12 June 2010

PeerBlock beta 1.1 r404

What's New

Here are the major changes since the most recent Beta Release, r320:

* Better "Last Updated" handling for list-update checking - Many users have been experiencing problems with updated lists not being detected, after iblocklist.com's change to start reporting actual last-modified timestamps. We should now be correctly catching updated lists.

* Updated History Setting Defaults - Changed the defaults for History settings to "Remove every 7 days" and Max Size = 100 MB. If your settings have these left at the old defaults, PeerBlock will pop up a window during your first run that advises you that it's making these changes. This should help prevent problems with history.db becoming corrupted and/or growing to an absurd size.

* Changed Systray-icon Left-click Handling - New behavior: If the window is minimized, restore it. If the window is at all hidden by other windows, bring it to top. If window is already at top, minimize it.

* Changed "Allow HTTP for X min" Visible Handling - If you select the "Allow HTTP for X min" option in the right-click menu, that option will now be highlighted. Previously, it would highlight the "Allow HTTP" button. Also note that transitioning from one Allow HTTP state to another will not start Blocking HTTP, only clicking a currently-selected Allow HTTP option will restart HTTP Blocking.

* New Manually-settable Options - Added two options to the peerblock.conf config-file, for people who don't like some of the new features we've added during our Beta period. "ListSanityChecking" lets you disable the List-add Sanity-checking (for dupes, non-iblocklist URLs, etc.) by setting it to "no"; "WarningIconForHttpAllow" lets you make it so that we will not change to a yellow "warning" icon if you're Allowing HTTP, if you set it to "no".

* New Splashscreen and Installer Pic - These have been updated with some new images sent in by the new Graphics Guy on our team, Mourad.

Additional minor changes can be found on the r404 Changes page.



Anonymous said...

Beta, Beta e ancora Beta...ma quando si decideranno a fare la Stabile ?


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