22 December 2010

eMule 0.50a ZZ-R 3.8

ZZ-R 3.8 - 22.12.2010

+ Update to ZZUL-TRA 1.9 codebase
+ Fixed anti nick thief
+ Additional AntiLeech list (anti-mod/nick) [idea from iONiX/WiZaRd]
+ Some minor fixes
+ Colors defeatable in preferences.ini
- Removed old anti mod


DownloadeMule0.50a.ZZ-R_3.8_Bin.rar 3.61 MB

Direct Download | Mirror


Anonymous said...

Wit or with-out the country upload option in tab zzr?
If not, i pas and wil use zz-r v3.5 till that option is include.

Recon said...

this version as much i know is without.

Alternative you may checkout peerblock http://code.google.com/p/peerblock/downloads/list

with country block lists
Blocklists: http://www.iblocklist.com/lists.php

Anonymous said...

i like what you have done with the antileecher system, thanks again

Anonymous said...

oh, and plz bring back the upload slot limiter, and unlimited upload slots

Anonymous said...

there is an issue with nickthiefs receiving upload, i had to disable the releaser tags and modify my antileech.dat to ban them. before i disabled the releaser tags i could kick the nickthief but could not ban them.

Anonymous said...

I used peerblock, but its blocking the zz-r kad and servers. Also its disconnecting after 30 minutes and cant connect to server. So i'm back to the 3.5 again.

Anonymous said...

If you want to enable country flag, you have
to copy countryflag.dll and countryflag32.dll
manually to the right folder, otherwise, emule
does not recognize the 2 files in the emule


C:\Program Files\eMule\config



Does somebody know the main forum from the
ZZ-R mod?

There you have better BUG-Report and so on
... would be nice if somebody can post a link
to the forum....


Recon said...

Morph4u main forum is: http://www.specialmods.eu/

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous it works fine for me, sounds to me like you need to make sure you have "Sharing emule with other computer users" set to "store config and downloads in the program directory"

Anonymous said...

Anyone know when I use a VPN (after lot testing found one which works with full line speed), do I need to use a emule mod with netbind extended feature cause I get only lowid's?

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