eMule v0.48a eXcalibur 1.8 International Version FIXED - Administrator Enhanced Options Enabled

2008.07.12 eXcalibur v1.8 International Multilanguage Version
Fixed: All Menus, Dialogues, Options, Messages... to there Default Language English
Enhanced: Administrator Options in AntiLeecher DLP Control > Show interesting Leecher Nickname/username + Reduce or Stop
Removed: Obsolete Code ~1,5 MiB emule.exe = 4.29 MB (4,498,944 bytes) not upx compressed!
Add: Many Skins added fur user choice selection.
To fix Lanuguage permanent not only for seassion open in notepad/editor:
search for: Language=
replace default (English): Language=1033
for example with German: Language=0409
save the file with +r (read only attribute) - Chinese Moder forgot or ripped English include all Multilanguage support in this emule mod, its back added but "no have source"!
Thanks Google Online Translator and Windows Unicode Letter Support to get the cryptoglyphes signs into applications from Website Translator

File Hashes emule.exe (not compressed):
Size: 4.29 MB (4,498,944 bytes)
MD5: 1e7092786053f26f0a2ccbd9d8a90bbd
SHA-1: 447adc5c95a1e5758f9584f1825b757ff1a0b83b
File Hashes emule.exe (upx compressed):
Size: 1.44 MB (1,517,568 bytes)
MD5: 4d7a1d9398fae3046726717ccbfd03b9
SHA-1: 60430893552e519d3fc1fb0bcbb40981b4b7e1bf
2008.07.07 eXcalibur v1.8
[+] If the UDP port is not enabled (can not connect Kad network) in the log in prompts the user;
[+] Message window Friends list copy / paste link to friends and access to their own friends link the function;
[+] Into the Boss Key mode is automatically shut down all of the window eXcalibur, Boss Key features can quickly hide out all the relevant window eXcalibur (Options -> High)
[+] Kad, UPnP and Internet functions within network optimization (from VeryCD)
[+] DLP + upgrade to the DLP + v3201;
[+] Increase in the upper right corner to close the window click on the button to close the proceedings to the system tray feature, the default is not open; (Options -> Display)
[+] Kad increase the number of nodes cache (nodes.dat) in order to load more quickly at the start node;
[F] if the transmission in the task list in connection Kad began immediately after finding the source rather than waiting for Kad node to K barrels, or close to capacity after the start to find the source;
[F] repair advanced options in the "automatic on / off firewall port," was banned; (thanks Kong Queling)
[F] repair server window "me" in the level of ID do not accurately judge the issue;
Other minor code to improve ...
Please initial use to extract the compressed files in the folder to a blank, and enter the option running eMule.exe dialog can be set. Major set the following parameters: user name, TCP / UDP port, the upload speed limits (recommendation For half of the peak upload speed), the rigid restrictions and the largest number of connections, download and save the file directory of temporary directory, the largest number of new connections / every five seconds, the largest number of semi-open connection.
Non-first use of the proposed extract the folder to a blank in accordance with their own additions and deletions need to document and configuration options.
From the original eMule procedures of the config directory folder copy clients.met, cryptkey.dat, known2_64.met, known.met, preferences.dat, preferencesKad.dat, statistics.ini, Category.ini and other documents to the config eXcalibur Directory to retain the original credit / integration, document sharing, statistical data and information category.
If you are upgrading from eXcalibur v1.4 version from the initial run first perform a server to add all the static list server operators.
MediaInfo.dll, UnRAR.dll and ip-to-country.csv both have been upgraded to the latest version.
Containing the ipfilter has been added in the dissemination of bad block / AIDS, scanning share files, send spam servers and false news filtering rules, strongly recommends the use of.
Note: Due to the use of a new test code, this version must be with DLP + v3116 (cabinet has been provided) above the use of, or procedures will go wrong!
Cabinet of all the documents have been provided by Kaspersky antivirus software 6.0 for the latest virus scanning, if killing was soft drugs, was wrong.
eXcalibur VeryCD Mod is based on a modified version, in other words the Mod Mod. intention is the development of a smaller paper size, retain VeryCD Mod in the network within the Internet function at the same time, other Mod absorb the advantages and characteristics of all May enhance the stability and provide a more practical function.
Compared to the change VeryCD 080313 ([-] delete function [+] Add [F] repair error):
[-] Built-in browser program to enhance stability;
[-] To download documents related to the completion of feedback information to VeryCD server functions;
[-] Search keyword filtering;
[-] And installation of automatic update function;
[-] IE BHO menu and right-related functions;
[-] In the search window to visit VeryCD site search function;
[-] Community points to function better with foreign exchange client data increased credit points;
[-] PopMule function;
[-] Transfer window pop-up menu in Jinshan drug Pa Cha Du-line functions;
[-] Default toolbar style, eMule restore the default toolbar;
[-] Error reporting module;
[-] Transfer list and share lists, and search the list of the "Notes" column;
[-] Laws Update link check invalid;
[-] Has been useless client filtering;
[-] Users were forced to add the label [CHN] and [VeryCD] functions;
[-] The minimum 30 K upload or download speed limit of the 1:4 ratio of the function (resume official version of the speed limit set);
[-] PNG format flash-screen picture flash back to the original screen image;
[-] Multi-language selection, retaining only English (WTF! no English there) interface; REPLACED with CHINESE does not contain one English word in the Interface + Blow up the emule.exe size of 75 - 138 kb by ripping the Multilanguage support!
[+] Transfer window color display LowID user function (from Xtreme)
[+] Transfer window and share the bulk of the window to rename function (from Xtreme)
[+] All the window display complete version of the client information (client version + Mod version); (from Xtreme)
[+] Custom TCP protocol encryption length of string attached to the embargo against ISP (from Xtreme)
[+] Transfer list show other client completion percentage (from Xtreme)
[+] Color to share files in the list has not yet been completed in order to distinguish the paper (from Xtreme)
[+] Recognition eMule Plus client, no longer appear as eMule Compat; (from Magic Angel)
[+] Detected Leecher Mods can automatically call a custom string to notify users of blood-sucking mule and (from Magic Angel)
[+] Add automatic backup integral document, configuration files and documents Part of the function (from Magic Angel)
[+] Add always show the system tray icon function to facilitate adjustment of the speed limit at any time, (from EasyMule)
[+] Output from DLP information and detailed log output, may choose to show only single DLP detection information (from EasyMule)
[+] Reduce the high-speed upload / download data compression and because of the CPU utilization (from MorphXT)
[+] Integrity of the anti-leecher (DLP) to support the code and reduce injury (aMule, MLdonkey, etc.) code;
[+] Sharing window on the PMP, FLV, DOCX, XPM, SQX, APP, ODS, ODT, WPS, and other types of identification documents;
[+] Initial run automatically set some parameters to reduce the allocation of difficulty;
[+] The use of an external interface language documents show that some finished log;
[+] Quick call DLP_Updater.exe online update DLP module (Tools menu -> DLP + online update);
[+] Merger Xtreme related to find the source code to find a better source;
[+] Share the list right-right-menu ed2k link directly copy the document;
[+] Output DLP detection information to logs \ antiLeech.log (optional);
[+] Mini mule into long strips (reservations upload / download speed display and function button) to reduce the occupied area of the screen;
[+] Transfer window shown below queue charts and graphs of Leecher Mods;
[+] Known to line up windows and window pop-up menu, Add / Remove friends;
[+] Tools -> IP filtering rules to add window Quick Edit / override button;
[+] Enhance the DLP punitive options, optional settings in order to prevent the queue, integral home, and the slow increase in the proportion designated points;
Note: stop the queue: Leecher Mods into the queue; zero points home: Leecher Mods can enter the queue, but has always been integral to 0;
Reduce integral: Leecher Mods can enter the queue, but the unit time was integral to the normal client is the designated ratio;
[+] Optimize connection VeryCD / IA / Popgo servers, without inserting the corresponding tab connected server;
[+] The opening of the credit system and mandatory safety certification avoid misuse uncheck the other client was punished;
[+] Advanced options can be defined in the process shows the date and time format;
[+] Client information displayed in the window DLP testing and operation types;
[+] Single file of the buffer increased to 40 MB limit to meet high-bandwidth users need to adjust the (occupation has become a memory);
[+] If the crash was not re-run coverage by the last normal backup documents;
[+] WinSock2 support;
[+] Since the definition of Leecher Mod clients to stop time (2-12 hours).
[+] Stop the offensive client (crazy request documents / Send message, invalid or frequent replacement ID);
[+] IP changes (Diaoxian-even) in the queue automatically notify all the client and re-request all sources;
[+] Replacement and re-edit of the icon resources procedures to reduce the file size;
[+] Conversations automatically prevent damage to the transmission of client data blocks (from Xtreme)
[+] Manually from some source to stop receiving data (from Xtreme)
[+] Memory is no longer in use AICH Check Code (from Xtreme)
[+] Share window display download history (from Xtreme)
[+] Connected to the network or upload / download speeds into the system when the ban standby;
[+] Delete more than 20 documents list only 20 documents before the confirmation dialog to avoid shoring;
[+] Non-default choice when the incoming directory which has prompted it to share documents;
[+] Strengthen Vagaa client filtering;
[F] system tray menu after adjusting the speed limit can not be saved settings;
[F] location and size of the control of resources calls do not match;
[F] the remainder of the output is not in line with China's user habits, and dismiss the remaining size of the display;
[F] window in the "me" and "network information" window Chinese character too small;
[F] agreement in connection linking the potential transmission of the conflict and not enough strict definition of variables;
[F] DLP for loading, overloading, not to display the error message;
[F] will occasionally start a "server is running in the" Tip of the problem;
[F] transfer window in the list of the various agreements encryption and security authentication icon does not show the correct mistakes;
[F] in the Vista system on the part of the directory and Kad compatibility issues;
[F] with the sources added keyword eD2K links error;
[F] subject to change after the share files list directory tree icon shows abnormal and open the file directory is not normal;
[F] transfer list QR sort incorrect;
[F] anti-leecher information panel at a exported information can not be highlighted;
[F] send a blank shared directory;
[F] AICH, CBB, DeadSource deal with the collapse of the code hidden dangers;
[F] Unicode search window box in some systems can not automatically check;
[F] can not be manually lifted to stop Leecher Mods;
[F] CXImage image processing library upgrade to v6.0 image processing to solve the problem;
[F] update for libpng to v1.2.28;
[F] filter ed2k link in the control characters;
[F] repair startup with deleted categories of problems;
[F] enable / disable queue list does not show in time to refresh the list of issues and do not show the floating button prompts the question;
[F] ed2k link address in ed2k: no longer case-sensitive;
[F] standby or hibernation after the resumption of automatically re-connect to the network (server / Kad);
Other minor code improvements and improvements ..
International Version with 14 Languages included:
not compressed
eMule_v0.48a_eXcalibur_v1.8-all-Languages.7z 4.34 MB - Mirror
upx compressed
eMule_v0.48a_eXcalibur_v1.8-all-Languages-upx.7z 4.43 MB - Mirror
Extra Language Pack +27 Languages:
lang.rar 400.93 KB - Mirror
UPDATE!!! Language/Code Page: 1033/1200 HOTFIX + Up: Down: was changed fixed now: if you get any codepage errors replace emule.exe with this one: updated emule.exe (replace with the old one) Mirrors:
eMule_v0.48a_eXcalibur_v1.8 - emule exe fix.rar- Mirror
eMule v0.48a eXcalibur 1.8
Click here to check if a new version is available
Modded By 风之痕 [ http://fzh.soft2cn.cn/ ] Based On VeryCD 080627 Source Code
eMule is eMule, not eDonkey or Overnet. (-..-)
BBS-Website for suggestions and support eXcalibur 使用帮助: http://bbs.soft2cn.cn/thread-1941-1-1.html
I was known that (Home zero points) - Client 85.181.19x.xx '[odins-wikingergilde]pelz_H[DieGesandtenWalhallas] {OuhmF} [hBCQNx]' (eMule v0.48a [Trehogger],Connecting/None/None) is a ed2k net cheater 0 credits Applejuice drunk junk
It's a Anti-Leecher Mod but a very fast one! links fixed 20.12.08
It's a very fast and light mod. Thank you
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