28 September 2009

XunLei Thunder Special Ad Free

Ad Free Thunder

Thunder is meanwhile a traditional type of resources based on Hyper-Threading Technology download software, as a "period of broadband download tool" Thunderbolt for broadband users to do a special optimized to take full advantage of the characteristics of broadband Internet access, to bring customers high-speed download a new experience! At the same time, the introduction of the Thunderbolt "smart download" concept, through a wealth of smart tips and help, allows users to really enjoy the fun of downloading.

Thunder used a lot of resources Hyper-Threading technology is based on grid principle, there can be a network server and computer resources for effective integration, constitutes a unique network of Thunder, Thunderbolt network through a variety of data files to the fastest transmission speed . Amount of resources Hyper-Threading Technology also has Internet download load balancing function, without lowering the user experience of the premise, Thunderbolt network server resources can be balanced effectively reduce the server load.

* Remove all Thunder Ads from interface
* Remove the "Thunder see" when you play and pause ads
* Optional Install "Cyclone Express exclusive chain"
* Optional Install "Thunder see"
* Optional Install "Search Dog" (but keep dogs Search Ranking)
* Shield Thunder secretly upload
* Enhanced the Hosts file (522KB, merge it to your windows hosts file)

* Smart installation, full support XP/2003/VISTA/WIN7 (32 bit)
* Special version of the skin to the ads free

Backup your host file and merge the new replaced one (Thunder related) into your backup later!

1. Download history inconvenience backup and recovery is a result of their own Thunder trouble, please be resolved
2. Vista / Win7 users:
(1) Please refer to the Administrator (administrator) account login (required)
(2) Please refer to the Administrator (administrator) run the installation program (required)
(3) Please manually remove the system Hosts file read-only attribute, and to obtain all the permissions (recommended)
3. Close IE browser and delete all the temporary Internet files (recommended)
4. Please take a look at playing hand shield Thunder bottom right corner of your browser ads (there are many tools)
Address: http://kankan.xunlei.com/4.0/list/ *

1. Install and set up properly, restart the system to allow reload of the host file to protect from incoming fluting ads files (recommended)
2. Thunder play the movie to see if has been displaying a "Preparing data ..." Please restart the Thunder

Special Note:
1, when there is "You do not look at the set Thunder player file association", you can not point X, you should spot "manually set" and then cancel all related.
2, the installation Thunder died when the cards. Answer: Please VISTA/WIN7 the user logged on to manage the device, close the UAC, to obtain the system HOSTS file editing permissions. And then install. Of course, this problem may also be a firewall / anti-virus monitoring dry.
3 Thunder on the collapse of the first time you run it? A: The Thunder of common diseases. Restart like the Well! What is strange?!

More info on Xunklei Thunder P2P Network: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xunlei

Homepage Ads Free Thunder Special: http://www.hrtsea.com/down/view/7.html

9.18 MB
Mirror@ BRSBOX

Software is Chinese
43C2648431A862EF8C93A60BFC833EF6 PPlayer.dll
C103F89053FAD1FE369A5FD0B4A0400F XLUser.dll
2E6047EDFBA10F93FB09DE43872C4811 Thunder.exe
A45D550ECCEE28BD83E16600DA193ECE Thunder5.9.8.1090-Special.exe

English Language Pack:
Mirrors: EN_v2.0A.zip | EN_v2.0A.zip | EN_v2.0B.zip | EN_v2.0C.zip

older version

Thunder is not tested by us. Latest test shown that executing thunder.exe, the program by itself adds a number of registry keys into the system and place several files into windows system folders. IE menu entries (shell extensions) where added. To remove this ever complete - you may need to unregister several dll's with regsvr and edit your windows registry manually for rest entries. In other words you need good knowledge with Windows OS. Some tools from Nirsoft do a good job on it.


Anonymous said...


How to migrate the uncompleted download files and seeds from previous versions?

thanx in advance

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