07 April 2007

eMule 0.47c Silversurfer 2.0

based on eMule 0.47c eMuleFuture 0.3
modified by dlarge

- added "ModLog" for ClientAnalyzer Logs
- added Invisible Mode (eF-Mod)
- added Source Graph (Stulle)
- added Solid Graph (MorphXT)
- added MTU Settings (Xman)
- added Use double Sendsize (Xman)
- added Static Server handling (Xman)
- added Design settings (eWombat)
- added Fade Out on Exit (Xray)
- added Auto Backup (TBH)
- added Fakecheck (KTS)
- added Fake/IpFilter Update (KTS)
- added Dropping Feature (Acronic)
- added Quickstart Feature (NEO)
- added Auto Download Prio Settings (pP)
- added Mass Rename (Mighty Knife)
- added Friend Handling in all Cases (Xman)
- added Speedgraph for Toolbar (Xanatos/taken from X-Ray)
- added DoubleLucas (netfinity)
- added High Prozeß Prio Settings (Ionix)
- added Silversurfer Stats (Wizard/dlarge)
- added Silversurfer Stats Coloured (Wizard/Spe64/dlarge)
- added Average Queue Ranking (Xman)
- added download Chunk Display (Stulle/taken from X-Ray)
- added BetterPassiveSourceFinding (Xman)
- added Find Best Sources (Xman)
- added Copy Ed2k Link to Forum (Hawkstar)
- added Copy Feedback Feature (Werewolf)
- added Show requested Files (Xman)
- added Smart Upload Control (Lovelace/MorphXT)
- added Fix Connection Collision (MorphXT)
- added Fix Vista/X64/win2003 detection to lower number of half open connenctions (MorphXT)
- added require obfuscated Server Connection (MorphXT)
- added ReqBlocksClipping (Slufiller)
- added more Queuelist Infos
- added See Sources on Uploadqueue in SharedfilesList (Xman)
- added Variable Compression (netfinity)
- added Show Share Ratio in SharedfilesList (CB)
- added coloured Download Status
- added remove unused AICH hashes (Xman)
- added Stop Download by Client (Xman)
- added prevent duplicate downloads (xrmb)
- added Init-Hashtable optimization (Xman)
- added Source Cache (MorphXT)
- added mergeKnown (Slugfiller)
- added P2P WormDetection (Xman)
- added don't overwrite bak files if last sessions crashed (Xman)
- added Minimule (TBH)
- added new CPU/Ram Infos (Sicks)
- added Fix crash at shutdown (Sirob)

- updated german.dll

- changed Code for XPMenus (Xanatos)
- changed Toolbarstyle
- changed Background for XPMenus
- changed Sildebar with 2 options
- changed Some Preferences defaults Settings

- removed Splashscreen (emf)
- removed Clip Stats & Copy Feedback Code for own Stats(emf)
- removed Recource Bars + CPU/Ram Infos (emf)
- removed Webbrowser (emf)
- removed "EMF" Link in Toolbar (sorry but this is the place for Speedmeter) (emf)

big thanks to WiZarD/Shadow2004/Spike2 for your hard Work

eMule 0.47a Silversurfer v1.1 based on eMule 0.47a changelog v1.1:

- add Power Release (Xman)
- add Quickstart Feature (Ackronic)
- add Dropping Feature (Ackronic)
- add AutoBackup Feature (TBH)
- add Emulate Others (Spike2)
- add Filebuffer-time limit (Spike2)
- add Reask Sources Features (Loulach)
- add Funny Nick (Morph)
- add Mass Rename [Morph]
- add Simple clean up [Morph]
- add Better Chunk Selection (Xman)
- add Client percentage (xlillo)
- add Show Downloads in bold (xlillo)
- add see The Need (xrmb)
- add aux Ports (lugdunummaster)
- add Correct stats (netfinity)
- add Emule Forget To Publish Files To Server (XMan)
- add Small File Push (Miles)
- add Startup crash dump improvement(Wizard)
- add Codefix Crash on Shutdown (Morph)
- add Code Fix
- DestroySocket (Maella)
- add reqBlocksClipping (Slugfiller)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- fixed double Unban Setting in Queuelist
- fixed Bug in FileDetailwindow

eMule 0.47a Silversurfer v1.0
- add Argos Anti Leecher System (NEO)
- add Argos Logline
- add Client Recognization (Spike2)
- add SpreadReask (Slugfiller)
- add Winsocket2 (eWombat)
- add Relax on Start-Up (Wizard)
- add P2P WormDetection (Netfinity)
- add Variable compression (Netfinity)
- add ModID (Slugfiller)
- add doubleLucas (Slugfiller)
- add Load IpFilter when SplashScreen is ON (LSD)
- add Show Extra Infos in Client Detail Dialog (Spe64)
- add Show Friends in Bold (KTS)
- add DiffQR (KTS) - add AntiFakeRank (KTS)
- add Exit Smoothly (TKB)
- add Up prio menu (NEO)
- add Win Mod-name
- add askfordownload priority (Xman)
- add DynamicBlockRequests (Netfinity)
- add Find best Sources (Xman)
- add reconnect Kad on IP-change (Xman)
- add show PartFile as 'red' if never seen complete (TK4)
- add complete source fix (Ionix) - add show LowIDs (Xman)
- add Coloured Download Status (EastShare)
- add Coloured Uploadlist to Queuerank
- add Friendhandling in Up/Down/Queuelist (Xman)
- add Banned Sources Filter (Wizard)
- add Automatic Firewalled Retries (Wizard)
- add Download Sort Glitchfix [WiZaRd]
- add Anti-Crash (Wizard)
- add more Message and Comment Filters
- add Static Server Handling (Spe64)
- add IP Filter/Fakes.dat Update
- add FakeCheck
- add Show more Infos in Uploadlist
- add Show more Infos in Queuelist
- add multiSort remove (Slugfiller)
- add Sidebanner(Morph)
- add any Fixes and Codeimprofements by Wizard/Spanish
- changed Icons
- changed max. Filebuffersize to 10 MB

Download: eMule-0.47c-SilverSurfer-2.0-bin.rar - (Mirror) - (SRC)


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