Windows XP Service Pack 3 RC2 Build 3300

Microsoft presents Release Candidate 2 of Service Pack 3 for Windows XP
Microsoft is putting the finishing touches to Service Pack 3 for Windows XP. Last December, the first Release Candidate (RC) of SP3 was made available for public download; now, Microsoft has released a second RC. Versions of XP that have this update report for work as "Service Pack 3, v.3300" with build number "2600.xpsp.080125-2028".
Unlike RC1, RC2 is not yet available to the general public for download, but only to a small group of registered beta testers. It is not yet clear whether Microsoft will ever make RC2 available to a larger group of testers.
SP3 upgrades all 32-bit versions of Windows XP, provided that at least Service Pack 1 has been installed. In doing so, it differs from all previous service packs: up to now, all of Microsoft's service packs have been cumulative, meaning that they contained all patches and updates of previous versions. In contrast, SP3 for XP only contains the patches and updates that have appeared since SP1. RC2 also contains a number of add-ons available separately, such as Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) 2.5, Windows Installer 3.1, Management Console (MMC) 3.0 and Core XML Services 6.0.
The final version of SP3 is expected sometime in the first two quarters of 2008, by which Microsoft usually means the second quarter, not the first. SP3 will be the last service pack for XP. However, patches for security problems that Microsoft categorises as critical will continue to be available for free until at least 2014. (jk/c't)
This is the self-extracting executable that contains the update package for Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate 2.
It is recommended that you apply this update package to an activated, genuine copy of Windows XP, in a test environment. As with any pre-release software, it is also recommended that you back up files and settings on your machine before applying this update package. You may apply this package to previous pre-release editions of Windows XP Service Pack 3 (e.g., the Release Candidate Refresh).
A Microsoft disponibilizou para os beta-testers o Release Candidate 2 do Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Build 3300). Diferente dos builds anteriores, que eram disponibilizados quase sempre em inglês, francês, alemão e japonês, desta vez a Microsoft disponibilizou também a versão em português brasileiro.
De acordo com comentários de alguns beta-testers, o build 3300 provavelmente será o mesmo da versão RTM (isso não foi confirmado).
O Windows XP SP3 contém todas as atualizações lançadas anteriormente para o sistema operacional e inclui um pequeno número de novos recursos e funcionalidades. Entre elas estão o Network Access Protection (NAP), um novo modelo de ativação do Windows em que o usuário não precisa digitar a chave no momento da instalação, detecção de “Black Hole Router” (o Windows XP SP3 pode detectar e proteger contra roteadores que estão descartando dados) e o novo Microsoft Kernel Mode Cryptographic Module.
A versão final tem lançamento previsto para o primeiro trimestre de 2008.
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe 315 MB (330.544.680 bytes)
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-deu.exe 312.02 MB
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-jpn.exe 324.42 MB
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-ara.exe 302.08 MB
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-ptb.exe 301.67 MB
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-esn.exe 308.34 MB
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-chs.exe 334.02 MB
Download (Torrent) ENU: Windows_XP_Service_Pack_3_Build_3300_RC2.torrent
Download (Torrent) CHS VOL: Windows.XP.SP3.RC2.v3300.VOL.CN.iso.torrent
DDL CHS KB Service Pack 3 RC2 Build 3300 only:
windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-chs.exe - Mirror - Mirror
All Languages are here but required invitation: (please write a comment eXpresso to this blog if anyone get link to download build 3300 in the Languages: ptb, ara, deu, esn, jpn) or have access to a google ip range.
News Source:
Windows Update Website Hardware:
AMD CPU Driver - AMD Processor Power Management Driver version from MS Update:
DriverVer=04/16/2007, Hardware Driver > install *.inf. The AMD CPU Driver is not integrated even if from AMD Website latest CPU Driver (Nov '07) is installed before. 43.90 KB: Advanced Micro Devices - Other Hardware - AMD Processor MS update.rar
Extras Tools:
- CCleaner v2.04.543 - Slim:
- xp-Antyspy V3.96-7 (max. Connection Limit patch for tcp/ip P2P and more)
- XdN Tweaker
- TweakUI 2.10
- Registry Optimizer 3.2
Working Vista Styler for Setup CD files patching and by installed Windows:
M. Hoefs - Windows - VistaMizer
How to integrate proper SP3 in WinXP ISO (Retail, Vol, Corp,...) + KB's
uxtheme.dll collected patches (with nLite patched and extracted)
Patched UXTHEME.DLL uxtheme.dll sp3 v.3300 (Installer Chinese but patch Language independent)
Download: installer + Patched uxtheme.dll uxtheme.dllsp3v.3300.rar
Uxtheme.dll v.3300 ENU patched to use unsigned themes for cd image or with replacer for installed
Max connection limit patched to unlimited connections tcpip.sys in /system32/drivers
disabled Windows file protection WFP sfc_os.dll
Download: modified patched system files v.3300
AMD Processor Power Management Driver version is missing after update. MS Windows Update Website shows it to downloading under Hardware.
Please send me the link to download this rc2 3300 in ptb please... Great.
It's in that Chinese Forum. I can only read the few lines what google bot have indexed. I did try with a custom spyder to index that forum with google bot ID and skip .hatacc + robots.txt but non of my webhosts or me have a google ip. Browser spoofing UA to google bot doesn't work as well. They have a ip check for google bot. We don't have access to them forum, wish we have so we can pick up the other languages.
Every beta tester with access have all Languages to download but non of us is in this beta program. Im sorry but if no tester is to found and willing to give us the languages we cant provide it cause no access to it. If it will be to found on the net we post it here.
Please send me the link to download this rc2 3300 in ptb please... thanks
Ok... Thanks, and I post yes... Sorry bad english...
Please give me the link to the German version. Thanks
Please look here:
Languages added as soon found/get.
Torrent follow
Very Good Man. I hope to have a PTB Version. I don't find this release.
I keep my eyes on it and hope someone post all other languages cause WiNBETA so selfish and only did the English version download instead of selecting, as by vista the 4 gig size and download all languages so that people can select by the very first torrent already which language file they want and not just english. I found now never ending requests in the other languages. As soon anyone can provide a torrent or link to it please post here for build 3300 ptb, japan, arabic, german,... version.
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