17 March 2009

eMule 0.49b ECB Mod v0.8 by Tr0nYx

ADDED: Upmanagment[Tr0nYx](isn´t used for PS & community)
ADDED: send real modversion to community[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Community[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Community to designsettings[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Fakerank[Tr0nYx](only for clients not in queue)
CHANGED: Boost usefull clients[Tr0nYx]
FIXED: sorting bug in downloadlist[Tr0nYx]
ADDED: remove useless clients in waitingqueue, except those are no PS or Community-Clients[Tr0nYx]
CHANGED: some Bitmaps to those from Seven2Up ;) [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Friend Note[MorphXT]

Homepage: www.emule-coding-board.de

Ed2K Link

HTTP (not sure it's the right version, have downloaded, please correct if wrong!): eMule0.49b-ECB_Mod_v0.8-bin.rar 3.31 MB


Anonymous said...

faster than aj com top mod

Anonymous said...

this version sucks! :(
i loved ECB v0.1 - v0.7
i guess i'll use ECB v0.7 til i find a 0.49c mod :)

Anonymous said...

tell me what you loved @ v0.1 - v0.7 and i try to implement those things ;)

Anonymous said...


here the new rapcom mod 1.6

Recon said...

Ich krig den Download nich runter. Zeigt keine Quellen an

Anonymous said...

I loved the unique Mod features based on a own mod construction what makes the mod ECB

Anonymous said...

@Tr0nYx - sorry if i sounded like a dick, i didnt mean to knock your efforts. anyway, what i like about the older releases is the look and feel of the old ECB mods very simple and nice layout of options. the new one(0.8) based on MorphXT is ugly and confusing with a bunch of features i dont care about and will never use...maybe im alone on this...but maybe not, cause i also agree with the other post - "I loved the unique Mod features based on a own mod construction what makes the mod ECB"

Anonymous said...

hmm perhaps i go back to ECB Mod 0.7 and work on on this version beacuase the 0.8 based upon mephisto has some things i don´t really like but the speed is amazing ;)

Anonymous said...

Where is the NO-SHARE option like the 0.6 version?????

I don't like this 0.8 too

Anonymous said...

looking in preferences.ini file if such option is.

sharelevel like this
if is sharelevel=1
you can change the value to 0 and 2 when based on dazzle

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous for the reply. :)
The SHARELEVEL option is not in Preferences.ini but in ECB.ini.

Anyway, I do prefer the 0.6 version for now :) :)

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