16 March 2007

eMule 0.47c - P.ScarAngel v4.0

P.ScarAngel v4.0

ADDED : Antivirus [avi-3k]
ADDED : Toolbar [shadow 2004]
ADDED : Log lines
ADDED : Updates dialog [MorphXT]
ADDED : Fake check + column in SearchWnd [SiRoB/MorphXT]
ADDED : Log Dialog
ADDED : WaitingList Advanced CleanUp + Manager in UpTweaks Dialog
ADDED : DownloadList Advanced CleanUp
ADDED : Advanced Leechers CleanUp in DownloadList (kept separated from other client categories)
ADDED : Remove & don't ask dropped sources for X hours + editable timer customized for sources classes [JvA]
ADDED : new Spread reAsk system + editable reAsk time
ADDED : Scheduled SRV Change
ADDED : Scheduled Kademlia BootStrap
ADDED : Kick System
ADDED : Delayed Queue Grow
ADDED : Sucker & LowID UpHandling
ADDED : Show MinQR in TransferWnd [CiccioBastardo]
ADDED : PushPart & FriendBoost editable Multiplier
ADDED : Upload Client Handling
ADDED : CustClientBoost
ADDED : RB3 Hack [Wizard]
ADDED : 41 new Mod icons (some of them from eMuleFuture [Wizard])***
ADDED : new file upload priotity (& client style)
ADDED : Xman "Drop Blocking Sockets" integration customized for different client classes [normal/friends/<>]
ADDED : Upload Priority menu in TransferWnd
ADDED : new FriendManagment
ADDED : Critical Queue Lock Manager
ADDED : ConChecker + Spooky mode [Wizard/Spike2]
ADDED : Friend comments in ChatWnd [MorphXT]
ADDED : chunkdetails [MorphXT]
ADDED : Tooltips in ServerWnd [TPT]
ADDED : Clear Queue buttons
ADDED : CPU (AMD) Optimizer [Spike2]
ADDED : Direct Link bottons ==> Xtreme Home (in "Xtreme" Dialog) ,
HighTime (in "Scar Logs" Dialog) ,
Knaller Board (in "Update" Dialog) ,
ScarAngel Home (in "Messages & Comments" Dialog) ,
HebMule Home (in "Antivirus" Dialog) ,
BetaNews (in "DownTweaks" Dialog) .
ADDED : Sucker Icon

CHANGED : Icons & Dialogs
CHANGED : Xman Upload Manager kick code
CHANGED : re-added ACC , now alternative to Obelix Connection control
CHANGED : re-added NAFC
CHANGED : re-added SUQWT (original code)
CHANGED : re-added Notifications Dialog
CHANGED : Xman Anti-Leecher , RemoveLeecherSources() -> Do not Swap Leecher Friends
CHANGED : Code Optimization for CustUpKick
CHANGED : CheckAndGetReqUpFile() (requpfile Optimization) [Sirob]
CHANGED : Timeout for clients connecting in Download
CHANGED : Max UserNick lenght (from 50 to 100)
CHANGED : Reask src after IP-Change v4 [Xman]

REMOVED : Drop Toomany (manual) [LSD/KTS] ==> Too much dangerous !
REMOVED : Drop Asking (manual) [LSD/KTS] ==> Too much dangerous !
REMOVED : Drop Connecting (manual) [LSD/KTS] ==> Too much dangerous !
REMOVED : Reask QR <> Too much dangerous !
REMOVED : Wizard anticorruption
REMOVED : Xtreme2 dialog

*** eMule Plus , Magic Angel , Sivka Alpha , TLN mod , eF-Mod , Viper , hebmule (Avi-3k the Best !) , ZZul , RoadRunner , eMuleFuture ,
FRTK Evostar , HardStyle , BowlFish , The Killer Bean , Phoenix , Spike2 , Ackronic , LSD , VeryCD , eChanblardNext ,
X-Ray , Fire eMule , Div eMule , Applejuice , Saugstube Mod , Webcache , eMule Plus koizo , TurkMule , L!()NetwOrk , DeNeMule , SmartMuli ,
eMule PLUS PLUS FF , ZZULtimativ , NextEvolution , Sion , Exorzist , DeathAngel , FXeMule , beba , PP-Edition

eMule 0.47c - P.ScarAngel v4.0.rar (4.57 MB) - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2)


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