15 October 2007

uTorrent + BitTorrent IP Filter and flags Updater v2.0.5

      uTorrent + BitTorrent IP Filter and flags updater openMedia, ozzy, pawcio
 Creates Shortcut under Program Files/uTorrent, BitTorrent
 You can select wheter you want ozzy's IP filter, openMedia Full or pawcio's
 Update once a week is recomended but not more often!!!
 It also updates flags.conf and flags.bmp.
 A backup from the old files will be saved with the extension .bak
°¨¨° MoDs.sub.cc °¨¨°

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 °¨¨° Where Information Is Free °¨¨°

 uTorrent IP Filter Dat Updater v2.0.5.2
BitTorrent v6 IP Filter Dat Updater v2.0.5.2

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Speed it up
Go Get 'Em

All-In-One IP Filter and flags Updater for uTorrent and BitTorrent 6.
Ozzy Support Forum: http://www.mom-community.to/...
Download only IP Filter Dat for P2P applications eMule and BitTorrent:

All in one as WinRar Pack for BitTorrent and uTorrent:

Installer Pack for BitTorrent v6:

Installer Pack for uTorrent:

Only IP Filter dat from ozzy:

The Updater need Internet access to download the update files!
Do not update more than once a week. The IP filter dat are updated ever 2 weeks!


Anonymous said...

Is it me or are the links blocked? I only see 'Windows Live' on the supposedly d/l links below each title.

Recon said...

Maybe securety settings in web browser (Inline Frames blocked)?

Try again please, click on the words

Anonymous said...

Works great for me :)

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