting.applejuice-community.eu/mods/eMule.v0.49b.ROCKFORCE.Mod.v2.12.bin.zip | Mirror: eMule.v0.49b.ROCKFORCE.Mod.v2.12.bin.zip 3.01 MB

- added searches for http://www.titanshare.to/ and http://www.titantorrent.to/ in search window
- changed zoozle search links
- changed homepage and forum links to http://www.applejuice-community.eu/
- some minor fixes
Changelog eMule v0.49b Applejuice v3.1.2:
October, 28. 2008
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- fixed bug Clients were not immediate asked for Credit Download in some occasions
- fixed bug Applejuice Credits were not saved on exit if Kad UDP Firewall check got no result
- ask for a new Creditdownload Client if another one gets removed from download list (e.g. when he closes eMule)
- increased number of max allowed Creditdownload clients for each download limit
- added ShareHunt search and language support for Zoozle search
- added toolbar button for http://www.titanmule.to
BBS: http://board.applejuice-community.eu/
Download: eMule.v0.49b.Applejuice.v3.1.3.bin.zip 5.46 MB
eMule.v0.49b.Fireball.v3.13.bin.zip 3.18 MB
eMule.v0.49b.Wikinger-Mod.v3.12.bin.zip 3.01 MB
eMule.v0.49b.EPB-Mod.v2.13.bin.zip 3.14 MB
eMule.v0.49b.RC-Atlantis.v2.13.bin.zip 3.11 MB
eMule.v0.49b.GPS2Crew.Mod.v2.13.bin.zip 3.07 MB
eMule.v0.49b.ROCKFORCE.Mod.v2.12.bin.zip 3.01 MB
info and changelogs

Eliptor kills the ed2k bann all aj mods
European Community is faster and better
Improve AJ ban
AJ Mod users steal all my little upload speed
fight it with clientanalyser mods best way to stop it!
the new beba 2.51 beta mods
European Community is still very litle and CA dont detect AJ Community ...... then i use AJ and derivatives
European Community
1.:max 3 member bei 8000 sources ?!
2.:0 UP Mods als Com Member ?!
AJ Community
1.:ist für mich keine "richtige" com, da sich innerhalb der com reichlich gegenseitig beschissen wird
2.:nutze das ding nur noch in wenigen ausnahmefällen um bestimmte files fertig zu kriegen;
sonst nicht weil das ding einfach zu lahm ist.
3.:die lügen zum thema security sind schon der knaller aber es gibt halt genug deppen die drauf reinfallen
Client Analyzer
1:leider völlig unbrauchbar, da hier gigabyte weise an leecher up entsteht bis er denn mal merkt das es einer ist.
European Community
1.:max 3 member bei 8000 sources ?!
2.:0 UP Mods als Com Member ?!
AJ Community
1.:ist für mich keine "richtige" com, da sich innerhalb der com reichlich gegenseitig beschissen wird
2.:nutze das ding nur noch in wenigen ausnahmefällen um bestimmte files fertig zu kriegen;
sonst nicht weil das ding einfach zu lahm ist.
3.:die lügen zum thema security sind schon der knaller aber es gibt halt genug deppen die drauf reinfallen
Client Analyzer
1:leider völlig unbrauchbar, da hier gigabyte weise an leecher up entsteht bis er denn mal merkt das es einer ist.
network problem finally gone, moved
ZZ-R V2.0
auch der zz-r erkennt leider keine aktuellenn titan und razorbacks, die anderen werden werden erkannt, aber auch nur wenn diese falsch konfiguriert sind.
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