ZTE MF110 - 1&1 Surf-Stick Update - Join Air Desktop Software Update Windows/Linux/MAC

Update from Software Version:
DRIVER VER 04.01.2009, 1.2050.0.11
DRIVER VER 18.09.2009, 1.2059.0.7
To keep local Language other than English copy and backup/overwrite after updating the folder:
C:\Program Files\Join Air\language\
Do ISO on a Micros SD Memory and connect into device or extract the iso and run setup on desktop. The ISO contains Windows, MAC and Linux Versions
other files:
MOBILedit! Forensic
Latest Driver only:
ZTEDriver.zip 1.09 MB
Tool to backup the image from stick include all (hidden) settings from webstick drive: QC_Mobile_Analysis_Tool_V5.07_Beta6.rar 2.96 MB
Tool to read/write/unlock image to webstick
older PCW_1&1DEUV1.0.0B02 Desktop image: ZTEMODEM-org.ISO 15.92 MB
i like zte
don't try and use the download above - the free version does not work and they want to charge money for the download.
Why this site sends you there? They most liokely get a kick back - you can guess what i think of them.
By the download hoster uploaded.to click free download instead of premium. You have a small waiting time before the download start thats all. The downloads are free!
Hi folks! Here is a skin for ZTE connection manager-JoinAir, hope people will like it: http://artsen.deviantart.com/art/Default-349918034?ga_submit_new=10%253A1358881875&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1
Great post thank you
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