20 May 2009

ISTool 5.3.0 compiled with C++ 10

ISTool by Bjørnar Henden
A GUI front-end for creating and editing Inno Setup Scripts.

Compiled with VS 2010 Beta 1

from source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/istool - http://istool.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/istool/

HP: http://www.jrsoftware.org/is3rdparty.php - older Version: http://www.istool.org/
Result: Files are a lot smaller as with VS 2008!

Test Download: Release-vs2010.zip 463.11 KB
istool-5.3.0.exe 1.21 MB

Installer done with latest Inno Setup 5.3.1


HashCheck Shell Extension
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Kai Liu.

SRC: http://code.kliu.org/hashcheck/

Compiled 64bit and 32 bit dll's with VS 2010


SRC+Bins C++10 Test: HashCheckSource-Bins-vs2010-2.1.8.rar 445.99 KB


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