µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition 2.5

uTorrent extremes LE (original)
The Mod is like the original.
uTorrent extremes LE (Multi)
The Mod is like the original, except that on the tracker 10x as much Upload is indicated.
uTorrent extremes LE (report Seeder + Multi)
The Mod is like the original, only that the Upload times 10 is multiplied. On the tracker 10x as much Upload is thus indicated. You are indicated on the tracker as Seeder, it's done in such a way as if you have the file completely and you give only Upload. Download is not counted. Inclusive NoComplete feature, it is sent to the tracker no more status if the file were completely loaded.
uTorrent extremes LE (report Seeder + Multi) v2
Like the above Mod, only the Mod on the Trackern should function, where so far error messages were µTorrentClient indicated in.
uTorrent extremes LE (report Seeder)
The Mod is like the original. You are indicated on the tracker as Seeder, it is done in such a way as if you have the file completely and give only Upload. Download is not counted. Inclusive NoComplete feature, it's sent to the tracker no more status if the file were completely loaded.
uTorrent extremes LE (report Seeder) v2
Like the above Mod, only the Mod on the Trackern should function, where so far error messages were µTorrentClient indicated in.
uTorrent extremes LE (Noreport Seeder)
The Mod is like the original. You give neither Upload nor Downloadreport to the tracker. Inclusive NoComplete feature, it's sent to the tracker no more status if the file were completely loaded.
uTorrent extremes LE (Noreport Seeder) v2
Like the above Mod, only the Mod on the Trackern should function, where so far error messages were µTorrentClient indicated in.
Various other Clientemulationen
µTorrent extreme Leecher edition IpFilter Updater
As basis of the Leecher edition µTorrent the v1.61 Build 490 used in the suspicion does not send any data to home (without callhome).
· Country flags updates
· new language files - µTorrent 1.6.1 build 490
µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition v2.50.rar (3.89 MB) - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2)
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