23 May 2011

delays... delays

Things can go wrong but so badly , a lot unluck which is happen here.
I'm abroad in Ukraine since a while. They fixed the internet but sold for repair the desktop pc a broken Mainboard. try to change today was without success.
Big problem in Ukraine to buy PC parts. Last Thursday I bought online from internet shop a matching mainboard for the PC. Recieved on Friday at about 19:00 o'clock local time I tested right away and it didn't work. Called them next day morning they said should bring on Monday to check, "OK" I said. So, brought to them yesterday (Monday) they told me that today nobody is there to check must wait another day. I waited next day (Tuesday), call them, and what I got is that "YES, it is really doesn't work but to check if it was already brocken or I did it brocken they have to forward it to Kiew to main centre (far away from Odessa) and I should wait for the result till next week!!!! Unthinkable policie in Ukraine. Now I'm really don't know any more what can I do. The hardware parts are here not sealed in a bag as everywhere else in the world. The prices are dripple as much as i bought similar hardware in Thailand years ago and took with me to here.
We come in a longer delay/ I do see there are 268 unreaded emails pending.
All I have temporary is a for me unreadable os with a foreign keybord that doen't react as it should. Im unable to operate the site under this conditions.
I please all readers to be patient. I do all what i can and want nothing more as operate the site as before to serve you.

everything should be up mid next week.


aijay said...

 if the trouble comes it comes from every where, at time trouble time patient is very prominent. take your time to tackle this troubleshoot.

Hooligan said...

wenn du hilfe brauchst etc
meld dich:-D 

Joe said...

Good luck ! :)

Jerry Lafferty said...

No worries! we will be here when things get better.

Monica said...

Sorry to hear that , hope you , fix your problem soon if not we will be waiting.
Best Wishes.

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