02 March 2007

eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.16b

eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.16b
Code Base ZZUL

Enhanced AppleJuice v1.1 now
Fixed Again some BUGS around AppleJuice :-(
Fixed Some Display Tweaks which should save us some CPU-cycles
Added New Column to CommunityList for AppleJuice

Fixed Some BUGS around AppleJuice
Enhanced Some Functions at AppleJuice
Added NEW CommunityList and removed the old! (means it will look like all other Lists)
Updated Made some Code optimizations
Fixed A Security Issue at Comm-Identification

Changed Visual Styles ((modified)MenuXP, GroupBox, Nice ToolBar) (NeoMule, X-Ray) *a lil bit to much purple isn´t it ^^
Changed Some Code of Community-List to optimize the speed
Removed IRC
Fixed AppleJuice... I made a mistake SORRY for this!!! Now it should be activated *grin* (See NOTE)
Added Show Clients Percentage of download (as wished ^^ )
Added Show downloading Files in Bold
Added Show downloading Files in Color (changeable in Prefs)
Added More Statistik about Community ( Community-Mods now included)
Added Source Cache (Xman)
Added UPnP Support (emulefuture) See on Tweaks-Pref
Updated Dynamic Block Request Code
Fixed Community.... it will work again and more powerfull as ever... Hope no security issue anymore by any Bitch ;-)

Added Permissions Menu also to DownloadList ;-)
Added Advanced A4AF handling (Source Handling -> DownloadList)
Added Fully AppleJuice-System (*See Note)
Fixed Community (*See Note)

Added Quickstart, as many users ask for it?! (Connection 2)
Added Re-Ask after IP-change, also quickstart after IP-change (Connection 2)
Added Active Connection Control (Obelix)
Added CoMMuNiTy List
Added Tab Control on Prefs
Updated Anti-Leech Stuff
Changed CreditSys for CoMMuNiTy-Members (something "like" Applejuice) but i need to tweak it, so be patient, see Note

Changed Some Code around DBR (netfinity)
Fixed Upload Slot Control
Disabled the NEW Community-XS (while tracking down a bug ;-))
Added * Permissions per File (read the Note!)
Added Process Priority (see on Prefs General)

Updated off-code by ZZUL ;-)
Added NEW Community-XS wich is just a testing thingy ;-)
Fixed Some code around Community which can cause some crashes
Updated Anti-Leech (over and over again...)
Added New Counter in Stats for "real" found Community Member

Fixed Some Bugs related to the new Community
Updated Anti-Leech

Not so much new in this release ;-)
Updated Anti-Leech Stuff
Fixed Some bugs on DowloadClient...
Added New CoMMuNity (Recoded the old and added a new 1 to be compatible...)

Added SlotFocus (should working fine now)
Fixed a small BUG in the Community-XS while porting to 47c :-(
Updated Anti-Leech Stuff (Some new BadMods)

Added Active Ratio (NetFinity)
Changed Some Icons
Added Community
Fixed some Bugs
Added Dynamic Block Request(Some changes applyed) (Original NetFinity)
Added Some Anti-Leech Stuff ;-)
Added a tweaked Passive Source finding
Added New Overlay Icons
Added Drop Sources (NNS, FQS, HQR) by Time
Added New Prefs-Page -> Source Handling
Added Slot Control
Added SlotFocus

Fixed The stupid Splashscreen Display, editet the Font weight
Changed Community XS, should work proper now
Changed Some Icons (i hate em all)

Fixed a small BUG in the Community-XS while porting to 47c :-(

eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.16b - bin.rar (1.91 MB) - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2) - (DDL)
old Versions:
eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.15.rar (1.58 MB) (Mirror)


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