06 May 2009

ZZ-R V2.1 beta 2 eMule 0.49c


ZZ-R V2.1 beta 2 (eMule 0.49c)

+ fixed/changed modstring
+ little codechanges

http: fileshare hoster: eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.1.beta.2.rar 4.91 MB | DDL


morph4u said...

The high CPU bug is found.
Its a problem if AntiComm/Mod is enabled.
Best you disable this until i have fixed.

iiyama said...

And now working on VISTA? please please please

Recon said...

I skip Vista and Windose 7, looking if later comes something more light again. Im not going investing in Computer Hard/Software. Windows XP 64 bit does all what I want from PC but we did on Windows 98 the same things too.

Morph4u use Vista, seen on the exe compiler path

Ender said...

morph4u, please don't abandon the idea of zz-rs, which is my favourite mod ever... i don't like apace...

morph4u said...

ZZ-R V2.1 Beta 3


ZZ-R V2.1 beta 3 (eMule 0.49c)

+ changed options window
+ changed Communitylist
+ some changes for better performance
- removed friends on queue window
- removed backup
- removed antimod/comm


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