16 October 2007

emule.de 0.48a V 18 (Adware / Malware Mod)

eMule.de Version from emule.de (emule-services.com, emuleforum.net) are category Adware/Malware Mods
Mods from emule.de are advertisement compiled emule clients. Web links and Popups to alphaload, firstload and others open from alone in regular time delay. The transfer list is through advertisements in the form of screen ads and others (see on the button of them website advertiser links).

Weblink: http://www.emule.de/downloads.html

Binaries .exe » Download as rar
Binaries .exe » Download as zip

The sourcecode should be: Download Source

source-48a-v18.rar - Mirrors

more info:
Threads from official Forum:

advanced user can try to dissemble with OllyDbg v1.10
download this
Version 2.0 - Pre-alpha code


LiP said...

nice, I'll try this one

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