06 December 2010

eMule 0.50a UltiMatix v5.0 - Based on SaintAngel

eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Based on [SaintAngel]

Engo3K changes for eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Build: Dec 4 2010
+Updated to MorphXT v12.5
+PowerShare for WebInterface
+High resulution speedmeter on toolbar
+Limit PS by amount of data uploaded (% of file size)
+Server.met url (ServerWind.)
-Server ads
+Automatic shared files updater
+Don't Ban community/Friends
+UpPrios Whith-PS in DL-List
+PBF 1MB-Start (adjustable) for Part&Finished Files
+Bold for Friend & Unlimitedslot
+CommColor orange
+Newest MediaInfo.dll from [MorphCA]
+eMule Skin from "Cloudas" (Skin profile eMule) to bin package from [MorphCA]
+HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 40 MB with steps of 500 KB
+HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins)
+Save Last Request - SharedFilesWindow
+Share Permission -Hide/Comm/Friend/All
+Many icons
+Push Part Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Push Finished Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Average Queue Ranking
+Show Session Download
+Fixed Release Boost + for partfiles (not Release Bonus [X-Ray])
+Color red for PowerShare Files up/queuelist
+FileReaskTime for NNS & Unknown Src. to [20-58] mins
+See onuploadqueue/feedback
+Max client upload time [5-360] mins
+Multi chunk transfer
+Remove block ratio [BR:] clients
+Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
+Unlimited Slot
+Clear Banlist
+AntiQRFull [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+AntiCommunity [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+AntiMod [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+Punish for Non SUI Clients [0 Score/*0.1/*0.2/off] - Argos
+Friend Boost [2-500]
+Community Boost [2-500]
+Custom Prioritys
+Client-BAN All List
+Client Ban-Time [0-24h]
+Color for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
+Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
+Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
+GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
+MSS Settings [=MTU-40]
+Slot Limiter [2-255]
+Kick All Upload Slots
+Kick single Upload Slot
+Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
+Upload nur an eMule Clients
+Adjustable Modname
+Client Details copyable for better add to anticomm/mod
+UBT for client Datarate
+Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off
-PowerShare restrictions for partfile
-Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to 0KB/s = Unlimited)
-Remove some Release Nick/Mods (AntiLeech+MagicAntileech.dll)

Changelog for eMule v0.50a [SaintAngel v1.2.1/1.1]
Based on MorphXT
Add: Show KAD flags&IP [X-Ray]
Added: Shared file extension filter(don't share them)[dolphinx/changed by angvil]
Added: Show runtime&nick on title [MorphCA]
Added: Some mod icons
Changed: change user-agent to 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1) Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8'
Removed:Some codes
Added: Release Bonus [X-Ray]
Added: Show CPU&RAM useage [StulleMule/Katana]
Added: Show User IP
Changed: Some small changed



Direct Download



Anonymous said...

Endlich ist mein Lieblingsmod wieder da! Sehr geiler Mod!Vereint alles in einem!Mit den Vielen Optionen kann man fast alles einstellen!Nichts für Anfänger!

Recon said...

Steckt ne Menge arbeit drin, dass sieht man. Danke an Engo3K.

Hier auf der Seite kannst du eine Bewertung hinterlassen indem Du dich kurz bei Google anmeldest und auf "Recommend it" klickst. Währe toll denn dann kann man seinen lieblings Mod auf der Frontseite unter Recommended Posts hochranken.

Anonymous said...

Weiter so!Dank an Engo3K klasse Arbeit!Der Mod vereint das beste von den anderen populären Mods!Schön das es jemand geschafft hat es in nur einem Mod zu vereinen!!Habe schon lange auf den 5.0 gewartet!

Anonymous said...

Super Mod!Sehr guter Morph Clone und endlich mal mit ordentlichen antileechersystem!!Thanks to Engo3K!!!

Anonymous said...

Endlich mal wieder ein guter Mod hier auf der SEITE und nicht nur immer dieser misst mit 3 Änderungen!Habe ihn schon 2Tage voll laufen ohne Probleme!Keine Abstürze oder so was!Gute Arbeit!!Danke an Engo3K!
LG Darkbits´mule

Unknown said...

Danke allen für das Lob und für die schön gemachte Post :-)

Unknown said...

Build: Dec 18 2010
+Drop sources + dropIcons + auto drop immunity
+Sivka File Settings>(adjustable per file)
+UNBAN detected leecher - DownloadList/ClientList/QueueList
+Ask Clients For New XS Sources
+Ask Server For New Sources
+Dropped src from UploadQueue +Log - (does not seem to have own reqfile! - Mod's with Share-Levels, DaZZle Leecher)
+don't drop complete sources [taz] : simplified version due to the change of show # of dropped sources
+change show # of dropped sources : shift m_ShowDroppedSrc to CDownloadQueue::RemoveSourceAndDontAsk
+fix show # of dropped sources : count only dropped
+fix CUPnP_IGDControlPoint : don't rely in module pointer which is "0"ed on constructor [taz]
+fix ICS preview priority [taz] : piority values were reversed

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