18 April 2007

eMule 0.47c ZZULtimativ 1.4 Final


ZZULtimativ 1.4b PreSP2 bugfix release
Build Date: 24.04 by Musiklover
- SlideBar[emule+/emulefuture]
* Bugfix release

ZZULtimativ 1.4 Final:
*Versionsnumber corrected (fixed).
* fixed some little bugs

ZZULtimativ 1.4 alpha 3 (alpha 3 = pre Beta and RC)

* fixed some little bugs
+ added ClientIP to Cliendetails & KnownClientsList
+ readded Scheduler & Notifier
* fixed ReAsk after Ip change now saved correct

ZZULtimativ 1.4 alpha 2 (alpha 2 = 2nd Beta)

+ ClientIcons from Xtreme
+ SlideBar[emule+/emulefuture]
+ Better Chunk Selection[XMan]
+ Extended Credit-Table-Arrangement[XMan]
+ More Creditsystems
+ added Overlayicon for Community Clients[MightyKnife]

ZZULtimativ 1.4 alpha 1 (alpha 1 = 1st Beta)

- Dynamic Hide OS[XMan]
* Xmans Flushthread Optimation
+ Spreadbar,HideOS,SelectiveShare,ShareOnlyTheNeed[Morph/Stulle]
- ICS/AntiHideOS

ZZULtimativ 1.3

* more Creditsystems
* readded missing resource Strings
* fixed double Badguy icons
* added German Language DLL
* fixed a bug in transferwnd.cpp thx to MadDog ;)
* updated Clientanalyzer from emulefuture0.3[wizard]
* moved options from Security 1 to Security 2 Prefpage
* Fixed AntiCommunity now saved
- Friendnotes
+ Choose EF-Mod Antinickthief or CA Antinickthief
+ Choose Score Reduce /3 for Leechers detected by EF-Mod Antileech
+ MassRename & Simple Cleanup Dialogs[emulefan]
+ EF-Mod Antileech System[eMulefan]
+ Intelligent Chunk Selection ICS [wizard/netfinity]
+ AntiHideOS[Wizard/enkeyDEV]

LimiTed EdiTion

emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4 BLUE EdiTion.bin.rar (2.31 MB) - (Mirror)

emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4 LinkstarXP EdiTion.bin.rar (3.2 MB) - (Mirror)

emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4 GreenXP EdiTion.bin.rar (2.55 MB) - (Mirror)

org. bin + src:
24.04: ZZULtimativ_1.4b_PreSP2_bugfix_exe.rar (1.81 MB) - (Mirror)
bin: emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4.bin.rar (2.01 MB) - (Mirror)
src: ZZULtimativ.1.4.src.rar (4.09 MB) - (Mirror) - eMule 0.47c.ZZUL BastarD.1.8.3.src.rar (1.44 MB)

old Versions:
emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.3.beta8.rar (1.76 MB) -
src: eMule 0.47a ZZUL-BastarD 1.8.0 src.rar (1.86 MB)


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