20 May 2008

eMule 0.48a ZZUltimativ-R v1.8 Display Status Fix

- Status Display Fix
last ZZUltimativ-R Version on eMule 0.48a basis

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Anonymous said...

ZZUltimativ-R has a new name. It´s called ZZ-R now! Newest version is ZZ-R 1.1 based on 49a. Now with Dazzle-Share-Options (there is a trick to enable all Dazzle Settings). Coded by morph4u (you can find him at the same Board as MusicLover (ML)

Anonymous said...

One of the Best Mods ever! My adsl line have traffic/bandwidth limit each month. Can not upload as the requirements. I use that mod and switch to less upload later limit the upload more as soon traffic consume each month is nearly reached.
Ho do I do that to switch it to no up in emergency case?
Edit preferencias file ini by dazzle options???

I saw BCNL have TcMatic emule 0.49 compiled, how to get it, I lost all contacts to Texel? It's very good releaser mod as well.

Anonymous said...

For answers (Dazzle settings) go to the board of musiclover/morph4u/system28/dr_axel and ask morph4u!
BCNL is also on this board...not his mods, but you could find out where you can get his Mod.

Recon said...

I am still using 0.47c TCMatic. If there is any newer version, please post as comment here. The comment will not get visable.

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