eMule 0.47c MoD DyNamiC + nEw LoGic 1.1 Beta 1a
MoD_DyNamiC ..::#C1::..
code of eMule 0.47c [mEg@L0] 06.09.2006
Management of kad server XS reask improved
Boost DL: UL (normal and hardware)
Boost QR (normal and hardware)
AALC v1.02 ---> [for DyNamiC MOD]
Upload start Start
Community “eMul€€cheR” by Hellopacket [pP]
Ban who ban me, ban spammers...
Reask after ID changes
Fake rank for the clients filtered by the upload management and the upload protection
Copy Stat MOD
Show clients, version, position
No share files completed…
NOTICE (fr/en)
Les codes ont été optimisés afin d'avoir des taux de Download supérieurs à la version officielle. Pour de meilleurs résultats, préférez le ~Dynamic~.
Ceci vous permettra de ne pas être trop agressif ni trop d'avoir d'overhead...
Le tout pour le bon fonctionnement du programme avec le CPU et la mémoire. Pour rappel, les codes dynamics ont été complètement élaborés par le développeur du mod...La plupart sont des codes en bêta test donc seront retouchés...
Pour aider le modeur, ils ne vous reste plus qu'à essayer ce mod, les différentes options, de donner vos avis, de poster vos stats là où vous avez pris le mod:
eMule.::MoD DyNamiC #C1::.
The codes were optimized in order to have rates of Download higher than the official version. For better results, prefer the ~Dynamic~. This will enable you not to be too aggressive nor too to have overhead...
The whole for the correct operation of the program with the CPU and the memory.
For recall, the codes dynamics were completely worked out by the developer of the MOD...The majority are codes in beta test thus will be improved...
To help the modor, they but does not remain you any more to test this MOD, the various options, to deliver your opinions, of poster your stats where you took the MOD:
eMule.::MoD DyNamiC #C1::.
Rotation server (15min, 30min or 1h.)
***Codes dynamics***
. Drop source (QR, TM, FQ)… according to the number of sources and the number of bad sources…
. File reask… according to the QR of the clients...
. Reask sources (QR, TM, FQ)… idem, but, also according to the QR of the clients...
. Management of Reask… idem, but, also according to the QR of the clients...
. Upload kick… according to the number of source, the waiting list and the HL…
. Max QR… according to the number of source and the HL…
. Upload Management… according to the number of source, max QR and the HL…

eMule 0.47c - nEw LoGic 1.1 Beta 1a
eMule 0.47c nEw LoGic 1.1
beta 1a
- changed: quellen suche
- changed: quellen, server & kad reask time
- changed: mehr kad kontakte werden gesichert
- fixed: up/down raito
some other fixes
eMule 0.47c neW LoGic 1.01
- fixed: einstellungen auf der new logic seite werden nun gespeichert!
eMule 0.47c nEw LoGiC 1.0
- updatet to 0.47c
- added: show mod in download list
- some fixes
beta 0.4
- changed: friend boost
- changed: unendlich viele freundes-upload plätze vergeben
- changed: active downloads werden in farbe angezeigt
- added: up4up
- added: ban user from upload
- added: kik user from upload
- removed: Queue limit
beta 0.3
- changed: no upload,clients kommen in die warteschleife
- added: Dont publish files to server (ED2K)
- added: Only Downloads Sharing, nur was du herunterlädst wird geshared
- changed: modname wird nicht mehr mitgesendet, man wird weniger schnell gebannt
beta 0.2
- changed: fakerank with checkbiox (an/aus schalter)
- changed: no upload with checkbox (an/aus schalter)
- added: Ban4Ban
- added: eigene PrefSeite
- fixed: sp1 run fehler
beta 0.1
- removed: Upload / download raito
- added: no upload / fix gecodet (kein aus/ein schalter)
- added: fakerank / fix gecodet (kein aus/ein schalter)
Big Thanks goes to the modder & other persons that help & Support me!
eMule 0.47c - nEw LoGic 1.1 Beta 1a.7z (the original .rar distribution version from L-W is possible infected: Trojan Downloader win32 Agent)

eMule 0.47 MoD DyNamiC.7z
code of eMule 0.47c [mEg@L0] 06.09.2006
Management of kad server XS reask improved
Boost DL: UL (normal and hardware)
Boost QR (normal and hardware)
AALC v1.02 ---> [for DyNamiC MOD]
Upload start Start
Community “eMul€€cheR” by Hellopacket [pP]
Ban who ban me, ban spammers...
Reask after ID changes
Fake rank for the clients filtered by the upload management and the upload protection
Copy Stat MOD
Show clients, version, position
No share files completed…
NOTICE (fr/en)
Les codes ont été optimisés afin d'avoir des taux de Download supérieurs à la version officielle. Pour de meilleurs résultats, préférez le ~Dynamic~.
Ceci vous permettra de ne pas être trop agressif ni trop d'avoir d'overhead...
Le tout pour le bon fonctionnement du programme avec le CPU et la mémoire. Pour rappel, les codes dynamics ont été complètement élaborés par le développeur du mod...La plupart sont des codes en bêta test donc seront retouchés...
Pour aider le modeur, ils ne vous reste plus qu'à essayer ce mod, les différentes options, de donner vos avis, de poster vos stats là où vous avez pris le mod:
eMule.::MoD DyNamiC #C1::.
The codes were optimized in order to have rates of Download higher than the official version. For better results, prefer the ~Dynamic~. This will enable you not to be too aggressive nor too to have overhead...
The whole for the correct operation of the program with the CPU and the memory.
For recall, the codes dynamics were completely worked out by the developer of the MOD...The majority are codes in beta test thus will be improved...
To help the modor, they but does not remain you any more to test this MOD, the various options, to deliver your opinions, of poster your stats where you took the MOD:
eMule.::MoD DyNamiC #C1::.
Rotation server (15min, 30min or 1h.)
***Codes dynamics***
. Drop source (QR, TM, FQ)… according to the number of sources and the number of bad sources…
. File reask… according to the QR of the clients...
. Reask sources (QR, TM, FQ)… idem, but, also according to the QR of the clients...
. Management of Reask… idem, but, also according to the QR of the clients...
. Upload kick… according to the number of source, the waiting list and the HL…
. Max QR… according to the number of source and the HL…
. Upload Management… according to the number of source, max QR and the HL…

eMule 0.47c - nEw LoGic 1.1 Beta 1a
eMule 0.47c nEw LoGic 1.1
beta 1a
- changed: quellen suche
- changed: quellen, server & kad reask time
- changed: mehr kad kontakte werden gesichert
- fixed: up/down raito
some other fixes
eMule 0.47c neW LoGic 1.01
- fixed: einstellungen auf der new logic seite werden nun gespeichert!
eMule 0.47c nEw LoGiC 1.0
- updatet to 0.47c
- added: show mod in download list
- some fixes
beta 0.4
- changed: friend boost
- changed: unendlich viele freundes-upload plätze vergeben
- changed: active downloads werden in farbe angezeigt
- added: up4up
- added: ban user from upload
- added: kik user from upload
- removed: Queue limit
beta 0.3
- changed: no upload,clients kommen in die warteschleife
- added: Dont publish files to server (ED2K)
- added: Only Downloads Sharing, nur was du herunterlädst wird geshared
- changed: modname wird nicht mehr mitgesendet, man wird weniger schnell gebannt
beta 0.2
- changed: fakerank with checkbiox (an/aus schalter)
- changed: no upload with checkbox (an/aus schalter)
- added: Ban4Ban
- added: eigene PrefSeite
- fixed: sp1 run fehler
beta 0.1
- removed: Upload / download raito
- added: no upload / fix gecodet (kein aus/ein schalter)
- added: fakerank / fix gecodet (kein aus/ein schalter)
Big Thanks goes to the modder & other persons that help & Support me!
eMule 0.47c - nEw LoGic 1.1 Beta 1a.7z (the original .rar distribution version from L-W is possible infected: Trojan Downloader win32 Agent)

eMule 0.47 MoD DyNamiC.7z
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