eMule 0.49a AcKroNiC v5.0 Beta

eMule v0.49a [AcKroNiC v5.0]
Source cache from StulleMule v6.0 (Xman/Stulle)
One-queue-per-file from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella) + integrate with Powershare (taz)
better passive source finding from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
Don't allow file hot swapping from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella)
corrupted blocks ban threshold from Spike2 v1.2 (Spike2)
static ip filter from ScarAnglel v2.5 (Stulle)
Friendnote from MorphXT 11.0 (CB)
Always full chunk - needed for Client Analyzer (taz)
ServerAnalyzer - (Spike2/taz)
Servers visualization from Xtreme v6.1 (BSB/Xman/taz)
IP2Country from eMuleFuture v0.7
ModIcon from eMuleFuture v0.7
ClientAnalyzer from eMuleFuture v0.7
SlotControl :
SlotSpeed from X-Ray v1.4 (Stulle/JvA) + modified option setting (taz)
SlotFocus from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + integrate with SlotSpeed (taz)
Horde opcodes from WARP v0.3a.11 (netfinity)
Faster Upload Timer from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
SCC (Smart Category Control) from ScarAnglel v2.5 (Stulle)
download color (taz)
merge Known from MorphXT 11.0 (SLUGFILLER)
Connection Checker from eMuleFuture v0.7 (eWombat/WiZaRd)
Unknown Protocol Tags from eMuleFuture v0.7 (BSB/JvA)
Extended clean-up (client list) from Xtreme v6.1 (Maella)
retry connection attempts from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
fix connection collision from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
L2HAC from eMuleFuture v0.7 (enkeyDEV/Spike2)
Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries
Static servers protected from MorphXT 11.0 (Mighty Knife)
Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2)
Inform Clients after IP Change from StulleMule v6.0 (Stulle)
optimization requpfile from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
SLS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
PowerShare from eMuleFuture v0.7 + on complete files only (taz)
remove unused AICH-hashes from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
SafeHash from MorphXT 11.0 (SLUGFILLER)
Flush Thread from MorphXT 11.0 (SiRoB)
ICS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
Anti HideOS from eMuleFuture v0.7 (netfinity/WiZaRd)
Automatic shared files updater + code optimization @ CSharedFilesWnd::Reload (taz)
DBR from WARP v0.3a.11 (netfinity)
Nice Hash from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
HashProgress from eMuleFuture v0.7 (o2/Spike2)
Tabbed Prefs from eMuleFuture v0.7 (TPT/shadow2004)
AddonDirectory from eMuleFuture v0.7
IPFilter-Update from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Morph/shadow2004) + direct URL updates to IPFilter-Update (taz)
ed2k updates from eMuleFuture v0.7 (shadow2004)
IntelliFlush from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
InfiniteQueue from eMuleFuture v0.7 (SLUGFILLER/shadow2004)
optimization for wine from MorphXT 11.0 (leuk_he)
Own Prefs from eMuleFuture v0.7 + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
Emulate Others from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2)
minRQR from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
Extended credit (-table arragement) from Xtreme v6.1 (Xman)
SUQWT from MorphXT 11.0 (Moonlight/EastShare/ MorphXT) + no SUQWT for ModThief or NickThief (partial implementation - taz)
Easy ModVersion from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
ModVersionSystem from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd) + extended for "mod-generator" (taz)
ModCredits from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
ClipStat from eMuleFuture v0.7 (WiZaRd)
ModStats from eMuleFuture v0.7 + extensions (taz)
ECR & Compat Client Stats from eMuleFuture v0.7 (Spike2/Stulle)
Open Incoming from tray (taz)
Integrated RTL support from within mod (taz)
AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta 2 - 30/6/08
change : default region for connection wizard to Italy
change : modstr AcKroNiC to eMule v0.49a [AcKroNiC v5.0]
AcKroNIC 5.0 Beta 1 - 26/06/08
add : Source cache from StulleMule v6.0 (Xman/Stulle)
add : ASF (Advanced Servers Filter) from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Avi3k/EneTec/taz)
change: modstr eMule v0.49a [AcKroNIC friends-il v5.0]
update lists ctrls (taz)
based on "mod generator" (aka "platform" v0.9)
friends-il Changes:
AcKroNiC friend-il 5.0 Beta 2 - 30/6/08
change : default region for connection wizard to Israel
change : modstr AcKroNiC friends-il
AcKroNIC friend-il 5.0 Beta 1 - 26/06/08
change : IL internet packages in connection WIZARD (Asrok/taz)
change : Side banner
change : Logo (splash) - default
change : icons - default
Homepage: http://www.darkforge.it/board/index.php
AcK in progress
AcKroNiC v5.0 Sviluppo: (50%)
Testing: Alpha (100%)
Testing: Beta (10%)
AcKroNIC 5.0 Beta 1
eMule0.49a-AcKroNIC friends-il_v5.0b-BIN 5.45 MB
eMule0.49a-AcKroNIC friends-il_v5.0b-SRC 2.77 MB
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