eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version 12.08.09
eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version - 12.08.09

eMule executable -----> 12.08.09
added: Variable Friend boost factor (1-500)
added: Variable Nick boost factor (1-500)
added: GeoIp (karte)
added: Whois (client provider info)
changed: Max. usernick length from 50 on 70
Homepage: Ultimativ-Board.org

DDL: emule0.49c.stullemule.v6.2.plus.12.08.09.rar 2.52 MB

eMule executable -----> 12.08.09
added: Variable Friend boost factor (1-500)
added: Variable Nick boost factor (1-500)
added: GeoIp (karte)
added: Whois (client provider info)
changed: Max. usernick length from 50 on 70
Homepage: Ultimativ-Board.org

DDL: emule0.49c.stullemule.v6.2.plus.12.08.09.rar 2.52 MB
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