eMule 0.47c Grand-LinE ProjeKt v2.0 by Te@m-Project

Te@m-Project eMule 0.47c Builds
(interface de couleur jaune)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Yellow-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.53 MB) - (Mirror)
(interface de couleur jaune)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Yellow-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.53 MB) - Mirror: http://uploaded.to/?id=r3sb0s
eMule [Grand’Purple-LinE~ProjeKt] v2.0
(interface de couleur violette)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Purple-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.53 MB) - (Mirror)
eMule [Grand’Purple-LinE~ProjeKt] v1.0
(interface de couleur violette)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Purple-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.53 MB) Mirror: http://uploaded.to/?id=jcviol
eMule [Grand-LinE~ProjeKt] v2.0
(interface ordinaire)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.57 MB) - (Mirror)
eMule [Grand-LinE~ProjeKt] v1.0
(interface ordinaire)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.57 MB) - Mirror: http://uploaded.to/?id=u1bndu
eMule [Grand’Green-LinE~ProjeKt] v2.0
(interface de couleur verte)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Green-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.53 MB) - (Mirror)
eMule [Grand’Green-LinE~ProjeKt] v1.0
(interface de couleur verte)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Green-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.53 MB) - Mirror: http://uploaded.to/?id=cxyscz
Red projekt 2 ~ [te@m projekt]
Based on eMule_0.47c_ZZUL_20061022-1609
-Quickstart after IP change
-Reask after IP change
-Dont Remove Static Servers
-Kick User
-Show client percentage
-drop NNS, FullQ, HighQR (Gestion Automatique)
-SLS (Save Load Source)
-Source cache
-No Ratio
-Anti NickThief
-Anti ModThief
-Meilleur gestion des sources Kad
-Fake Rank
-Friends in color Blue
-Emulate other
Download: eMule 0.47c Red-Projekt 2 by te@m projekt.rar (1.5 MB) - Mirror: http://uploaded.to/?id=csock5
yes send spam but run very fast
I just extract unpacked the emule.exe i can easy remove the bad function by cutting the appendend parts from the code and some optimizations I found what can make it little better. Dump code I can cut as well...
for example:
C P a r t F i l e : : P r o c e s s ( ) E x c u s e m e f o r t h i s m e s s a g e . Y o u c a n s a y i t i s a s p a m b u t c o u l d y o u t o r
e a d i t a l l m e s s a g e p l e a s e
O u r t e a m i s h a p p y t o c a n y o u g i v e a n e m u l e o f f i c i a l w i t h s o m e c h a n g e s . . . Y o u c a n f i n d i t w i t h e m u l e s e a r c h : ' t e @ m p r o j e k t ' .
y o u w i l l f i n d m a n y m o d s , m a n y c o l o r s . . . t e s t i t , i t i s n o t l e e c h e r m o d . t e s t i t . . . E x c u s e z n o u s p o u r c e m e s s a g e q u e v o u s p o u v e z c
o n s i d é r e z c o m m e d u s p a m , m a i s l i s e z j u s q u ' a u b o u t .
N o t r e t e a m e s t h e u r e u s e d e p r o p o s e r u n m o d d ' e m u l e ( v o u s t r o u v e r e z t o u t e s n o s f u t u r e s V e r s i o n s s u r l e r é s e a u s o u s l e n o m d e [ t e
@ m p r o j e k t ] )
C e n ' e s t t o u t s i m p l e m e n t q u e l ' o f f i c i e l l e , m a i s a v e c d e s m o d i f i c a t i o n m i n e u r e s . . .
C e l l e s c i p e r m e t t e n t d e m i e u x g é r e r l e s d r o p , l e s r e a s k . . . c e n ' e s t p a s u n m o d l e e c h e r . . .
N o u s a v o n s j u s t e e n l e v é l e R a t i o .
some more...
So you can replace the download links with clean builds!
And if we type somethink other in??? :) :) :)
If I made a input box under config so that user can send messages automatical???
Im connected to them folder on harddisk: d:\_mon mod\projets te@m_projekt\emule - grand purple line projekt\srchybrid\release\
Try now, quick release of eMule 0.47c Grand'Purple-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0
without spam messages:
size: eMule.exe optimized to 1.75 MB
DL: 1.65 MB as rar only!
Should work now! Please report any errors here! Thanks
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